174 research outputs found

    Effect of preliminary nanostructuring frictional treatment on the efficiency of nitriding of metastable austenitic steel in electron beam plasma

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    The paper studies the effect of the temperature of nitriding in electron beam plasma, ranging between 250 and 500 °, on the nitrogen concentration, phase composition and microhardness of the surface of the AISI 321 chromium-nickel austenitic steel in two initial states - quenched undeformed and after nanostructuring frictional treatment. The lowest nitriding temperature (350 °C) for the efficient hardening of the steel has been established. The application of frictional pretreatment with a sliding synthetic diamond indenter in an argon environment is shown to be highly efficient for increasing the depth of the layer nitrided at this temperature. The contribution of the formed S-phase (nitrogen-oversaturated austenite γN) to the intensive hardening of the steel nitrided at low temperatures (300 to 400 °) is noted. © 2017 Author(s).01201354598Russian Foundation for Basic Research, RFBR: 15-08-07947Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, UB RAS: 15-9-12-45, 01201463331The work was done in the framework of the Complex Program of UB RAS (project No. 15-9-12-45), within the state order on the subject “Structure” (No. 01201463331), the government assignment for IES UB RAS (theme No. 01201354598) and supported by RFBR, project No. 15-08-07947

    A comparative analysis of payment for temporary disability in Russian Federation and Europe

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    The analysis of payment of temporary disability citizen in Russian Federation and Europe. The main aspects of the legislation on this topic in the Russian Federation and some European countries are considered.Проведен анализ оплаты временной нетрудоспособности гражданин в России и странах Европы. Рассмотрены основные аспекты законодательства по данной теме в Российской Федерации и некоторых странах Европы

    The "Resonant Space" of the Russian Classic Novel: N. S. Leskov's "Neglected People" and F. M. Dostoevsky's "The Idiot"

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    В статье впервые рассматриваются поэтико-типологические соответствия между романом Н. С. Лескова "Обойденные" и романом Ф. М. Достоевского "Идиот".The article establishes poetic-typological correspondences between N. S. Leskov's novel "Neglected People" and F. M. Dostoevsky's novel "The Idiot"

    A hard x ray split and delay unit for the HED experiment at the European XFEL

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    For the High Energy Density HED experiment [1] at the European XFEL [2] an x ray split and delay unit SDU is built covering photon energies from 5 keV up to 20 keV [3]. This SDU will enable time resolved x ray pump x ray probe experiments [4,5] as well as sequential diffractive imaging [6] on a femtosecond to picosecond time scale. Further, direct measurements of the temporal coherence properties will be possible by making use of a linear autocorrelation [7,8]. The set up is based on geometric wavefront beam splitting, which has successfully been implemented at an autocorrelator at FLASH [9]. The x ray FEL pulses are split by a sharp edge of a silicon mirror coated with multilayers. Both partial beams will then pass variable delay lines. For different photon energies the angle of incidence onto the multilayer mirrors will be adjusted in order to match the Bragg condition. For a photon energy of h amp; 957; 20 keV a grazing angle of amp; 952; 0.57 has to be set, which results in a footprint of the beam 6 amp; 963; on the mirror of l 98 mm. At this photon energy the reflectance of a Mo B4C multi layer coating with a multilayer period of d 3.2 nm and N 200 layers amounts to R 0.92. In order to enhance the maximum transmission for photon energies of h amp; 957; 8 keV and below, a Ni B4C multilayer coating can be applied beside the Mo B4C coating for this spectral region. Because of the different incidence angles, the path lengths of the beams will differ as a function of wavelength. Hence, maximum delays between 2.5 ps at h amp; 957; 20 keV and up to 23 ps at h amp; 957; 5 keV will be possibl


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    Goal of the study: to compare efficiency of anti-tuberculosis chemotherapy prescribed basing on drug susceptibility testing results obtained by GeneXpertMTB/RIF with relevant correction as per data of culture on liquid media and basing on drug susceptibility testing through culture on liquid media only. Materials and methods. 185 pulmonary tuberculosis patients in the age from 18 to 60 years were included into the study and divided into three groups: Groups 1 and 2 included those susceptible and resistant to rifampicin respectively which was detected by GeneXpert MTB/RIF. Group 3 was formed retrospectively out of patients suffering from multiple drug resistance in whom no test systems had been used.Results. If chemotherapy regimen was appropriately chosen basing on rifampicin susceptibility data obtained only through GeneXpert MTB/RIF, the time of sputum conversion confidently did not differ for those suffering from multiple drug resistance and those without it.Prescription of chemotherapy regimen basing on GeneXpert MTB/RIF results with consequent correction as per culture results obtained by Bactec MGIT 960 confidently enhances treatment outcomes in multiple drug resistant tuberculosis patients both regarding sputum conversion rate and cavity healing compared to the group where treatment regimen was corrected basing on results of culture on liquid media. Using GeneXpert MTB/RIF significantly reduces the number of chemotherapy regimens corrections or transfers to the other regimen. Under-detection of rifampicin resistance when using GeneXpert MTB/RIF compared to Bactec MGIT 960 was fixed on the level of 1.5% (95% CI 0.42-5.44%)

    Principles of Organization and Carrying out of Laboratory Diagnostics in the Mobile Indication Laboratory Used for Epizootiological Surveillance over Particularly Dangerous and Other Natural Foci Infections

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    Determined are optimal structure and basic principles of organization of work in the mobile indication laboratory for carrying-out of epizootiological surveillance over particularly dangerous and other natural foci infections. Outlined are the requirements to the laboratory itself, to specialists, and organization of investigations too. All the measures mentioned above will allow to entrench the order of laboratory diagnostics conducted in the mobile laboratory in case of epizootiological surveillance over natural foci of particularly dangerous infectious diseases