414 research outputs found

    Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg Interferometry of a Single Electron Charge Qubit

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    We perform Landau-Zener-Stuckelberg interferometry on a single electron GaAs charge qubit by repeatedly driving the system through an avoided crossing. We observe coherent destruction of tunneling, where periodic driving with specific amplitudes inhibits current flow. We probe the quantum dot occupation using a charge sensor, observing oscillations in the qubit population resulting from the microwave driving. At a frequency of 9 GHz we observe excitation processes driven by the absorption of up to 17 photons. Simulations of the qubit occupancy are in good agreement with the experimental data.Comment: Related papers at http://pettagroup.princeton.ed

    The spontaneous magnetic field direction in an anisotropic MHD dynamo

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    The phenomenon of magnetic field generation in an astrophysical plasma in the frame of developed magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) turbulence is considered. The functional quantum field renormalization group approach is applied to helical anisotropic MHD developed turbulence which is stabilized by the self-generated homogeneous magnetic field. The purpose of the study is to calculate the value as well as direction of the magnetic field in the stochastic dynamo model. The generated magnetic field is determined by ignoring divergent rotor part of Green function of the magnetic field. It is shown that the magnetic field direction is connected with unique existing vector n describing the anisotropic turbulence forcing.Розглядається явище генерації магнітних полів в астрофiзичнiй плазмi у межах моделi розвиненої МГД-турбулентностi. Застосовується квантовопольовий пiдхiд ренормалiзацiйної групи до розвиненої гiротропно-анiзотропної турбулентностi, яка стабiлiзуєть ся самогенерованим магнiтним полем. Метою цього дослiдження є обчислення як значення, так i напрямку магнiтного поля у стохастичнiй моделі динамо. Генероване магнiтне поле визначається при знехтуваннi дивергентної роторної частини функцiї Грiна магнiтного поля. Показано, що напрямок магнiтного поля пов'язаний з наявністю вектора n, який описує анiзотропне накачування енергiї у турбулентнiсть.Рассматривается явление генерации магнитных полей в астрофизической плазме в рамках модели развитой МГД-турбулентности. Применяется квантовополевой подход ренормализационной группы к развитой гиротропно-анизотропной турбулентности, которая стабилизируется самогенерируемым однородным магнитным полем. Целью этого исследования является вычисление как значения, так и направления этого магнитного поля в стохастической модели динамо. Генерируемое магнитное поле определяется при пренебрежении дивергентной роторной частью функции Грина магнитного поля. Показано, что направление магнитного поля связано с наличием вектора n, описывающего анизотропное накачивание энергии в турбулентность

    Stability of scaling regimes in d2d\geq 2 developed turbulence with weak anisotropy

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    The fully developed turbulence with weak anisotropy is investigated by means of renormalization group approach (RG) and double expansion regularization for dimensions d2d\ge 2. Some modification of the standard minimal substraction scheme has been used to analyze stability of the Kolmogorov scaling regime which is governed by the renormalization group fixed point. This fixed point is unstable at d=2d=2; thus, the infinitesimally weak anisotropy destroyes above scaling regime in two-dimensional space. The restoration of the stability of this fixed point, under transition from d=2d=2 to d=3,d=3, has been demonstrated at borderline dimension 2<dc<3 2<d_c<3. The results are in qualitative agreement with ones obtained recently in the framework of the usual analytical regularization scheme.Comment: 23 pages, 2 figure

    Impact of Mechanical Unloading on Microvasculature and Associated Central Remodeling Features of the Failing Human Heart

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    ObjectivesThis study investigates alterations in myocardial microvasculature, fibrosis, and hypertrophy before and after mechanical unloading of the failing human heart.BackgroundRecent studies demonstrated the pathophysiologic importance and significant mechanistic links among microvasculature, fibrosis, and hypertrophy during the cardiac remodeling process. The effect of left ventricular assist device (LVAD) unloading on cardiac endothelium and microvasculature is unknown, and its influence on fibrosis and hypertrophy regression to the point of atrophy is controversial.MethodsHemodynamic data and left ventricular tissue were collected from patients with chronic heart failure at LVAD implant and explant (n = 15) and from normal donors (n = 8). New advances in digital microscopy provided a unique opportunity for comprehensive whole-field, endocardium-to-epicardium evaluation for microvascular density, fibrosis, cardiomyocyte size, and glycogen content. Ultrastructural assessment was done with electron microscopy.ResultsHemodynamic data revealed significant pressure unloading with LVAD. This was accompanied by a 33% increase in microvascular density (p = 0.001) and a 36% decrease in microvascular lumen area (p = 0.028). We also identified, in agreement with these findings, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical evidence of endothelial cell activation. In addition, LVAD unloading significantly increased interstitial and total collagen content without any associated structural, ultrastructural, or metabolic cardiomyocyte changes suggestive of hypertrophy regression to the point of atrophy and degeneration.ConclusionsThe LVAD unloading resulted in increased microvascular density accompanied by increased fibrosis and no evidence of cardiomyocyte atrophy. These new insights into the effects of LVAD unloading on microvasculature and associated key remodeling features might guide future studies of unloading-induced reverse remodeling of the failing human heart

