87 research outputs found
The Effect of Ethanol Extract Coleus Ambonicus L on Antibody Titer of White Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Trough SRBC as Antigen
This study aimed to determine the effect of ethanol extract of leaves bangunbangun (Coleus ambonicus L) antibody titer as humoral immunity and body weight in Wistar strain rats by using the sheep red blood cells (SRBC) as antigen. This study used 24 male white rats were randomly divided into fourtreatment groups consisting of six rats. The first group was given distilled water as a control, the second group was given 500 g / kg ethanol extract bangunbangun (EEC), the third group was given 500 g / kg EEC SRBC, and the fourth group was given distilled water+SRBC. EEC was administered orally every day for thirty days. SRBC administered intraperitoneally of 0.1 ml on day eight and day fifthteen. On day 31, blood was collected by decapitation, and collected in a tube that has been coated with an anticoagulant, and centrifuged to obtain serum. Antibody titers were measured by haemagglutination method. Weight gain is obtained by calculating the difference in initial weight and final weight of research. The data obtained were tabulated and analyzed by ANOVA and LSD test. Results of data analysis showed that administration of EC for 30 days in rats can increase the antibody titer significantly, and administration of EC for 30 days in rats didnt influence the gain of body weigh
Sistem Informasi Wisata Kuliner di Kota Medan Berbasis Web
The advancement of information technology today is fueling the growth in the number of internet users. In the business world, the role of technology is very important, and it can be said that it has become a primary need for entrepreneurs in this period. Likewise about culinary that has used the internet network to present a variety of good information from information on place, taste, presentation and price in the field of information technology. But for culinary information in the city of Medan on a website, while it is still incomplete and there is no website that specializes in culinary tourism in Medan and its reservations. Therefore, it is necessary to design a web-based culinary tourism information system in Medan City to make it easier for people to find culinary varieties in the city of Medan
Analisa Perbandingan Kualitas Belajar - Mengajar Antara Metode Face to Face Dan Video Conference
Pendidikan merupakan hal yang penting bagi semua kalangan. Dewasa ini bukan saja hanya dari pemerintah, tetapi segenap masyarakat makin meningkatkan mutu pendidikan. Saat ini metode belajar mengajar tidak lepas dari perkembangan pendidikan, salah satu metode belajar mengajar yang telah kita kenal yaitu secara face to face atau lebih kenal dengan pertemuan secara langsung antara pengajar dan peserta didik. Perkembangan teknologi yang ada, juga memberi pengaruh kepada perkembangan pendidikan. Perkembangn teknologi tersebut memberi dampak terhadap metode belajar mengajar yang ada. Salah satu yang marak saat ini yaitu metode belajar mengajar Video conference. Adapun metode belajar ini memanfaatkan teknologi internet, sehingga pertenuan antara peserta didik dan pengajar bisa dilakukan kapan pun dan dimanapun. Pada bahasan ini, tim penulis melakukan analisa mulai dari cara belajar kedua metode tersebut. Juga dibahas tentang manfaat yang diperoleh dari keduanya dan bagaimana konsep yang lebih banyak diminati dan efisien oleh peserta didik saat ini.Dengan dibuatnya karya ilmiah ini, kedua metode belajar yang ada mampu meningkatkan mutu pendidikan yang ada. Selain itu, tim penulis juga berharap pengajar dan peserta didik mampu memilih metode belajar yang efisien
Analisis Parameter Untuk Perencanaan Bangunan Intake
Untuk kepentingan sistem penyediaan air minum yang melayani Kabupaten Serdang Bedagei dan Kota Tebing Tinggi, maka dimanfaatkanlah Sungai Padang sebagai tempat pengambilan air baku. Dengan mempertimbangkan banyak parameter, model yang dipilih adalah dengan pengambilan bebas. Dari hasil analisis memakai HEC-RAS, jumlah air terpakai masih sangat cukup yakni hanya 2% dari kemampuan debit aliran yang masih bisa dimanfaatkan.Untuk kepentingan sistem penyediaan air minum yang melayani Kabupaten Serdang Bedagei dan Kota Tebing Tinggi, maka dimanfaatkanlah Sungai Padang sebagai tempat pengambilan air baku. Dengan mempertimbangkan banyak parameter, model yang dipilih adalah dengan pengambilan bebas. Dari hasil analisis memakai HEC-RAS, jumlah air terpakai masih sangat cukup yakni hanya 2% dari kemampuan debit aliran yang masih bisa dimanfaatkan
