148 research outputs found

    Mechanical Aspects of Nonhomogeneous Deformation of Aluminum Single Crystals under Compression along [100] and [110] Directions

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    The deformation behavior of aluminum single crystals subjected to compression along the [100] and [110] directions is numerically examined in terms of crystal plasticity. A constitutive model taking into account slip geometry in face-centered cubic crystals is developed using experimental data for the single-crystal samples with lateral sides coplanar to certain crystal planes. Two sets of calculations are performed using ABAQUS/Explicit to examine the features of plastic strain evolution in perfectly plastic and strain-hardened crystals. Special attention is given to the discussion of mechanical aspects of crystal fragmentation. Several distinct deformation stages are revealed in the calculations. In the first stage, narrow solitary fronts of plastic deformation are alternately formed near the top or bottom surfaces and then propagate towards opposite ends to save the symmetry of the crystal shape. The strain rate within the fronts is an order of magnitude higher than the average strain rate. The first stage lasts longer in the strain-hardened crystals, eventually giving way to an intermediate stage of multiple slips in different crystal parts. Finally, the crystal shape becomes asymmetrical, but no pronounced macroscopic strain localization has been revealed at any deformation stage. The second stage in perfectly plastic crystals relates to abrupt strain localization within a through-thickness band-shaped region, accompanied by macroscale crystal fragmentation. Stress analysis has shown that pure compression took place only in the first deformation stage. Once the crystal shape has lost its symmetry, the compressive stress in some regions progressively decreases to zero and eventually turns tensile

    Digital Diplomacy in Russian-European Relations: Cross-Cultural Aspects

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    The development of information and communication technologies and formation of the global information society actualizes the study of new directions in the evolution of diplomatic practice in the digital environment, including in the context of intercultural communication. The modern information revolution is characterized by the widespread and ever-growing use of social networks, blogs, wiki resources and other media platforms (labelled under the common term of Web 2.0 technologies). At the same time, the widespread use of Web 2.0 technologies and the increasing amount of time people all over the world spend there has a wide and profound impact on political and intercultural communication and diplomatic practice. A new phenomenon of digital diplomacy is gaining prominence among foreign policy tools of states and international organizations. Digital diplomacy can be defined as the use of social networks and Web 2.0 technologies in public diplomacy and international interaction by states and international organizations to achieve foreign policy goals and reach foreign audiences. According to the traditional view of digital diplomacy, which has developed in the academic literature, and is reflected in the works of authors such as M. Castells and J. Nye, it helps to strengthen network ties at the level of civil societies in different countries and thus reduces international conflicts. However, cultural differences and digital polarization can impede the potential of digital diplomacy. Today, almost all states and international organizations in the global arena are involved in the practice of digital diplomacy, and Russia is no exception. Russia actively participates in the digital diplomacy practice, by using social media and Web 2.0 tools as soft power instruments to introduce and explain foreign policy initiatives and reach foreign and domestic audiences, as stated in the Doctrine of the Information Security of Russian Federation of 2016. For Russia's foreign policy, relations with the EU countries and EU institutions are of particular importance, including in the digital sphere. However, even though both Russia and the EU countries make extensive use of digital diplomacy tools, the practice of horizontal network interaction mediated by digital technologies does not contribute to strengthening trust between countries and reducing conflicts. The authors consider incidents and allegations in the sphere of digital interaction and, based on the theory of digital polarization, conclude that the use of digital tools in horizontal interactions within digital diplomacy exacerbates intercultural differences between countries and increases conflict instead of improving mutual understanding

    Description of Synonyms in Linguodidactics: Integrative Approach (based on the Synonymous Row of Verbs with a Common Meaning ‘do nothing’)

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    The article is devoted to the description of a synonymous series of Russian verbs with a dominant idle against the background of the Vietnamese language for further presentation of Russian units in a Vietnamese audience. The approaches to the study of synonymous units traditionally highlighted in Russian linguistics are considered. The relevance of an integrative approach to the analysis of synonyms for linguodidactic purposes is substantiated. The novelty of the study is that such a comprehensive approach allows us to analyze synonyms at the level of the language system, discourse and language consciousness of native speakers. The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the synonymous row under study is included in the lexico-semantic group of behavior verbs, nuclear for the Russian language, as well as the lack of training dictionaries of Russian synonyms for foreign students. The authors determine the structure of the studied synonymic row in the Russian language, analyze the semantics, typical situations of use, the stylistic classification of units according to the components that make up the synonymic series. Particular attention is paid to data from a survey of native Russian speakers. A comparative analysis of Russian synonyms and their translation equivalents in the Vietnamese language is presented. Relevant parameters of the characteristics of the members of the synonymous row are identified to optimize the work with these units in the Vietnamese audience. Linguistic and methodological recommendations on the presentation of Russian synonyms in a Vietnamese audience are offered

