15 research outputs found

    Analisa Hasil Simulasi Antena Mikrostrip Yagi pada Frekuensi Kerja 1,9-2,1 GHZ Menggunakan Aplikasi Ansoft HSFF Versi 13.0

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    Microstrip antenna as a communcation device has small dimension with good receiving signal ability, this microstrip antenna is a technology that can be used on a wireless network application with high rate data speeds. This microstrip antennas are small, designed in such a way that can be used daily without causing bad image effects for user apperance. antenna yagi microstrip device can be implemented in various fields such as industry, science and medical. The result of the antenna design is carried out by simulation process using applications. The target results from the antenna are: frequency 2.0 GHz, return loss ≤ -10 dB, dan VSWR ≤ 1.9

    Evaluasi Keberadaan Trotoar di Jalan Nasional Kota Pontianak

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    One of the impact of increased traffic flow resulting in increased traffic problems. The condition of the facility equipment can be used as one of the identification problem of traffic safety in the area. Good road conditions must be balanced with the presence of sidewalks available well too, so that the conflict - traffic can occur between motorists with pedestrians crossing the road can terhindar.Tujuan this study was to determine and evaluate the presence of sidewalks on seven National roads are there in the city of Pontianak. Data were collected by direct observation that the data obtained by direct observation. From a survey of geometric and pavement where the seven-dimensional data obtained by the National road pavement, pavement conditions, and land use. Referring to the results of the survey, taken two national roads which have the densest pedestrian volume that is considered to represent for the survey and the number of pedestrian travel time to get the value of current, velocity, density, space, and value the level of service that is on the road pavement Kom.Yos . Sudarso and the Tanjung Pura. Based on the analysis get LOS A service level pavement on both the road pavement which means that the service is still good enough to accommodate pedestrian flow across the pavement dijalur thus considered to represent the condition of seven other national roads. The survey results and the geometric conditions of the existence of national road pavement, the existing pavement is still not optimal as broken pavement condition, the dimensions are not standardized, the placement is not maximized, and the improper use of a sidewalk that needs improvement, reviewing, and controlling pavement in order to meet the standards and can provide maximum service to its users

    Pengaruh Pupuk Kompos Limbah Sayur dan Pupuk Npk Tablet terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Jagung Manis (Zea Mays L. Var. Saccharata Sturt)

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    This research is purposed to find out the effect of Vegetable Waste Compost and NPK Tablets compost fertilizer against growth and production of Sweet Corn (Zea mays L. Var. saccharata Sturt). The experiment held in experimental field of Agriculture Faculty of Riau University began from June 2013 to September 2013, this experiment used group random program in factorial form. The first factor is Vegetable Waste fertilizer in three level of fertilizer, K1 = 94 g/crop (5 ton/ha) K2 = 187 g/crop (10 ton/ha) K3 = 281 g/crop (15 ton/ha). The second factor is NPK Tablets in three level of fertilizer, T1 = 2 tablets/crop T2 = 4 tablets/crop T3 = 6 tablets /crop. The observation parameters are the plantation growth rate (cm), the plantation net-weight (g) in 42 days, the appearance of male flower (HST), the appearance of female flower (HST), the weight per cob (g), and the production per 3m2. Giving vegetable waste compost affects in appearance of male and female flower but does not affect the plantation growth rate, the net-weight of plantation, the weight per cob and the production per plot. Giving NPK Tablets does not affect the plantation growth rate, the net-weight of plantation, the weight per cob and the production per plot

    Pengaruh Reward Dan Punishment Terhadap Kinerja (Studi Pada Karyawan PT Telkom Indonesia Witel Jatim Selatan Malang)

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    The development of business in the era of globalization is leading to higher levels of competition, not least in the service sector. Companies need to empower human resources aimed at improving the performance of each individual and company performance will also increase. One of them through the implementation of reward and punishment. PT Telkom Indonesia Witel South Jatim Malang realized to maximize the performance of the employee, the company must implement a system of reward and punishment. Results of testing the hypothesis known Sig. F ≤ α (0,000 ≤ 0.05) showed no significant effect of variables simultaneously Reward Employees and Punishment Employees the Employee Performance. It can also be known sig. t ≤ α (0,000 ≤ 0.05) showed no significant effect partially of variable Reward Employees and Punishment Employees the Employee Performance. Adjusted R square of 0.574 or 57.4%. This means that the variable Reward Employees and Punishment Employees contributed to employee performance variable of 57.4%, while the remaining 42.6% variable Employee Performance will be influenced by other variables that not addressed in this study, the ability, motivation, training, and work environment. This suggests that significant performance improvement

    English Club Di Sdit Az-Zahra Sragen Dalam Mengembangkan Keterampilan Berbahasa Inggris Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

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    The goals of this research are to describe: 1) the background of English Club in SDIT Az Zahra Sragen. 2) The planning of English Club. 3) The implementation of English Club. 4) The obstacle of the implementation of English Club. 5) The solution of the English Club’s problem. 6) The evaluation of English Club in SDIT Az Zahra Sragen. The type of this research is descriptive qualitative in the form of case studies. The informant of this research is the principal, English Club’s support, English teachers grade 3, 4, 5, and the students of English Club. The techniques of collecting the data are interview, observation, and documentation. Triangulation is used to check the validity of the data. The data is analyzed through the steps of collecting data, data reduction, data display, and drawing conclusion. The result of this research showed that there is various information about English Club in SDIT Az Zahra Sragen in developing English skill. The results of the data are included: the background of English Club to support students in order to speak English fluently, they can use English well for communication and in preparing English competition. The planning of English Club is included: socialization, idea, funding, the planning before the implementation, and students’ preparation. The implementation of English Club is included: material, media, technique, and activity. Speaking is the good one than the other English skill. There are some problems to face, the obstacles are included: when made the material, planning the activities, and the media in developing English skill. The evaluation of English Club is not only focused on English skill, but also evaluation for all aspect in the implementation of English Club

    Teenagers' Perception of Da'wah in Constructing Good Morality

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    This study investigated how the caretaker of the Al-Mukhlisin mosque, Korpri Raya, Sukarame, Lampung Province, conducts da'wah activities to equip teenagers with good morality. The research method employed was a descriptive-qualitative method to describe the teenagers' perceptions of the da'wah activities. The data were obtained through two sources, namely primary data sources and secondary data sources. The primary data sources were the mosque management and the teenagers who participated in the AlMukhlisin mosque da'wah program. The samples were determined through purposive and snowball sampling techniques. The secondary data sources were obtained by collecting documents, records, regulations, supporting books, and literature. This study revealed that teenagers believed that da'wah activities are an obligation for every ummah and serve as places of education. There is a big contribution that the da'wah activities are the agent of change that is trying to change the atmosphere from bad conditions to better conditions. Islamic da'wah seeks to develop the teenagers' ability to live in plurality, to respect other religious communities, and to strengthen the silaturahmi (brotherly bonds)


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    The problem in the role of individual behavior towards the organization is related to understanding human nature, approaches to understanding human nature. The purpose of this research is to answer the question about how the role of individual behavior towards the organization. This study applies the Systematic Literature Review method. Based on the results of a systematic literature review, the researcher found 23 articles which were then filtered into 3 selected articles to be analyzed descriptively. The findings show that what makes up an organization is every individual's behavior that has contributed to the organization. Individual behavior has played an important role in an organizatio