29 research outputs found

    Water Governance for Urban Resilience Analysis of Key Factors and the Role of Stakeholders in Metropolitan Area

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    Water governance is critical for water security and as enabling condition to achieve urban resilience. Water governance involves multi-actor, multi-sector and multi-level. Water governance system is the foundation for all stakeholders involved in water management in urban areas. Clarity of roles and responsibilities of each actor and coordination at all levels can help to meet the goals of urban water security to be more efficient, effective and inclusive. This article highlights the current water governance in a metropolitan area with level analysis on policy, organizational and operational. This is a multidisciplinary perspective of environmental science and public policy. Bandung Metropolitan Area (BMA) is chosen as a case study. Data and information gathered from secondary sources. The output is an initial baseline of water governance in BMA including key factors shaping water governance and role of stakeholder. This result will be used for the further research on dynamic and adaptive governance on the urban water sector

    Pengaruh Media Audio Visual Terhadap Pembelajaran Tendangan Mawashigeri Beladiri Karate Di SMP

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    The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of audio-visual media to mawashigeri learning karate in class VIII A SMP Negeri 4 Sambas district of West Borneo Province. The method used was experimental. Experimental form using one group pretest-posttes design. Intake of this study using purposive sampling technique with a number of 24 people. Data analysis was performed by t-test analysis. From the test results are known mawashigeri kick thitung> ttable (10.02> 2.06866) can be concluded that the hypothesis is accepted, which means there is influence. There is a change in the test kicks mawashigeri increase of 35.7%. This is based on test results mawashigeri kick after treated (treatment), where the mean possttest larger than the mean pretest (23.9> 17.5)

    Penurunan Konsentrasi Amonia, Nitrat, Nitrit Dan Cod Dalam Limbah Cair Tahu Dengan Menggunakan Biofilm – Kolam (Pond) Media Pipa Pvc Sarang Tawon Dan Tempurung Kelapa Disertai Penambahan Ecotru

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    Tofu is molded from solid food extract soybean (Glycine sp) with the deposition process at the isoelectric point of the protein, which is a condition where a clot has formed (solid) perfect protein.Tofu industry produces wastewater which can lead to pollution of the environment.One of the tofu liquid waste treatment is to use the technology pond -biofilm media pvc pipe wasp nest and coconut shell with addition of ecotru. Several pollutants contained in tofu liquid waste is ammonia (NH3-N), nitrate (NO3-N), nitrite (NO2-N) and COD.The results obtained from this study indicate that the effect of residence time on decreasing the concentration of nitrate (NO3-N) and nitrite (NO2-N) in tofu liquid waste.The longer residence time of wastewater in the reactor, the greater the efficiency of the resulting decrease in concentration. The highest removal efficiency of ammonia (NH3-N), nitrate (NO3-N), nitrite (NO2-N), and COD was 80.63%, 84.01%, 68.25% and 96.49% at the residence time 5 hours in the reactor drum, while the removal efficiency of the reactor pool ammonia (NH3-N), nitrate (NO3-N), nitrite (NO2-N) and COD was 78.40%, 79.27%, 65.28% and 94.74% with a residence time of 5 hours.Decrease in the concentration of ammonia (NH3-N), nitrate (NO3-N) and nitrite (NO2-N) on tofu wastewater biofilter media using pvc pipe wasp nest and coconut shell have met the quality standards appropriate Class II wastewater Central Java Provincial Regulation No. 5 of 2012 amounted to ammonia (NH3-N) of 20 mg / l, nitrate (NO3-N) at 30 mg / l and nitrite (NO2-N) of 3 mg / l.As for the COD concentration not meet the quality standards with a standard of 250 mg / l

    Pengeluaran Rumah Tangga Petani Karet di Desa Pulau Jambu Kecamatan Kuok Kabupaten Kampar

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    The purposes of this research are 1) To determine the pattern of food and non food expenditure of households 2) To determine the ability of farmers to meet the basic needs based on the criteria of BPS. This research was conducted at Pulau Jambu village, Kuok district, Kampar regency in April to July 2014. The method of sampling in this study was randomly and took 60 farmers as respondent. Analysis of the data for the study was by counting household expenditures and based on 14 indicators of basic needs in 2008 according to the BPS. The household expenditure's average of rubber farmers in Pulau Jambu village is Rp. 3,150,800 per month divided into food and non-food expenditures. The total average of household expenditure across the sample rubber farmers reached Rp. 189,048,000 per month. The fulfillment of basic needs of households that have been analyzed by the 14 criterias for basic needs according to the BPS that indicates the rubber farmers in the Jambu village is not included to the category of near-poor

