545 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Elektrolisis Terhadap Rendemen Minyak Jarak Yang Dihasilkan Pada Proses Pembuatan Biodiesel

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    The use of jatropha oil as a source of raw material for making biodiesel is needed in order to decrease the production cost of biodiesel, since jatropha oil is categorized as non edible fat. In this research, the biodiesel production process by using an electrochemical reactor has been done. At the beginning of treatment, carried out the hydrolysis of oil by using HrS04 with acid and oil volume ratio is 1: 20. At follow-up treatment, carried out the decarboxylation via electrolysis. This process is done by varying the voltage of 0 V, 10 V,20 V,30 V,the variation of the concentration of 0.5 M acetic acid. 1 M, 1.5 M, as well as the distance between the electrodes in the reactor 5em and 10 em. From the experiments shown that electrolysis with voltage parameters, acidic electrolyte solution. and electrode spacing affects the yield of decarboxylation process. Electrolysiswith 1.5 M acetic acid concentration and voltage of 30 volts per cent obtained the highest biodiesel yield of compound that is 70.432% in the reactor with inter-electrode distance of 5cm. While in the reactor with inter-electrode distance of 10 cm. thehighest yield was 53.372% by reacting the oil with 1.5 M acetic acid and voltage 30 Volt

    Analisis Faktor – Faktor Produksi Padi Study Kasus Operasi Pangan Riau Makmur di Kabupaten Kampar

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    In general, the present research was aimed to investigate how far was the targetachievement and productivity of Riau Prosperous Food Operation in Kampar Regency.The specific objectives were to analyze factors affecting the rice production level andfactors affecting the rice efficiency and allocation level in Kampar Regency. To achievethe objectives, the descriptive analysis, stochastic frontier production functionalanalysis, maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) referred from Cobb=Douglas productionfunction were used. The main results show that the factors affecting the rice productionof Riau Prosperous Food Operations Program were labors, seeds used, the amount ofUrea fertilizer, the amount of SP-36 fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer.Whereas fornon Riau Prosperous Food Operations, the factors were the labors, the seeds used andthe amount of Urea fertilizer. Allocation for the Non Riau Prosperous Food Operationsprogram receivers was more efficient than those of Riau Prosperous Food Operations.Whereas, the economic efficiency was in contrast to the allocative efficiency. The RiauProsperous Food Operations was more efficient than Non Riau Prosperous FoodOperations. The main problem in the Riau Prosperous Food Operations program wasthe community low interest to cultivate crops, especially local community. RiauProsperous Food Operations prioritizing financial and physical aids were less effectiveto encourage the community in Kampar to cultivate the crops, especially rice, in a longrun. In other words, the programs should prioritize psychological aspects (motivation)of the community about the importance of the food to support the community socio-economic condition.Key words: Riau Prosperous Food Operations, productivity increase, efficienc


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    Purpose: The research investigates the relationship between vicarious trauma and optimism of on-field volunteers at Hilal Merah Indonesia Humanitarian Institution (HILMI) Design/methodology/approach: A conceptual theoretical approach was used: optimism scale and ProQol scale ver. 5. Participants: The population was composed by 220 field volunteers who had served for at least ten days at a disaster in Indonesia; 140 samples were taken. Findings: In line analysis showed that a higher level of optimism determined a lower level vicarious trauma; conversely, a lower level of optimism determined a higher level of vicarious trauma. Research limitations/implications: Vicarious trauma has many impacts, especially psychological implications and effects the volunteers’ work. Therefore, volunteers need to have the right qualifications, attitudes, and experiences to effectively plan and implement programs. One of the attitudes needed is optimism. Practical implications: The study has determined of the vicarious relationship of trauma to optimism on-field volunteers at (HILMI). This paper demonstrated the existence of a relationship between vicarious trauma and optimism. Article visualizations

    Development of Intersection Management Strategy Due to Opening of Sumatra Toll Road

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    The main role of a transportation network is providing optimum services for transportation network. Over the time, the population is increasing and the needs of reliable transportation network also increased. Transportation network consists of node and connector. According to the condition, the provision of reliable transportation network facilities should be able to optimize the node and the link. In the real condition, there’s a gap between the existing transportation network conditions with the optimum transportation network conditions, as a result the existing transportation network is not able to serve the transportation movement that occurred. Based on this information, research entitled Development of Intersection Management Strategy Due to Opening of Sumatra Toll Road. The objective of this study are: a) Generating traffic flow through the Simpang Polsek Sukarame, Bandar Lampung. b) Evaluating the traffic composition through Simpang Polsek Sukarame, Bandar Lampung. c) Evaluating services intersection parameters needed in evaluating the intersection. d) Determining the intersection strategy of intersection due to the opening of the Sumatra Toll Road. The study is conducted by using Macroscopic Modeling approach using PTV Vissum application and microscopic evaluation using MKJI 1997. In the research, there are several types of data needed. These data are classified into primary and secondary data. Primary data required include: a) Traffic Counting Data, TC Data implemented at Simpang Polsek Sukarame. Traffic Counting data is used as a database for the validation of the transportation model. b) Road geometry data is taken at all connector of Simpang Polsek Sukarame. The Geometry consist of the road width and shoulder width. Geometry data is used for capacity calculation, delay, and saturation degree. From the results of transport modelling that will be evaluated the service level of the intersection based on the parameters of degree of saturation, delay, and speed of vehicles through the intersection. The Result of the model shows that The queue length increasing from 10.66 m to 16.64 m or increasing for around 60% and the average delay increasing from 7 s to 13.43 s or increasing around 95%. It will be concluded that the addition of toll road traffic is affecting the intersection performance