    Evidence of Glycolysis Up-Regulation and Pyruvate Mitochondrial Oxidation Mismatch During Mechanical Unloading of the Failing Human Heart: Implications for Cardiac Reloading and Conditioning

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    This study sought to investigate the effects of mechanical unloading on myocardial energetics and the metabolic perturbation of heart failure (HF) in an effort to identify potential new therapeutic targets that could enhance the unloading-induced cardiac recovery. The authors prospectively examined paired human myocardial tissue procured from 31 advanced HF patients at left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implant and at heart transplant plus tissue from 11 normal donors. They identified increased post-LVAD glycolytic metabolites without a coordinate increase in early, tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates. The increased pyruvate was not directed toward the mitochondria and the TCA cycle for complete oxidation, but instead, was mainly converted to cytosolic lactate. Increased nucleotide concentrations were present, potentially indicating increased flux through the pentose phosphate pathway. Evaluation of mitochondrial function and structure revealed a lack of post-LVAD improvement in mitochondrial oxidative functional capacity, mitochondrial volume density, and deoxyribonucleic acid content. Finally, post-LVAD unloading, amino acid levels were found to be increased and could represent a compensatory mechanism and an alternative energy source that could fuel the TCA cycle by anaplerosis. In summary, the authors report evidence that LVAD unloading induces glycolysis in concert with pyruvate mitochondrial oxidation mismatch, most likely as a result of persistent mitochondrial dysfunction. These findings suggest that interventions known to improve mitochondrial biogenesis, structure, and function, such as controlled cardiac reloading and conditioning, warrant further investigation to enhance unloading-induced reverse remodeling and cardiac recovery

    Systematic review of tonsil surgery quality registers and introduction of the Nordic Tonsil Surgery Register Collaboration

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    Surgical quality registers provide tools to measure and improve the outcome of surgery. International register collaboration creates an opportunity to assess and critically evaluate national practices, and increases the size of available datasets. Even though millions of yearly tonsillectomies and tonsillotomies are performed worldwide, clinical practices are variable and inconsistency of evidence regarding the best clinical practice exists. The need for quality improvement actions is evident. We aimed to systematically investigate the existing tonsil surgery quality registers found in the literature, and to provide a thorough presentation of the planned Nordic Tonsil Surgery Register Collaboration. A systematic literature search of MEDLINE and EMBASE databases (from January 1990 to December 2016) was conducted to identify registers, databases, quality improvement programs or comprehensive audit programs addressing tonsil surgery. We identified two active registers and three completed audit programs focusing on tonsil surgery quality registration. Recorded variables were fairly similar, but considerable variation in coverage, number of operations included and length of time period for inclusion was discovered. Considering tonsillectomies and tonsillotomies being among the most commonly performed surgical procedures in otorhinolaryngology, it is surprising that only two active registers could be identified. We present a Nordic Tonsil Surgery Register Collaboration-an international tonsil surgery quality register project aiming to provide accurate benchmarks and enhance the quality of tonsil surgery in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.Peer reviewe

    Flexible prey handling, preference and a novel capture technique in invasive, sub-adult Chinese mitten crabs

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    Investigation of the Stationary and Transient A1·− Radical in Trp → Phe Mutants of Photosystem I

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    Photosystem I (PS I) contains two symmetric branches of electron transfer cofactors. In both the A- and B-branches, the phylloquinone in the A1 site is π-stacked with a tryptophan residue and is H-bonded to the backbone nitrogen of a leucine residue. In this work, we use optical and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies to investigate cyanobacterial PS I complexes, where these tryptophan residues are changed to phenylalanine. The time-resolved optical data show that backward electron transfer from the terminal electron acceptors to P700·+ is affected in the A- and B-branch mutants, both at ambient and cryogenic temperatures. These results suggest that the quinones in both branches take part in electron transport at all temperatures. The electron-nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) spectra of the spin-correlated radical pair P700·+A1·− and the photoaccumulated radical anion A1·−, recorded at cryogenic temperature, allowed the identification of characteristic resonances belonging to protons of the methyl group, some of the ring protons and the proton hydrogen-bonded to phylloquinone in the wild type and both mutants. Significant changes in PS I isolated from the A-branch mutant are detected, while PS I isolated from the B-branch mutant shows the spectral characteristics of wild-type PS I. A possible short-lived B-branch radical pair cannot be detected by EPR due to the available time resolution; therefore, only the A-branch quinone is observed under conditions typically employed for EPR and ENDOR spectroscopies