1,927 research outputs found

    To implement a strategy: a practical guide for the Little Rabbit

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    Several articles have recently reported a growing disenchantment with strategic planning. More and more corporations feel that strategic planning has failed to provide its expected benefits. This disenchantment with strategy can be attributed primarily to the problems corporations face when it comes to implementation. This article proposes a step by step procedure for the implementation of strategy.N/

    A Theory of Synergy

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    A Practical Way to Evaluate Synergy

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    There has been recently a renewed interest in the concept of synergy due to increasing levels of economic, technological and competitive complexity which are forcing organizations to achieve greater benefits from strategic planning. There is however the need for a technique which will enable managers to evaluate on a case by case basis, the potential synergy of a new market entry. To present such a technique is the purpose of the paper.N/

    Everything is important: but some things are more important than others

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    Did you ever wonder why Nestle is so concerned with its image? And why IBM focuses . so much on service (installation, client coaching and after-sales)?-Or why Scandinavian Airlines System puts such a strong emphasis on the punctuality of its flights? In fact, each of these firms focuses on the key success factors (KSF) of their environments that is, they focus on those tasks which must be performed particularly well for an organization to outperform its competition. In the baby food business, a good image is critical for success since it decreases the risk perceived by mothers when buying the product for their children. In the computer business, the client's information processing depends more on service (installation, teaching, repairs) than on things such as hardware and distribution. Scandinavian Airlines which concentrates on the executive segment, has found that punctuality is one of the critical factors for success in such a market segment. It so happens that all these organizations, distinguish between what is more and less important in their competitive settings and focus on the former. Paraphrasing George Orwell they discovered that in the market everything is important but some things are more important than others. In spite of its importance, the empirical evidence of the key success factors has been, up to the present, based upon case-studies and anedoctes. No large survey .has ever been conducted.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A pratical way to evaluate synergy

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    There has been recently a renewed interest in the. concept of synergy due to increasing levels of economic, competitive complexity which are forcing synergy due to increasing levels of economic, technological organizations to achieve greater benefits from strategic planning to achieve greater benefits from strategic planning. There is however the need for a technique which will enable managers to evaluate on a case by case basis, the potential synergy of a new market entry. To present such a technique is the purpose of the paper.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Thermal equilibrium states in perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory in relation to Thermal Field Theory

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    In the first part, we analyse the properties of an interacting, massive scalar field in an equilibrium state over Minkowski spacetime. We compare the known real- and imaginary-time formalisms of Thermal Field Theory with the recent construction by Fredenhagen and Lindner of a KMS state for perturbative interacting theories in the context of perturbative Algebraic Quantum Field Theory, in the adiabatic limit. In particular, we show that the construction of Fredenhagen and Lindner reduces to the real-time formalism only if the cocycle which intertwines between the free and interacting dynamics can be neglected. Furthermore, the Fredenhagen and Lindner construction reduces to the ordinary imaginary-time formalism if one considers the expectation value of translation invariant observables. We thus conclude that a complete description of thermal equilibrium for interacting scalar fields is generally obtained only by means of the state constructed by Fredenhagen and Lindner, which combines both formalisms of Thermal Field Theory. We also discuss the properties of the expansion of the Fredenhagen and Lindner construction in terms of Feynman diagrams in the adiabatic limit. We finally provide examples showing that the real- and the imaginary-time formalisms fail to describe thermal equilibrium already at first or second order in perturbation theory. The results presented in this part are summarized in (BDP19). In the second part, we discuss the so-called secular effects, characterized by the appearance of polynomial divergences in the large time limit of truncated perturbative expansions of expectation values in Quantum Field Theory. We show that, although such effect is an artifact of perturbation theory, and thus may not be obtained via exactly solving the dynamical equation if possible, they do not represent the breakdown of perturbation theory itself. Instead, we show that the polynomial divergences follow from a bad choice of state, and we present examples of states which produce expectation values whose perturbative expansion does not present secular effects. In particular, we point that it is possible to obtain non time-divergent perturbative expressions from thermal equilibrium states for the interacting theory. This last part is based on a research project which, by the time this thesis was written, had not been concluded yet

    Shareholder activism worldwide: Evidence from voting

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    A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Finance from the NOVA – School of Business and EconomicsVoting is one of the ways shareholders have to exercise governance. Using 19 countries, through a period of five years, we examine whether institutional investors promote better governance. We analyze if their presence in companies is linked with higher levels of shareholder activism, through voting. We find that companies with more institutional investors are subject to more votes “against” at Annual General Meetings, therefore implying that institutions promote better governance practices. Moreover, we find that foreign investors are the ones who drive higher levels of activism. Around the world, companies located in countries with less shareholder protective legal frameworks are the ones subject to higher scrutiny from shareholders

    Produção de grãos de sete cultivares de milho em três latossolos da região de Sete Lagoas, MG.

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    Os resultados interativos entre cultivares de milho, algumas das quais materiais experimentais, e as condicoes edaficas e climaticas prevalentes durante o ciclo de desenvolvimento das plantas, constituiram a meta principal do ensaio realizado em latossolos do Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Milho e Sorgo. Foram utilizadas as cultivares: BR 200X, BR 201X, BR 201X, Cargill 111 e Cargill 121, CMS 13 e CMS 14, sendo as duas ultimas, populacoes e as outras hibridos de linhagens. Os solos utilizados foram: Latossolo Vermelho Escuro Distrofico fase cerradao (LED1), Latossolo Vermelho Escuro Distrofico fase cerrado (LEd2) e Latossolo Vermelho Amarelo Distrofico fase cerrado (LVd). Os rendimentos culturais do ano agricola 1980/81 obtidos em solos sob vegetacao típica de cerrado (LEd2 e LVd), na primeira e segunda epocas de plantio, foram significativamente maiores que os obtidos na ultima semeadura(3.). Enquanto que em solos sob vegetacao de cerradao (LEd1), tais resultados nao foram observados. Isso se deve a que estes ultimos solos estao distantes dos primeiros cerca de 4 km, tendo ocorrido na area destes solos (LEd1) duas precipitacoes pluviometricas durante o mes de fevereiro com intervalo de 12 dias,, totalizando 62,7mm de chuvas, em quanto nas outras areas as precipitacoes foram apenas de 20,7mm. De modo geral as producoes refletiram as condicoes de fertilidade dos solos e a capacidade de retencao de umidade