    A Reinterpretation of the Baturetno Formation: Stratigraphic Study of the Baturetno Basin, Wonogiri, Central Java

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    DOI:10.17014/ijog.2.3.125-137This paper focuses on the Quaternary Baturetno Formation. An earlier research concluded that the black clay of the Baturetno Formation formed as a ‘palaeolake' deposit. The ‘palaeolake' was interpreted to form due to the shifting course of the Bengawan Solo Purba River in relation to Pliocene tectonic tilting in the southern Java. The stratigraphy of the Baturetno Formation was observed in the western part of the Baturetno Basin, and based on marker beds, the Baturetno Formation was classified into three units: (1) Gravel unit (GR) in the upper part, (2) clay unit (CU) in the middle part, and (3) sand-gravel unit (SG) in the lower part. There are floating gravel fragments of andesite, claystone, coral, and limestone with diameters of up to 10 cm in the clay unit. The particle size of sediment reflects the environment, but the lake deposition occurs under very quiet conditions. The occurrence of these fragments within the clay cannot be explained if the clay was deposited within a lake environment. The occurrence of floating fragments in the black clay of Baturetno Formation can best be explained through mudflow process. The cohesive strength of the mudflow is responsible for the ability of large fragments to float within the mud matrix. In general, the Baturetno Formation is inferred to be an alluvial fan deposit. The presence of sand, gravel, and mud are characteristics of alluvial fan deposits

    Sedimentological and Micropaleontological Characteristics of the Black Clay Deposit of the Baturetno Formation, Wonogiri, Central Java

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    DOI:10.17014/ijog.3.3.163-171A previous research on black clay of the Baturetno Formation identified that this clay was a palaeolake deposit. In this study, the black clay deposit was characterized by using sedimentological and micropaleontological approaches to reveal its origin. The black clay of the Baturetno Formation has a low organic matter (mostly less than 8%) and almost no pollen content. These characteristics are not representative of a lake deposit. This black clay was suggested a mud flow deposit. This conclusion is supported by the occurrence of dispersed rock fragments in the clay deposit. In addition, the previous research has identified that the formation of a palaeolake was related to the Late Pliocene tilting in South Java. The carbon dating indicates that the deposition of this clay has no relationship to the Late Pliocene tilting in South Java as the age of this clay was determined to be much younger (around 7000 BP; early Holocene)

    Profil Pedagang Kaki Lima Studi Pedagang Miras

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    One of the informal sector that many people acted by the weak economy is as street vendors ( PKL ) . The existence of street vendors has been growing for a long time and the numbers continue to grow as the demands of the growing economy and to fewer opportunities in the formal sector . One street trading business in the city of Pekanbaru precisely on Jalan Ir . Juanda is Street Vendor liquor . Their existence has been around a long time with the source material acquisition merchandise liquor from the nearest port . The street vendors came from all regions of about Pekanbaru well as by local residents and from outside the city of Pekanbaru . The existence of Street Vendors of this liquor is one of the distribution points liquor illegally because they also obtain merchandise from unauthorized or illegal sources . Researchers interested in this case to review the profile hawkers on street vending liquor Ir . Juanda . The purpose of this study is to determine the type of social relationships between vendors and to find out how to obtain and sell alcohol .Keeword: profile, street,vendor

    Pengklasteran Pasien Kanker Leukemia Berdasarkan Data Ekspresi Gen dengan Menggunakan Dekomposisi Nilai Singular

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    Informasi yang terkandung di dalam rangkaian molekular Deo-xyribonucleic acid (DNA) makhluk hidup dapat diketahui melaluiteknologi microarray. Data microarray menyajikan data tingkatekspresi gen yang umumnya berukuran besar. Satu sampel pada data microarray bisa memiliki ribuan atau puluhan ribu gen. Pada penelitian ini diolah data pasien kanker darah (leukemia) yang berukuran 500032dengan entri tak negatif. Data microarray pasien leukemia dapat diolah dengan menggunakan Dekomposisi Nilai Singular sedemikian sehingga sampel yang memiliki sifat yang sama dikelompokkan dalam satu kelompok. Dekomposisi Nilai Singular digunakan untuk mengelompokkan data dengan dua macam keragaman (bi-clustering), yaitu menggunakan nilai vektor singular kedua dan ketiga. Dari implementasi pada data, pasien kanker dapatdikelompokkan menjadi penyakit AML, dan ALL beserta sub tipepenyakit ALL, yakni ALL-T dan ALL-B

    Pengaruh Lingkungan Organisasi, Kepemimpinan, dan Budaya Organisasi terhadap Kinerja Pencapaian Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero)

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    This research was conducted to analyze the influence of organizational environment, leadership, and organizational culture on the performance of customer satisfaction index achievement. This research is quantitative research with causality approach, population of all employees of PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero) branch of Soekarno-Hatta Airport with the number of 1923 people. Sampling technique is done by random, determination of sample size using slovin formula with error 10% so that sample is determined counted 95 people. There are four variables used, that is organization environment, leadership, and organizational culture as independent variable and performance achievement index of customer satisfaction PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero) as a variable r. The collected data were analyzed using multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS version 23 for Windows. The results of this study indicate organizational environment, leadership, and organizational culture significantly positive effect on performance achievement of PT customer satisfaction index. Angkasa Pura II (Persero) at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport Jakarta
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