526 research outputs found

    Jacob, the Torah, and the Abrahamic Promise : Studies on the Use and Interpretation of the Jacob Story in the Book of Jubilees

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    I denna avhandling forskar jag i den tidiga judiska receptionshistorian av Genesis (Första Moseboken). Fokus ligger pa Jubileerboken (c. 170–150 f.Kr.), ett verk som har ofta kallats ett parallelexempel pĂ„ fenomenet ”omskriven bibel” (”Rewritten Bible”). Det handlar mest om ett antikt (och modernt) fenomen dĂ€r man berĂ€ttar och skriver om bibliska berĂ€ttelser med hjĂ€lp av olika tolkningstraditioner som Ă€r anknutna till den bibliska texten. Genom att undersöka Jubileerboken och jĂ€mföra den med Genesis kan man avslöja hur berĂ€ttelserna i Genesis har anvĂ€nts och tolkats under det andra Ă„rhundradet f.Kr. Eftersom patriark Jakob stĂ„r i fokus i Jubileerboken, har jag fokuserat pĂ„ honom som huvudgestalt och undersökt hur JakobberĂ€ttelsen har tolkats och anvĂ€nts. Avhandlingen bestĂ„r av fyra delar. I det första kapitlet inleder jag studiet genom att diskutera Jubileerbokens mĂ„ngfacetterade texthistoria. Den etiopiska texttraditionen har bevarat hela texten, sĂ„ dĂ€rför stĂ„r den i fokus. Den Ă€r ocksa tillrĂ€ckligt tillförlitlig för att sĂ€ga nĂ„got om den tidiga judendomen i andra Ă„rh. f.Kr. trots att manuskriptevidensen hĂ€rstammar frĂ„n medeltiden. DĂ€rutöver diskuterar jag olika möjliga redaktioner som boken kan ha haft och kommer till den slutsatsen att den ursprungligen varit en helhet som dock kan ha redigerats mer i Qumrankretsen, Ă„tminstone för delen Jub 1:15b–25. SjĂ€lva avhandlingen innehĂ„ller tre studier, av vilka tva (kap. 2 och 3) handlar om förhĂ„llandet mellan Jakob och Toran, och ett (kap. 4) handlar om förhĂ„llandet mellan Jakob och Abrahamslöftet. Med Abrahamslöftet menas i detta studium de löften som Gud gav Ă„t Abraham i Genesis 12:1–3 och paralleltexter, nĂ€mligen (1) land, (2) sĂ€d/avkomlingar, (3) stort namn samt (4) vĂ€lsignelsen. I det andra kapitlet behandlar jag hur psalm 78 har tolkats i Jubileerboken. Som utgĂ„ngspunkt har jag Ps 78:5 dĂ€r det stĂ„r att Gud har ”placerat sitt testimonium i Jakob, och satt sin Tora i Israel.” Jubileerbokens författare har tolkat versen att tyda pĂ„ att patriark Jakob har fĂ„tt lagen. SjĂ€lva termerna ”testimonium” (ŚȘŚąŚ•Ś“Ś” /ŚąŚ“Ś•ŚȘ ) och ”Tora” (ŚȘŚ•ŚšŚ” ) Ă€r viktiga för författaren, som hela tiden hĂ€nvisar till ”testimoniet” som har skrivits pĂ„ himmelska tavlor. Av allt att döma har författaren anvĂ€nt det tidiga gezera shava -tolkningssĂ€ttet, dĂ€r ovanliga ord och uttryck i olika texter tolkas i ljuset av varandra. Nu har författaren anvĂ€nt Ps 78:5 och kombinerat den med Jes 8:16, 20 och Rut 4:7 och kommit till den slutsatsen att Jakob har fĂ„tt Toran som helhet, och att uppenbarelsen angĂ„ende lagen eller halakha har fullbordats i Jakobs tid. Jakob ger budskapet vidare till sin son Levi, som ska förkunna det för Israels folk (Jub 45:16). Denna transmittering av materialet som Jakob gör med Levi Ă€r annorlunda Ă€n det som sker med patriarkerna före Jakob, men sjĂ€lva traditionsförmedlingen Ă€r nĂ„got som ocksĂ„ Ps 78:5–8 betonar och som Ă€r viktigt för författaren till Jubileerboken. Tredje kapitlet handlar om hur författaren har kombinerat patriark Jakob med Deuteronomium (Femte Moseboken). Deuteronomium har skrivits som tilltal till Israel. I tilltalet förekommer andra person singularis och pluralis vĂ€xelvis. I studien lyfter jag fram Jub 30–32 (jfr. Gen 34–35) som