    Кластерный подход к организации особых экономических зон в России и Казахстане

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    Дата поступления 26 марта 2019 г.; дата принятия к печати 13 мая 2019 г.Received March 26, 2019; accepted May 13, 2019.The article aims to study the theoretical and empirical foundations of combining free economic zones with industrial clusters. The theoretical foundation is provided by the concept of a cumulative and circular process and the theory of “new economic geography”. The empirical part deals with the creation of cluster-type economic zones in Russia and Kazakhstan. The symbiosis of special economic zones (SEZs) and clusters is expected to enhance export potential and act as a powerful catalyst for national innovative development. Establishment of clusters within the framework of the existing SEZs can bring to these zones highly efficient projects for manufacturing export-oriented products. Methodologically, the research relies on systemic and structural-functional approaches, the logical method and the method of formalization as well as on the comparative and grouping methods applied to analyze SEZs. The study also provides a general overview of the SEZs and clusters operating in Russia and Kazakhstan and indicates their main types and characteristics. The practical significance of this research is that its findings can be used to devise recommendations for improving economic performance of both countries, attracting new technologies and investments and addressing social and economic problems of the regions.Целью статьи является изучение теоретических и эмпирических основ объединения свободных экономических зон с промышленными кластерами. Теоретическая основа обеспечивается концепцией кумулятивного и кругового процесса и теорией «новой экономической географии». Эмпирическая часть посвящена созданию экономических зон кластерного типа в России и Казахстане. Ожидается, что симбиоз особых экономических зон (ОЭЗ) и кластеров усилит экспортный потенциал и станет мощным катализатором национального инновационного развития. Создание кластеров в рамках существующих ОЭЗ может принести в эти зоны высокоэффективные проекты по производству экспортно-ориентированной продукции. Методологически исследование опирается на системный и структурно-функциональный подходы, логический метод и метод формализации, а также на сравнительный и групповой методы, применяемые для анализа ОЭЗ. В исследовании также приводится общий обзор ОЭЗ и кластеров, фунционирующих в России и Казахстане, и указываются их основные типы и характеристики. Практическая значимость этого исследования заключается в том, что его результаты могут быть использованы для разработки рекомендаций по улучшению экономических показателей обеих стран, привлечению новых технологий и инвестиций и решению социальных и экономических проблем регионов

    Dynamics of the biodiversity of black and white cattle influenced by cross-breeding

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    The inter-breed crossing (crossbreeding) permits one to introduce new alleles, extend genetic diversity, and achieve desired phenotypic characteristics of initial breeds. On the other hand, crossbreeding may cause a decrease in genetic differentiation of indigenous breeds due to loss of the part of their unique allele pool. The objective of the present work was to investigate the effect of crossbreeding on the allele pool variability of Russian Black and White cattle by using 10 microsatellite loci (BM1818, BM2113, ETH10, ETH225, TGLA122, TGLA126, TGLA227, ILST005, ETH185, and ILST006). The study was performed with purebred pedigree bulls of the Russian Black and White breed (BW_PB, n = 14) and two groups of their crosses with Holsteins carrying 25,0–62,5 % (BW_KR1, n = 16) and less than 12,5 % of the Black and White gene pool (BW_KR2, n = 67). Purebred Holstein bulls (HOLST, n = 42) were used as a reference group. It was found that the increase in Holstein’s blood could lead to the observed decrease in genetic diversity evaluated by the average number of effective alleles per loci (from 4,59 ± 0,46 to 3,87 ± 0,53), by the value of the Shannon index (from 1,60 ± 0,13 to 1,46 ± 0,14) and by the observed heterozygosity degree (from 0,779 ± 0,053 to 0,687 ± 0,055). It is shown that crossbreeding with Holsteins increases the genetic similarity to HOLST: Fst = 0,058, 0,036, and 0,026; Rst = 0,088, 0,060, and 0,050; DNei = 0,306, 0,178, and 0,123 for BW_PB, BW_KR1, and BW_KR2, respectively. Decrease in the genetic difference between the Black and White breed and Holsteins due to crossbreeding is confirmed by cluster analysis. Thus, evaluation of the allele pool and the level of genetic variability in populations are necessary for the efficient management of farm animal genetic recourses

