597 research outputs found

    miR-214 coordinates melanoma progression by upregulating ALCAM through TFAP2 and miR-148b downmodulation.

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    Malignant melanoma is one of the most aggressive human cancers, but the mechanisms governing its metastatic dissemination are not fully understood. Upregulation of miR-214 and ALCAM and the loss of TFAP2 expression have been implicated in this process, with TFAP2 a direct target of miR-214. Here, we link miR-214 and ALCAM as well as identify a core role for miR-214 in organizing melanoma metastasis. miR- 214 upregulated ALCAM, acting transcriptionally through TFAP2 and also posttranscriptionally through miR-148b (itself controlled by TFAP2), both negative regulators of ALCAM. We also identified several miR-214–mediated prometastatic functions directly promoted by ALCAM. Silencing ALCAM in miR-214–overexpressing melanoma cells reduced cell migration and invasion without affecting growth or anoikisin vitro, and it also impaired extravasation and metastasis formation in vivo. Conversely, cell migration and extravasation was reduced in miR-214–overexpressing cells by upregulation of either miR 148b or TFAP2. These findings were consistent with patterns of expression of miR-214, ALCAM, and miR-148b in human melanoma specimens. Overall, our results define a pathway involving miR-214, miR-148b, TFAP2, and ALCAM that is critical for establishing distant metastases in melanoma

    Peach witches’-broom, an emerging disease associated with ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma phoenicium’ and ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma aurantifolia’ in Iran

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    During field surveys carried out from 2013 to 2017 in the eight main peach producing provinces of Iran, symptoms of a phytoplasma-like peach witches'-broom disease (PWIB), inducing severe yellowing, little leaf, internode shortening, crown and stem witches\u2019-broom, decline, and death, were observed. The aim of this work was to identify and characterize the agent(s) associated with PWIB by biological assays and molecular analyses. PWIB agents were successfully transmitted under controlled conditions from scions of in field-affected peach trees, exhibiting severe or mild symptoms, to peach and bitter almond seedlings inducing phytoplasma-like symptoms. A 16S rDNA fragment of 1250 bp was amplified by nested-PCR from all PWIB-affected trees and grafted seedlings. Nucleotide sequence identity, presence of species-specific signature sequences, in silico RFLP, single nucleotide polymorphisms, and phylogenetic analyses of 16S rDNA allowed the assignation of the phytoplasma strains identified in seven Iranian provinces in peach trees with severe PWIB symptoms to four SNP genetic lineages of \u2018Ca. P. phoenicium\u2019 (subgroup 16SrIX-B and its variant). PWIB phytoplasma strains identified in Abarkooh (Yazd province) in peach trees with mild symptoms were attributed to the species \u2018Ca. P. aurantifolia\u2019 (subgroup 16SrII-C). This report of a wide spread of \u2018Ca. P. phoenicium\u2019 in association with PWIB in Iran supported its capability of adaptation to a broad range of fruit tree species, such as peach, nectarine, and apricot. As \u2018Ca. P. phoenicium\u2019 and \u2018Ca. P. aurantifolia\u2019 are the etiological agents of other important plant diseases in Iran and neighbouring countries, further investigations are needed to determine the role played by peach in their epidemiological pathways

    DNA vaccines against ErbB2+ Carcinomas: From mice to humans.

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    DNA vaccination exploits a relatively simple and flexible technique to generate an immune response against microbial and tumor-associated antigens (TAAs). Its effectiveness is enhanced by the application of an electrical shock in the area of plasmid injection (electroporation). In our studies we exploited a sophisticated electroporation device approved for clinical use (Cliniporator, IGEA, Carpi, Italy). As the target antigen is an additional factor that dramatically modulates the efficacy of a vaccine, we selected ErbB2 receptor as a target since it is an ideal oncoantigen. It is overexpressed on the cell membrane by several carcinomas for which it plays an essential role in driving their progression. Most oncoantigens are self-tolerated molecules. To circumvent immune tolerance we generated two plasmids (RHuT and HuRT) coding for chimeric rat/human ErbB2 proteins. Their immunogenicity was compared in wild type mice naturally tolerant for mouse ErbB2, and in transgenic mice that are also tolerant for rat or human ErbB2. In several of these mice, RHuT and HuRT elicited a stronger anti-tumor response than plasmids coding for fully human or fully rat ErbB2. The ability of heterologous moiety to blunt immune tolerance could be exploited to elicit a significant immune response in patients. A clinical trial to delay the recurrence of ErbB2+ carcinomas of the oral cavity, oropharynx and hypopharynx is awaiting the approval of the Italian authorities

    Insertion of the DNA for the 163-171 peptide of IL1beta enables a DNA vaccine encoding p185(neu) to inhibit mammary carcinogenesis in Her-2/neu transgenic BALB/c mice.

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    Insertion of the DNA for the 163–171 peptide of IL1β enables a DNA vaccine encoding p185 neu to inhibit mammary carcinogenesis in Her-2/neu transgenic BALB/c mic