utgĂ„ngspunkt och visar hur författaren har kombinerat deuteronomiska bud med Jakobs liv. Jakob heter ocksa Israel. I den omskrivna versionen av Jubileerboken Ă€r Jakob en perfekt israelit, som uppfyller de deuteronomiska lagarna in i minsta detalj och som redan fĂ„tt alla lagar. NĂ€r det under författarens tid förekom risken att man trodde att patriarkerna inte kĂ€nde Toran, sĂ„ anser författaren tvĂ€rtom. De kĂ€nde dem, och uppfyllde dem sĂ„ bra som möjligt. Under Jakobs=Israels tid blev allt klart, och dĂ€rför ska alla följa författarens lagtolkning. FjĂ€rde kapitlet Ă€r ett studium om Abrahamslöftet och dess reception i Jubileerboken. Det visade sig att löftet spelar en vĂ€ldig stor roll i Jubileerboken. Löftet tolkas pa konditionellt sĂ€tt: Redan frĂ„n början (Jub 12) Ă€r Abraham den aktiva parten som tar första initiativet, och patriarkernas aktiva roll betonas i hela boken. Författaren har ocksĂ„ lagt in flera betydelsefulla tillĂ€gg som inte har nĂ„gon parallel i Gen. Dessa inkluderar Abrahams tal till Rebecka (Jub 19), hans testament till sina söner (Jub 20), till Isak (Jub 21), Jakob (Jub 22), Rebeckas tilltal till Jakob (Jub 25) samt Rebecka och Isaks testamente till Jakob och Esau (Jub 35–36). Gen 18:18–19 fungerar som hermeneutisk nyckel till löftet. BĂ„de de omskrivna delarna och de tillĂ€gg, av vilka nĂ„gra vĂ€l kan hĂ€rstamma frĂ„n tidigare tolkningstraditioner, visar att löftet om Abrahams sĂ€d har tolkats att hĂ€nvisa till Jakob. Jakob repsenterar sĂ„ledes en typos, förebild av en ideal israelit, som följer Toran enligt författarens halakha. Samtidigt har denna tolkning kombinerats med tanken pa Jakob som ”helig sĂ€d” och representant av ”resten” som Ă€r ocksa viktiga termer i Jes och Esra-Neh. Inte alla etniska judar hör till Jakob/Israel, utan Esau fungerar ocksĂ„ som typos av en apostat som inte Ă€rver löftet. Löftet om landet har tolkats pĂ„ tvĂ„ olika sĂ€tt: Ă„ ena sidan handlar det Ă€nnu om det utlovade landet, men Ă„ andra sidan har det ocksĂ„ tolkats som att gĂ€lla hela vĂ€rlden. Detta kan systematiseras pĂ„ sĂ„dant sĂ€tt att det lovade landet stĂ„r som högkvarteret till Israels hegemoni, som sedan sprids Ă„t hela vĂ€rlden. Levi som typos till leviter/prĂ€ster samt Juda som typos till (messiansk) kung Ă€r huvudaktörer i det hur hegemonin blir realitet. Genom dessa tvĂ„ söner och de institutioner och individer som de representerar blir ocksĂ„ Abrahams namn stort, sĂ„som löftet om stort namn lovade. NĂ€r Jakob/Israel följer lagen enligt författarens halakha, sĂ„ blir de ocksa vĂ€lsignade. Denna vĂ€lsignelse har bĂ„de partikularistiska och universalistiska drag. Å ena sidan kan andra folk endast begĂ€ra samma slags vĂ€lsingelse (Jub 20:9, en tolkning av nif’al/hitpa’el-formen av Ś‘ŚšŚš “vĂ€lsigna” i Gen 12:3 par.), Ă„ andra sidan reparerar dessa vĂ€lsignelser vĂ€rlden (Jub 19:25). Patriark Jakob stĂ„r sĂ„ledes som ett exempel pĂ„ hur alla sanna israeliter ska bete sig. De ska uppfylla lagen. NĂ€r lagen Ă€r uppfylld, kan de ocksa Ă€rva de löften som gavs Ă„t Abraham. I slutet av avhandlingen visar jag att Jubileerboken kan fungera som viktigt parallelmaterial bl.a. för forskare av Nya testamentet och sĂ€rskilt i Paulusforskning, eftersom Pauli syn pĂ„ bĂ„de Abrahamslöftet och Toran stĂ„r i motsats till den som finns i Jubileerboken. Patriark Jakob har ocksĂ„ kopplats intimt ihop med Deuteronomium i senare rabbinska tolkningstraditioner (t.ex. Sifre Deuteronomium), men sjĂ€lva tolkningstraditionen Ă€r mycket Ă€ldre Ă€n vad forskarna har tidigare trott

