57 research outputs found

    Quantum Mutual Information Capacity for High Dimensional Entangled States

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    High dimensional Hilbert spaces used for quantum communication channels offer the possibility of large data transmission capabilities. We propose a method of characterizing the channel capacity of an entangled photonic state in high dimensional position and momentum bases. We use this method to measure the channel capacity of a parametric downconversion state, achieving a channel capacity over 7 bits/photon in either the position or momentum basis, by measuring in up to 576 dimensions per detector. The channel violated an entropic separability bound, suggesting the performance cannot be replicated classically.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Nanocalorimetric Evidence for Nematic Superconductivity in the Doped Topological Insulator Sr0.1_{0.1}Bi2_{2}Se3_{3}

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    Spontaneous rotational-symmetry breaking in the superconducting state of doped Bi2Se3\mathrm{Bi}_2\mathrm{Se}_3 has attracted significant attention as an indicator for topological superconductivity. In this paper, high-resolution calorimetry of the single-crystal Sr0.1Bi2Se3\mathrm{Sr}_{0.1}\mathrm{Bi}_2\mathrm{Se}_3 provides unequivocal evidence of a two-fold rotational symmetry in the superconducting gap by a \emph{bulk thermodynamic} probe, a fingerprint of nematic superconductivity. The extremely small specific heat anomaly resolved with our high-sensitivity technique is consistent with the material's low carrier concentration proving bulk superconductivity. The large basal-plane anisotropy of Hc2H_{c2} is attributed to a nematic phase of a two-component topological gap structure η=(η1,η2)\vec{\eta} = (\eta_{1}, \eta_{2}) and caused by a symmetry-breaking energy term δ(η12η22)Tc\delta (|\eta_{1}|^{2} - |\eta_{2}|^{2}) T_{c}. A quantitative analysis of our data excludes more conventional sources of this two-fold anisotropy and provides the first estimate for the symmetry-breaking strength δ0.1\delta \approx 0.1, a value that points to an onset transition of the second order parameter component below 2K

    Unexpected Enhancement of Three-Dimensional Low-Energy Spin Correlations in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Fe1+y_{1+y}Te1x_{1-x}Sex_{x} System at High Temperature

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    We report inelastic neutron scattering measurements of low energy (ω<10\hbar \omega < 10 meV) magnetic excitations in the "11" system Fe1+y_{1+y}Te1x_{1-x}Sex_{x}. The spin correlations are two-dimensional (2D) in the superconducting samples at low temperature, but appear much more three-dimensional when the temperature rises well above Tc15T_c \sim 15 K, with a clear increase of the (dynamic) spin correlation length perpendicular to the Fe planes. The spontaneous change of dynamic spin correlations from 2D to 3D on warming is unexpected and cannot be naturally explained when only the spin degree of freedom is considered. Our results suggest that the low temperature physics in the "11" system, in particular the evolution of low energy spin excitations towards %better satisfying the nesting condition for mediating superconducting pairing, is driven by changes in orbital correlations

    Thermal evolution of antiferromagnetic correlations and tetrahedral bond angles in superconducting FeTe1x_{1-x}Sex_x

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    It has recently been demonstrated that dynamical magnetic correlations measured by neutron scattering in iron chalcogenides can be described with models of short-range correlations characterized by particular {choices of four-spin plaquettes, where the appropriate choice changes as the} parent material is doped towards superconductivity. Here we apply such models to describe measured maps of magnetic scattering as a function of two-dimensional wave vectors obtained for optimally superconducting crystals of FeTe1x_{1-x}Sex_x. We show that the characteristic antiferromagnetic wave vector evolves from that of the bicollinear structure found in underdoped chalcogenides (at high temperature) to that associated with the stripe structure of antiferromagnetic iron arsenides (at low temperature); {these can both be described with the same local plaquette, but with different inter-plaquette correlations}. While the magnitude of the low-energy magnetic spectral weight is substantial at all temperatures, it actually weakens somewhat at low temperature, where the charge carriers become more itinerant. The observed change in spin correlations is correlated with the dramatic drop in the electronic scattering rate and the growth of the bulk nematic response on cooling. Finally, we also present powder neutron diffraction results for lattice parameters in FeTe1x_{1-x}Sex_x indicating that the tetrahedral bond angle tends to increase towards the ideal value on cooling, in agreement with the increased screening of the crystal field by more itinerant electrons and the correspondingly smaller splitting of the Fe 3d3d orbitals

    Collapse of superconductivity in cuprates via ultrafast quenching of phase coherence

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    The possibility of driving phase transitions in low-density condensates through the loss of phase coherence alone has far-reaching implications for the study of quantum phases of matter. This has inspired the development of tools to control and explore the collective properties of condensate phases via phase fluctuations. Electrically-gated oxide interfaces, ultracold Fermi atoms, and cuprate superconductors, which are characterized by an intrinsically small phase-stiffness, are paradigmatic examples where these tools are having a dramatic impact. Here we use light pulses shorter than the internal thermalization time to drive and probe the phase fragility of the Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} cuprate superconductor, completely melting the superconducting condensate without affecting the pairing strength. The resulting ultrafast dynamics of phase fluctuations and charge excitations are captured and disentangled by time-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. This work demonstrates the dominant role of phase coherence in the superconductor-to-normal state phase transition and offers a benchmark for non-equilibrium spectroscopic investigations of the cuprate phase diagram.Comment: 24 pages, 9 figures, Main Text and Supplementary Informatio