277 research outputs found

    Advectional enhancement of eddy diffusivity under parametric disorder

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    Frozen parametric disorder can lead to appearance of sets of localized convective currents in an otherwise stable (quiescent) fluid layer heated from below. These currents significantly influence the transport of an admixture (or any other passive scalar) along the layer. When the molecular diffusivity of the admixture is small in comparison to the thermal one, which is quite typical in nature, disorder can enhance the effective (eddy) diffusivity by several orders of magnitude in comparison to the molecular diffusivity. In this paper we study the effect of an imposed longitudinal advection on delocalization of convective currents, both numerically and analytically; and report subsequent drastic boost of the effective diffusivity for weak advection.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, for Topical Issue of Physica Scripta "2nd Intl. Conf. on Turbulent Mixing and Beyond

    Thermally Induced Fluctuations Below the Onset of Rayleigh-B\'enard Convection

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    We report quantitative experimental results for the intensity of noise-induced fluctuations below the critical temperature difference ΔTc\Delta T_c for Rayleigh-B\'enard convection. The structure factor of the fluctuating convection rolls is consistent with the expected rotational invariance of the system. In agreement with predictions based on stochastic hydrodynamic equations, the fluctuation intensity is found to be proportional to 1/ϵ1/\sqrt{-\epsilon} where ϵΔT/ΔTc1\epsilon \equiv \Delta T / \Delta T_c -1. The noise power necessary to explain the measurements agrees with the prediction for thermal noise. (WAC95-1)Comment: 13 pages of text and 4 Figures in a tar-compressed and uuencoded file (using uufiles package). Detailed instructions of unpacking are include

    Attractive Interaction Between Pulses in a Model for Binary-Mixture Convection

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    Recent experiments on convection in binary mixtures have shown that the interaction between localized waves (pulses) can be repulsive as well as {\it attractive} and depends strongly on the relative {\it orientation} of the pulses. It is demonstrated that the concentration mode, which is characteristic of the extended Ginzburg-Landau equations introduced recently, allows a natural understanding of that result. Within the standard complex Ginzburg-Landau equation this would not be possible.Comment: 7 pages revtex with 3 postscript figures (uuencoded

    Sources and sinks separating domains of left- and right-traveling waves: Experiment versus amplitude equations

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    In many pattern forming systems that exhibit traveling waves, sources and sinks occur which separate patches of oppositely traveling waves. We show that simple qualitative features of their dynamics can be compared to predictions from coupled amplitude equations. In heated wire convection experiments, we find a discrepancy between the observed multiplicity of sources and theoretical predictions. The expression for the observed motion of sinks is incompatible with any amplitude equation description.Comment: 4 pages, RevTeX, 3 figur

    Influence of through-flow on linear pattern formation properties in binary mixture convection

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    We investigate how a horizontal plane Poiseuille shear flow changes linear convection properties in binary fluid layers heated from below. The full linear field equations are solved with a shooting method for realistic top and bottom boundary conditions. Through-flow induced changes of the bifurcation thresholds (stability boundaries) for different types of convective solutions are deter- mined in the control parameter space spanned by Rayleigh number, Soret coupling (positive as well as negative), and through-flow Reynolds number. We elucidate the through-flow induced lifting of the Hopf symmetry degeneracy of left and right traveling waves in mixtures with negative Soret coupling. Finally we determine with a saddle point analysis of the complex dispersion relation of the field equations over the complex wave number plane the borders between absolute and convective instabilities for different types of perturbations in comparison with the appropriate Ginzburg-Landau amplitude equation approximation. PACS:47.20.-k,47.20.Bp, 47.15.-x,47.54.+rComment: 19 pages, 15 Postscript figure