    Relation between substorm characteristics and rapid temporal variations of the ground magnetic field

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    Auroral substorms are one of the major causes of large geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) in technological systems. This study deals with different phases of the auroral substorm concerning their severity from the GIC viewpoint. Our database consists of 833 substorms observed by the IMAGE magnetometer network in 1997 (around sunspot minimum) and 1999 (rising phase of the sunspot cycle), divided into two classes according to the <i>D<sub>st</sub></i> index: non-storm (<i>D<sub>st</sub></i>>-40 nT, 696 events) and storm-time ones (<i>D<sub>st</sub></i><-40 nT, 137 events). The key quantity concerning GIC is the time derivative of the horizontal magnetic field vector (<i>d</i><i><b>H</b></i>/<i>dt</i>) whose largest values during substorms occur most probably at about 5 min after the onset at stations with CGM latitude less than 72 deg. When looking at the median time of the occurrence of the maximum <i>d</i><i><b>H</b></i>/<i>dt</i> after the expansion onset, it increases as a function of latitude from about 15 min at CGM lat=56 deg to about 45 min at CGM lat=75 deg for non-storm substorms. For storm-time events, these times are about 5 min longer. Based on calculated ionospheric equivalent currents, large <i>d</i><i><b>H</b></i>/<i>dt</i> occur mostly during the substorm onset when the amplitude of the westward electrojet increases rapidly

    Auroral electrojets during deep solar minimum at the end of solar cycle 23

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    We investigate the auroral electrojet activity during the deep minimum at the end of solar cycle 23 (2008–2009) by comparing data from the IMAGE magnetometer chain, auroral observations in Fennoscandia and Svalbard, and solar wind and interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) observations from the OMNI database from that period with those recorded one solar cycle earlier. We examine the eastward and westward electrojets and the midnight sector separately. The electrojets during 2008–2009 were found to be weaker and at more poleward latitudes than during other times, but when similar driving solar wind and IMF conditions are compared, the behavior in the morning and evening sectors during 2008–2009 was similar to other periods. On the other hand, the midnight sector shows distinct behavior during 2008–2009: for similar driving conditions, the electrojets resided at further poleward latitudes and on average were weaker than during other periods. Furthermore, the substorm occurrence frequency seemed to saturate to a minimum level for very low levels of driving during 2009. This analysis suggests that the solar wind coupling to the ionosphere during 2008–2009 was similar to other periods but that the magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling has features that are unique to this period of very low solar activity.Peer reviewe

    Early auroral photography and observations at the SodankylĂ€ Geophysical Observatory in Finland, 1927–1929

