11 research outputs found

    RAD51 as a biomarker for homologous recombination deficiency in high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma: robustness and interobserver variability of the RAD51 test

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    The RAD51 test is emerging as a promising biomarker for the assessment of functional homologous recombination deficiency (HRD). Yet, the robustness and reproducibility of the immunofluorescence-based RAD51 test, in different academic laboratories, have not been systematically investigated. Therefore, we tested the performance of the RAD51 assay in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) high-grade serous ovarian carcinoma (HGSOC) samples in four European laboratories. Here, we confirm that subtle differences in staining procedures result in low variability of RAD51 and γH2AX scores. However, substantial variability in RAD51 scoring was observed in some samples, likely due to complicating technical and biological features, such as high RAD51 signal-to-noise ratio and RAD51 heterogeneity. These results support the need to identify and perform additional quality control steps and/or automating image analysis. Altogether, resolving technical issues should be a priority, as identifying tumours with functional HRD is urgently needed to guide the individual treatment of HGSOC patients. Follow-up studies are needed to define the key tissue quality requirements to assess HRD by RAD51 in FFPE tumour samples, as this test could help in guiding the individual treatment of HGSOC patients. MTG8 - Moleculaire pathologie van gynecologische tumorenMolecular tumour pathology - and tumour genetic

    Sci Rep

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    There is currently no therapy to limit the development of cardiac fibrosis and consequent heart failure. We have recently shown that cardiac fibrosis post-myocardial infarction (MI) can be regulated by resident cardiac cells with a fibrogenic signature and identified by the expression of PW1 (Peg3). Here we identify αV-integrin (CD51) as an essential regulator of cardiac PW1+ cells fibrogenic behavior. We used transcriptomic and proteomic approaches to identify specific cell-surface markers for cardiac PW1+ cells and found that αV-integrin (CD51) was expressed in almost all cardiac PW1+ cells (93% ± 1%), predominantly as the αVβ1 complex. αV-integrin is a subunit member of the integrin family of cell adhesion receptors and was found to activate complex of latent transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ at the surface of cardiac PW1+ cells. Pharmacological inhibition of αV-integrin reduced the profibrotic action of cardiac PW1+CD51+ cells and was associated with improved cardiac function and animal survival following MI coupled with a reduced infarct size and fibrotic lesion. These data identify a targetable pathway that regulates cardiac fibrosis in response to an ischemic injury and demonstrate that pharmacological inhibition of αV-integrin could reduce pathological outcomes following cardiac ischemia

    Does cardiac development provide heart research with novel therapeutic approaches?

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