    Modeling oscillatory Microtubule--Polymerization

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    Polymerization of microtubules is ubiquitous in biological cells and under certain conditions it becomes oscillatory in time. Here simple reaction models are analyzed that capture such oscillations as well as the length distribution of microtubules. We assume reaction conditions that are stationary over many oscillation periods, and it is a Hopf bifurcation that leads to a persistent oscillatory microtubule polymerization in these models. Analytical expressions are derived for the threshold of the bifurcation and the oscillation frequency in terms of reaction rates as well as typical trends of their parameter dependence are presented. Both, a catastrophe rate that depends on the density of {\it guanosine triphosphate} (GTP) liganded tubulin dimers and a delay reaction, such as the depolymerization of shrinking microtubules or the decay of oligomers, support oscillations. For a tubulin dimer concentration below the threshold oscillatory microtubule polymerization occurs transiently on the route to a stationary state, as shown by numerical solutions of the model equations. Close to threshold a so--called amplitude equation is derived and it is shown that the bifurcation to microtubule oscillations is supercritical.Comment: 21 pages and 12 figure

    Finite size effects near the onset of the oscillatory instability

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    A system of two complex Ginzburg - Landau equations is considered that applies at the onset of the oscillatory instability in spatial domains whose size is large (but finite) in one direction; the dependent variables are the slowly modulated complex amplitudes of two counterpropagating wavetrains. In order to obtain a well posed problem, four boundary conditions must be imposed at the boundaries. Two of them were already known, and the other two are first derived in this paper. In the generic case when the group velocity is of order unity, the resulting problem has terms that are not of the same order of magnitude. This fact allows us to consider two distinguished limits and to derive two associated (simpler) sub-models, that are briefly discussed. Our results predict quite a rich variety of complex dynamics that is due to both the modulational instability and finite size effects

    Influence of the Soret effect on convection of binary fluids

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    Convection in horizontal layers of binary fluids heated from below and in particular the influence of the Soret effect on the bifurcation properties of extended stationary and traveling patterns that occur for negative Soret coupling is investigated theoretically. The fixed points corresponding to these two convection structures are determined for realistic boundary conditions with a many mode Galerkin scheme for temperature and concentration and an accurate one mode truncation of the velocity field. This solution procedure yields the stable and unstable solutions for all stationary and traveling patterns so that complete phase diagrams for the different convection types in typical binary liquid mixtures can easily be computed. Also the transition from weakly to strongly nonlinear states can be analyzed in detail. An investigation of the concentration current and of the relevance of its constituents shows the way for a simplification of the mode representation of temperature and concentration field as well as for an analytically manageable few mode description.Comment: 30 pages, 12 figure

    Temporal Registration in In-Utero Volumetric MRI Time Series

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    We present a robust method to correct for motion and deformations in in-utero volumetric MRI time series. Spatio-temporal analysis of dynamic MRI requires robust alignment across time in the presence of substantial and unpredictable motion. We make a Markov assumption on the nature of deformations to take advantage of the temporal structure in the image data. Forward message passing in the corresponding hidden Markov model (HMM) yields an estimation algorithm that only has to account for relatively small motion between consecutive frames. We demonstrate the utility of the temporal model by showing that its use improves the accuracy of the segmentation propagation through temporal registration. Our results suggest that the proposed model captures accurately the temporal dynamics of deformations in in-utero MRI time series.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH NIBIB NAC P41EB015902)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH NICHD U01HD087211)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (NIH NIBIB R01EB017337)Wistron CorporationMerrill Lynch Wealth Management (Fellowship

    Higgs production and decay: Analytic results at next-to-leading order QCD

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    The virtual two-loop corrections for Higgs production in gluon fusion are calculated analytically in QCD for arbitrary Higgs and quark masses. Both scalar and pseudo-scalar Higgs bosons are considered. The results are obtained by expanding the known one-dimensional integral representation in terms of m_H/m_q, and matching it with a suitably chosen ansatz of Harmonic Polylogarithms. This ansatz is motivated by the known analytic result for the Higgs decay rate into two photons. The method also allows us to check this result and to extend it to the pseudo-scalar decay rate.Comment: LaTeX, 16 pages, 5 figures (8 eps-files