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    In Finland, auroral photography started in 1927 at the SodankylĂ€ Geophysical Observatory (SGO) with the initiative of famous Norwegian scientist Carl Störmer. In less than 2 years about 600 photographs of auroras were taken at SodankylĂ€. Some of the images were obtained simultaneously at auxiliary stations for parallactic determinations of the height of auroral arcs. Most of the pictures of auroras were lost in the destruction of the SGO during the war in 1944. About 200 images were rescued in the archive of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, where they were recently found. These pictures of auroras are the first ones taken in Finland. These photographs are now digitized and archived in the SGO. During the polar year period 1932–1933, auroral photography was mostly discontinued, but visual observations of auroras were made instead at several sites in Lapland. The main sources of information about the history of auroral images are handwritten notebooks of Eyvind Sucksdorff for 1927–1929. They contain relevant data for each photograph (date, exposure time, orientation of camera etc.). In Appendix A there are tables showing the dates of rescued auroral photographs as well as the lost ones. In Finland, Sucksdorff's contribution to studies of auroras was a pioneering effort with minimal resources. Regular photographing of auroras started in Finland during the International Geophysical Year (IGY) 1957–1958.</p

    The clinical course of schizophrenia in women and men-a nation-wide cohort study

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    Gender differences in schizophrenia have been reported in different aspect of the course of disease and may urge special clinical interventions for female patients. Current literature provides insufficient information to design guidelines for treating women with schizophrenia. We aim to quantify the clinical course of schizophrenia in men and women on premorbid hospitalizations and prescription drugs, age at diagnosis, pharmacological treatment, comorbidity, number of re-hospitalizations, and mortality. Our nationwide cohort study included all patients admitted for the first time to hospital during 2000-2014 for schizophrenia or schizo-affective disorder in Finland. Gender differences were compared with logistic regression, by calculating incidence rates, and mortality was assessed with Cox proportional hazard model. We included 7142 women and 9006 men with schizophrenia/schizo-affective disorder and found that both women (71%) and men (70%) had often been hospitalized for another psychiatric disorder in the 5 years before diagnosis. In women, the last psychiatric hospitalization before schizophrenia/schizo-affective diagnosis was often for mood disorders (62%, OR 2.56, 95% CI 2.28-2.87). Men were diagnosed earlier (mean 34.4 [SD12.6] vs. 38.2 [SD 13.8]) with peak incidence around 22, while incidence in women declining only slowly between age 18 and 65. During ten years follow-up, 69.5% of both genders needed at least one re-hospitalization, with slightly more hospitalizations in women. Women were less often prescribed clozapine or long-acting antipsychotics. Mortality was lower in women (HR = 0.54, 95% CI 0.50-0.60), with fewer suicide and cardiovascular deaths, but more cancer deaths. These results suggest a diagnostic delay for women, which might be shortened by screening women aged 20-65 participating in affective disorder programs. As number of hospitalizations is not lower for women, clinicians should take care not to undertreat women with schizophrenia

    The effects of an alpha-2-adrenoceptor agonist, antagonist, and their combination on the blood insulin, glucose, and glucagon concentrations in insulin sensitive and dysregulated horses

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    Alpha-2-adrenoceptor agonists are sedatives that can cause fluctuations in serum insulin and blood glucose (BG) concentrations in horses. The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of detomidine and vatinoxan on BG, insulin, and glucagon concentrations in horses with and without insulin dysregulation (ID). In a blinded cross-over design, eight horses with ID and eight horses without ID were assigned to each of four treatments: detomidine (0.02 mg/kg; DET), vatinoxan (0.2 mg/kg; VAT), detomidine + vatinoxan (DET + VAT), and saline control (SAL). Blood samples were taken at 0,1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 h. Change from baseline was used as the response in modelling, and the differences between treatments were evaluated with repeated measures analysis of covariance. P values 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).Peer reviewe

    Seasonal and Diurnal Variation of Geomagnetic Activity: Revised \u3cem\u3eDst\u3c/em\u3e Versus External Drivers