    Shared Ancestry and Signatures of Recent Selection in Gotland Sheep

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    Gotland sheep, a breed native to Gotland, Sweden (an island in the Baltic Sea), split from the Gute sheep breed approximately 100 years ago, and since, has probably been crossed with other breeds. This breed has recently gained popularity, due to its pelt quality. This study estimates the shared ancestors and identifies recent selection signatures in Gotland sheep using 600 K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotype data. Admixture analysis shows that the Gotland sheep is a distinct breed, but also has shared ancestral genomic components with Gute (similar to 50%), Karakul (similar to 30%), Romanov (similar to 20%), and Fjallnas (similar to 10%) sheep breeds. Two complementary methods were applied to detect selection signatures: A Bayesian population differentiation F-ST and an integrated haplotype homozygosity score (iHS). Our results find that seven significant SNPs (q-value < 0.05) using the F-ST analysis and 55 significant SNPs (p-value < 0.0001) using the iHS analysis. Of the candidate genes that contain significant markers, or are in proximity to them, we identify several belongings to the keratin genes, RXFP2, ADCY1, ENOX1, USF2, COX7A1, ARHGAP28, CRYBB2, CAPNS1, FMO3, and GREB1. These genes are involved in wool quality, polled and horned phenotypes, fertility, twining rate, meat quality, and growth traits. In summary, our results provide shared founders of Gotland sheep and insight into genomic regions maintained under selection after the breed was formed. These results contribute to the detection of candidate genes and QTLs underlying economic traits in sheep

    High-density genotyping reveals signatures of selection related to acclimation and economically important traits in 15 local sheep breeds from Russia

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    Domestication and centuries of selective breeding have changed genomes of sheep breeds to respond to environmental challenges and human needs. The genomes of local breeds, therefore, are valuable sources of genomic variants to be used to understand mechanisms of response to adaptation and artificial selection. As a step toward this we performed a high-density genotyping and comprehensive scans for signatures of selection in the genomes from 15 local sheep breeds reared across Russia

    Genomic assessment and phenotypic characteristics of F2 resource sheep population

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    The article presents the results of assessment of genetic diversity and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in the re-source sheep population, originated from crossing of fast-growing (Katahdin) and slow growing (Romanov) breeds for QTL mapping and search for candidate genes associated with growth rate. The study was conducted on 88 sheep from the resource population, including two unrelated families that have been reared in the Moscow region since 2017. Each family consists of a Katahdin ram (founder), Romanov’s ewes (mothers), F1 hybrids, and two groups of backcrosses. All sheep were genotyped using a high-density DNA chip Illumina Ovine Infinium® HD SNP BeadChip (~ 600 thousand SNP markers). SNP markers were filtered in the PLINK v.1.90. PCA was performed in PLINK v.1.90 and visualized in R package ggplot2. The genetic diversity indices (Ho, uHe, Ar, FIS) were calculated in R package “diveRsity”. It was established that both crosses had higher level of genetic diversity in comparison with the mother breed. F1 hybrids were characterized by the highest level of observed heterozygosity (Ho = 0.409-0.407), while Ho ranged from 0.382 to 0.396 for the backcrosses, respectively. The expected heterozygosity ranged from 0.329 to 0.356 in the groups from the resource population. Allelic richness was high in all studied groups (more than 1.849). PCA showed that the mated parent breeds were highly differentiated, as it should be in successful establishment of the resource population. The phenotypic characteristic of the backcrosses on live weight and nine body measurements at 9, 42 and 90 days is given. The coefficients of variation were the highest by live weight (17.0-19.0%), body length (15.5-22.3%) and oblique body length (16.2% and 22.7%) at 90 days. The results are intermediate and create a geno-typic and phenotypic base to perform GWAS at the next stage of our study