    Pengelolaan Lingkungan dan Kondisi Masyarakat pada Wilayah Hilir Sungai

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    River by nature is a unity, but there is a tendency to separate river management based on administrative areas. River is also related to the community living in its surrounding area. This paper discusses watershed issues related to the management and community condition, especially within the framework of interrelationship between upstream and downstream areas. Department of Public Works as the institution was responsible for the national water resource management  has proposed the idea of "one river oneplan one management." However, in reality this idea is not consistent with the regulations made by the government, especially in the context of regional autonomy. This paper also attempts to illustrate the condition of settlementand community condition in Bale Kambang and Kampung Pulo as downstream areas. The findings of this study suggest the needs for an integrated management for various watershed areas, with the understanding of community condition in those areas. The findings provide inputs for the practice of planning and management of urban areas with emphasis on the interrelationship between various areas of wathershed, as well as the physical environment of watershed and the community condition of the surrounding communities

    Examine Living Space on the Human Settlement Around the Market:The Problems of the City on the Macro and Micro Scale

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    There have been some misfits between the practice of urban planning at a macro scale and the needs of the society at amicro scale. This paper intends to discuss this issue by illustrating a case of high density urban housing as a supportingsystem for the activities in a traditional market as urban public facilities. The case suggests a dialog between thephysical space determined by macro-scale planning and the everyday social life of the community living in the housingsurrounding the market. The housing plays an important role as a living space for the market workers and as a settingfor various activities that support the trading activities in the market. Unfortunately, there is a tendency that despite itsimportance, the quality of the housing is still far from sufficient as a space for living. The findings in this study suggestthat the practice of urban design, especially in the provision of public facilities, needs to integrate macro urban scalewith more micro everyday life of the communities. The practice of urban design needs to be sensitive to the diversity inurban environment and the interrelationships between urban elements. In this way, it would be possible to create urbanenvironment that caters for the needs of its inhabitants in a sustainable way, both at macro scale and micro scale

    Effects of Position of Rainfed Rice Field in a Toposequence on Water Availability and Rice Yield in Central Java, Indonesia

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    The productivity of rainfed rice needs to be increased in order to support the Indonesian Food Security programs, especially rice. Rainfall is one of the main sources of the water availability on the rainfed rice field. This research was conducted from October 2000 to February 2001 at four sites in Central Java Province. The objectives of this research were to study thevariability of water availability that influenced by toposequen's position and to analyze the rice yields due to treatments on toposequence. This experiment was carried out in the farmers' field using “Group Balanced Block in Split-Split Plot Design” and Inceptisols soil order. Mainplots were the four positions in toposequence (top, upper middle, lower middle, and bottom), and the four villages were used as replication. The sub-plot wastreatments group and sub-sub-plot consists of group-1: farmer's practice and without weeding; group-2: farmer's practice without fertilizer and added recommended fertilizer. The research showed that rainfall affected the fluctuation of ground water table and standing water periods. The straw and unhulled rice/grain yields at the bottom position was the highest, and was significantly different from the top position of the toposequence, namely 7.1 and 5.6 t ha-1 for straw yield while 5.2 and 4.0 t ha-1 for grainyield. Without weeding, the straw and grain yields decreased by 1.0 t ha-1 (6.1 to 5.1 t ha-1) and 0.8 t ha-1 (4.6 to 3.8 t ha-1). While, without fertilization, the straw and grain yields were produced only 4.4 and 3.8 t ha-1. Straw and grain yields increased up to 7.0 and 5.1 t ha-1, respectively, when recommended fertilizers were applied

    2019 Indonesia Presidential-Vice Presidential Debate in Corpus Linguistics Perspective

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    The present paper carries out a corpus linguistic analysis of the first debate of 2019 Indonesia presidential election. The study compared the speech of presidential candidate pair number 1, JW and MA, and number 2, PS and SSU, in the debate in terms of lexical diversity and linguistic features. The research employs a mixed-method research design by using two corpus technical analyses, i.e. type/token ratio and keywords. Results show that PS spoke the most, while MA spoke with the most varied vocabulary. The study also found that foreign words from Arabic in the keywords of JW, PS, and SSU are generally used to show their belief as well as to embrace the Indonesian Muslim communities. However, the Arabic words used by MA tend to show his identity as a Muslim cleric, reflecting his in-depth understanding of Islam. Unlike the Arabic word usage, foreign words from English are used more for a practical reason and to emphasize arguments, particularly by JW and PS. Additionally, the study reveals that from the lexical word-class distribution, JW tends to give more focused information and entities, while PS tends to offer more explanations to present information. All things considered, the present writers argue that corpus linguistics is an essential method to investigate actual patterns of language used by politicians to interpret further. All in all, the present research is supposed to give a methodological contribution to the study discussing the relation between language and politics