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    Daily and seasonal variability of long time series of magnetometer data from Dst stations is examined. Each station separately shows a local minimum of horizontal magnetic component near 18 local time (LT) and weakest activity near 06 LT. The stations were found to have different baselines such that the average levels of activity differed by about 10 nT. This effect was corrected for by introducing a new “base method” for the elimination of the secular variation. This changed the seasonal variability of the Dst index by about 3 nT. The hemispheric differences between the annual variation (larger activity during local winter and autumn solstice) were demonstrated and eliminated from the Dst index by addition of two Southern Hemisphere stations to a new index termed Dst6. Three external drivers of geomagnetic activity were considered: the heliographic latitude, the equinoctial effect, and the Russell–McPherron effect. Using the newly created Dst6 index, it is demonstrated that these three effects account for only about 50% of the daily and seasonal variability of the index. It is not clear what drives the other 50% of the daily and seasonal variability, but it is suggested that the station distribution may play a role

    Sukupolvien ketju : Suuret ikÀluokat ja sukupolvien vÀlinen vuorovaikutus Suomessa

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    Tutkimuksessa selvitÀÀn sukulaisten vÀlistÀ vuorovaikutusta sekÀ avunantoa suomalaisissa perheissÀ ja suvuissa. Tutkimuskohteena on kolme perhesukupolvea: suuret ikÀluokat, heidÀn aikuiset lapsensa ja vanhempansa, joista on kerÀtty laaja postikysely-, lomakehaastattelu- ja teemahaastatteluaineisto. Tutkimuskysymysten muodostamisessa ja tulosten tarkastelussa hyödynnetÀÀn aikaisempaa sosiologista sukupolvi- ja perhetutkimusta sekÀ evoluutioteorian esittÀmiÀ vastavuoroisuutta ja altruismia koskevia teorioita ja tuloksia. Tutkimuksessa kysytÀÀn, miten eri sukupolvet auttavat toisiaan, millaisia sukupolvikohtaisia eroja auttamiskÀytÀnnöissÀ esiintyy ja mitkÀ taustatekijÀt selittÀvÀt auttamista. LisÀksi selvitetÀÀn sukulaisten auttamisasenteita ja tyytyvÀisyyttÀ saatuun apuun sekÀ auttamiseen liittyviÀ ristiriitoja. NÀiden ohella tarkastellaan, miten sukupolvien vÀliset sosiaaliset suhteet kytkeytyvÀt auttamiskÀytÀntöihin. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, ettÀ sukulaisapu on tÀrkeÀ tekijÀ ihmisten vÀlisessÀ vuorovaikutuksessa. Ihmiset ovat eniten yhteydessÀ biologisiin sukulaisiinsa, auttavat heitÀ eniten ja saavat heiltÀ eniten apua. MitÀ keskeisemmÀstÀ avun muodosta on kysymys, sitÀ tÀrkeÀmpiÀ lÀhisukulaiset ovat. Toisaalta apua annetaan useille eri sukulaisille, mutta avun nettovirta kulkee sukulinjassa vanhemmilta nuoremmille polville. Keskeinen tulos onkin se, ettÀ suuret ikÀluokat antavat apua enemmÀn lapsilleen kuin vanhemmilleen. Sukupolvien vÀliset erot auttamisessa liittyvÀt yleensÀ vastaajien ikÀÀn tai elÀmÀnvaiheeseen. Vastaajat ovat tavallisesti saaneet pyytÀessÀÀn apua ja ovat yleensÀ myös tyytyvÀisiÀ saamaansa apuun. Sukulaisten auttaminen onkin valtaosalle itsestÀÀn selvÀÀ riippumatta siitÀ, koetaanko sitÀ varsinaisesti velvollisuudeksi. Huolimatta siitÀ, ettÀ sukulaisten auttaminen on runsasta, vain harvat mieltÀvÀt esimerkiksi vanhusten auttamisen yksinomaan perheen velvollisuudeksi.11,00 euro