Tinjauan Sosio - Teologis Terhadap Partisipasi Anggota Sidi Gereja Yang Tidak Melalui Pendidikan Katekisasi Di GKPI Ressort Nainggolan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi dan menganalisis partisipasi anggota SIDI Gereja GKPI Ressort Nainggolan yang tidak melalui pendidikan katekisasi secara sosio-teologis. Pendekatan sosio-teologis digunakan untuk memahami dinamika sosial dan teologis yang mempengaruhi partisipasi mereka dalam kehidupan gerejawi. Penelitian dilakukan melalui studi kualitatif dengan teknik observasi partisipan dan wawancara mendalam terhadap anggota SIDI yang tidak mengikuti katekisasi. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor seperti kebutuhan ekonomi, keterbatasan waktu, dan faktor sosial mempengaruhi keputusan mereka untuk tidak mengikuti katekisasi. Namun, partisipasi mereka dalam kegiatan gerejawi tidak sepenuhnya terkait dengan keikutsertaan dalam katekisasi, melainkan juga dipengaruhi oleh pengalaman iman pribadi, dukungan sosial dari komunitas gereja, dan pemahaman teologis yang diterima secara informal. Implikasi teologis dari penelitian ini menyoroti pentingnya memahami konteks sosial dan individu anggota gereja dalam merumuskan strategi pendidikan rohani yang relevan dan inklusif.This research aims to explore and analyze the participation of SIDI members of the GKPI Ressort Nainggolan Church who do not go through socio theological catechism education. A socio theological approach is used to understand the social and theological dynamics that influence their participation in ecclesiastical life. The research was conducted through a qualitative study using participant observation techniques and in-depth interviews with SIDI members who did not take catechism. The findings show that factors such as economic needs, time constraints, and social factors influence their decision not to take catechism. However, their participation in ecclesiastical activities is not entirely related to participation in catechism, but is also influenced by personal faith experiences, social support from the church community, and informally received theological understanding. The theological implications of this research highlight the importance of understanding the social and individual context of church members in formulating relevant and inclusive spiritual education strategies
Analisis Kandungan Merkuri (Hg) dan Kadmium (Cd) pada Beberapa Jenis Ikan Asin yang di Produksi di Kelurahan Bahari Kecamatan Medan Belawan Tahun 2015
Salted fish is one of fishery products that have an important position and also is one of the nine basic foods on a national scale.Curring aims that preserve the fish doesn't relieves metal properties. Metal properties can not demolished. Metal will dissolved in the water and absourbed by microoganism then eaten by fish and finally that's happen bioaccumulation and biomagnification so that fish which make processing, it doesn't relieve metal properties that contained the fish. The method used in this research is descriptive survey. Samples were obtained from salted fish producers in kelurahan Bahari, Subdistrict of Medan Belawan, checked in Health Laboratory, Province of North Sumatra and Center for Research and Industry of Medan.The five samples of salted fish are ikan Lemuru (Sardinella Aurta), ikan Gelama (Pseudoceina amoyensis), ikan Kresek(Trissa mytax), ikan Gembung (Restreluger kenagona), dan ikan Cincaru (Eleutheronema aurta). To determine the content of mercury (Hg) and Cadmium (Cd) is performed by Spektrofotometri Serapan Atom(SSA) method. To result showed that the content of Mercury (Hg) in salted fish produced in Kelurahan Bahari has been qualified according to BPOM in 2009, which is 0.5 ppm. The content of Cadmium (Cd) contained in a salted fish which exceed the NAB set by BPOM, namely Lemuru fish 0.480 ppm.The four different salted that fish are qualify according to BPOM in 2009, which is 0.1 ppm. Society may consume salted fish produced in Kelurahan Bahari with the exposure limit and not constantl
Inventory Policy for Retail Stores: A Multi-Item EOQ Model Considering Permissible Delay in Payment and Limited Warehouse Capacity
The retail industry such as minimarkets has many products consisting of several types of products that have expiration dates. Their warehouses have limited capacity, making it difficult to make decision about optimum inventory. Most of the suppliers will give permissible delay in payment, that can be used to increase income potential through earned by considering the risk of fines imposed if payments are exceeded and help companies raise capital before generating sales. These three factors must be considered when developing the inventory model. The purpose of this study is to develop a multi-item inventory model by considering perishable or damaged products, permissible delay in payment in limited warehouse. Model development is carried out in 2 stages. The first stage was the development of a multi-item EOQ model by considering product defects and permissible delay in payment. The second stage model is by adding a capacity constraint factor to the model. The results obtained are getting the optimal order quantity by considering the number of product types, product damage factors, late payments in limited warehouses, the best ordering policy can be found, and it is known that the total inventory costs to changes in parameters are good and sensitive to changes in percentage, interest percentage, payment allowances, and warehouse capacity through sensitivity tests
Pelaksanaan Penegakan Hukum Desersi di Lingkungan Tentara Nasional Indonesia oleh Polisi Militer (Studi Kasus di Detasemen Polisi Militer I/3 Pekanbaru).
Criminal acts can occur anywhere and at any time, including in the Indonesian National Army or what we often call with the TNI. TNI built and developed with soul disciplined and obedient to the command of the military as a tool based on the interests of the state in the field of defense and duties, not escape from an act in violation of the law, especially a military offense. One military offense that often occur in the military environment is a criminal offense of desertion. Criminal offense of desertion is a serious concern among military and law enforcement, especially the Military Police. In this case the role of the Military Police as law enforcement course is expected to run for the sake of justice in society, especially among militaryWith the above description, the authors are interested in doing research with the title Implementation of Environmental Law Enforcement National Army Indonesia Desertion By Military Police (Case Studies in Military Police Detachment I/3 Pekanbaru). This thesis aims as follows, namely to investigate, to find out the constraints faced, the latter aims to determine the effort in overcoming barriers to the implementation of law enforcement desertion in the Indonesian National Army Military Police in Regional law Military Police Detachment I/3 Pekanbaru.In writing this, the author uses empirical approach or sociological research. The location of research is in the area of Law Military Police Detachment I/3 Pekanbaru. Data sources supported by the data source of primary, secondary and tertiary. While data collection techniques are interviews / interview and review of data using deductive method is to analyze the problems of a general nature and then drawn to a conclusion in particular based on existing theory.The results of the discussions in this paper is, first, that the enforcement of environmental law in the military desertion conducted by the Military Police not running optimally. Second, the barriers faced by military police, among others, is a habit or culture of the military itself, the problem of infrastructure, and lack of law enforcement personnel.. Third, prevention efforts undertaken by the Military Police is, law enforcement professionals and high integrity, to cooperate with the community and civil law enforcement officials, conduct legal counseling, adequate facilities and infrastructure
Penggunaan Suspensi Baculovirus Terhadap Oryctes Rhinoceros L. (Coleoptera : Scarabaeidae) Di Laboratorium
Use suspense of Baculovirus to Oryctes rhinoceros L. (Coleoptera; Scarabaeidae) in the Laboratory.The objective of this research was to know the suitable suspense of baculovirus to larvae in thelaboratory. This research was conducted in the laboratory of pest, Faculty of Agriculture, Universityof North Sumatra, Medan. Research using completely randomized design (CRD) non factorial with5 treatments and 5 replications. The results showed that the highest percentage of larval mortality(P4) (suspense of Baculovirus, 40/1 liter of water) by 48.00 % and the lowest on P0 (control) andP1 (suspense Baculovirus-infected larvae of O. rhinoceros larvae 5/1 liter of water) of 0.00 % and4.00 %
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