256 research outputs found

    The effects of entry on incumbent innovation and productivity

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    How does firm entry affect innovation incentives in incumbent firms? Microdata suggest that there is heterogeneity across industries. Specifically, incumbent productivity growth and patenting is positively correlated with lagged greenfield foreign firm entry in technologically advanced industries, but not in laggard industries. In this paper we provide evidence that these correlations arise from a causal effect predicted by Schumpeterian growth theory—the threat of technologically advanced entry spurs innovation incentives in sectors close to the technology frontier, where successful innovation allows incumbents to survive the threat, but discourages innovation in laggard sectors, where the threat reduces incumbents' expected rents from innovating. We find that the empirical patterns hold using rich micro panel data for the United Kingdom. We control for the endogeneity of entry by exploiting major European and U.K. policy reforms, and allow for endogeneity of additional factors. We complement the analysis for foreign entry with evidence for domestic entry and entry through imports

    Vom Wissen zum Handeln in der Klimakrise mit dem makingAchange Klima-Peer-Training

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    Das makingAchange Klima-Peer-Training soll junge Menschen befähigen, ‚Systemveränderer‘ im Kontext der Nachhaltigkeitstransformation zu werden. Die teilnehmenden Schüler*innen beschäftigen sich ein Schuljahr lang selbstständig mit klimarelevanten Themen, um sowohl in der Schule als auch im Alltag klimafreundliche Akzente setzen zu können. Hilfestellung leisten Expert*innen aus Klimawandelforschung und Umweltbildungspraxis. Dieser Beitrag unterstützt Interessierte darin, die Klima-Peer-Ausbildung in unterschiedlichen Kontexten erfolgreich umzusetzen

    Solar H2_2 evolution in water with modified diketopyrrolopyrrole dyes immobilised on molecular Co and Ni catalyst–TiO2_2 hybrids

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    A series of diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) dyes with a terminal phosphonic acid group for attachment to metal oxide surfaces were synthesised and the effect of side chain modification on their properties investigated. The organic photosensitisers feature strong visible light absorption (λ\lambda = 400 to 575 nm) and electrochemical and fluorescence studies revealed that the excited state of all dyes provides sufficient driving force for electron injection into the TiO2_2 conduction band. The performance of the DPP chromophores attached to TiO2_2 nanoparticles for photocatalytic H2_2 evolution with co-immobilised molecular Co and Ni catalysts was subsequently studied, resulting in solar fuel generation with a dye-sensitised semiconductor nanoparticle system suspended in water without precious metal components. The performance of the DPP dyes in photocatalysis did not only depend on electronic parameters, but also on properties of the side chain such as polarity, steric hinderance and hydrophobicity as well as the specific experimental conditions and the nature of the sacrificial electron donor. In an aqueous pH 4.5 ascorbic acid solution with a phosphonated DuBois-type Ni catalyst, a DPP-based turnover number (TONDPP_{DPP}) of up to 205 was obtained during UV-free simulated solar light irradiation (100 mW cm2^{-2} , AM 1.5G, λ\lambda > 420 nm) after 1 day. DPP-sensitised TiO2_2 nanoparticles were also successfully used in combination with a hydrogenase or platinum instead of the synthetic H2_2 evolution catalysts and the platinum-based system achieved a TONDPP_{DPP} of up to 2660, which significantly outperforms an analogous system using a phosphonated Ru tris(bipyridine) dye (TONRu_{Ru} = 431). Finally, transient absorption spectroscopy was performed to study interfacial recombination and dye regeneration kinetics revealing that the different performances of the DPP dyes are most likely dictated by the different regeneration efficiencies of the oxidised chromophores.Support by the Christian Doppler Research Association (Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy and National Foundation for Research, Technology and Development), the OMV Group and the Ministry of Education (Singapore) is gratefully acknowledged. RG is grateful to FRQNT for a Postdoctoral Fellowship and JRD thanks the European Science Foundation project Intersolar (291482) for support

    Rapid and Precise Semi-Automatic Axon Quantification in Human Peripheral Nerves

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    We developed a time-efficient semi-automated axon quantification method using freeware in human cranial nerve sections stained with paraphenylenediamine (PPD). It was used to analyze a total of 1238 facial and masseteric nerve biopsies. The technique was validated by comparing manual and semi-automated quantification of 129 (10.4%) randomly selected biopsies. The software-based method demonstrated a sensitivity of 94% and a specificity of 87%. Semi-automatic axon counting was significantly faster (p<0.001) than manual counting. It took 1hour and 47minutes for all 129 biopsies (averaging 50sec per biopsy, 0.04seconds per axon). The counting process is automatic and does not need to be supervised. Manual counting took 21hours and 6minutes in total (average 9minutes and 49seconds per biopsy, 0.52seconds per axon). Our method showed a linear correlation to the manual counts (R=0.944 Spearman rho). Attempts have been made by several research groups to automate axonal load quantification. These methods often require specific hard- and software and are therefore only accessible to a few specialized laboratories. Our semi-automated axon quantification is precise, reliable and time-sparing using publicly available software and should be useful for an effective axon quantification in various human peripheral nerves

    COMPOSE-HPC: A Transformational Approach to Exascale

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    The goal of the COMPOSE-HPC project is to 'democratize' tools for automatic transformation of program source code so that it becomes tractable for the developers of scientific applications to create and use their own transformations reliably and safely. This paper describes our approach to this challenge, the creation of the KNOT tool chain, which includes tools for the creation of annotation languages to control the transformations (PAUL), to perform the transformations (ROTE), and optimization and code generation (BRAID), which can be used individually and in combination. We also provide examples of current and future uses of the KNOT tools, which include transforming code to use different programming models and environments, providing tests that can be used to detect errors in software or its execution, as well as composition of software written in different programming languages, or with different threading patterns

    Tissue Viability of Free Flaps after Extracorporeal Perfusion Using a Modified Hydroxyethyl Starch Solution

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    Background: In free flap surgery, tissue is stored under hypothermic ischemia. Extracorporeal perfusion (EP) has the potential to extend storage time and the tissue's perspective of survival. In the present study, the aim is to improve a recently established, simplified extracorporeal perfusion system. Methods: Porcine musculus rectus abdominis were stored under different conditions. One group was perfused continuously with a simplified one-way perfusion system for six hours, while the other received only a single flush but no further treatment. A modified hydroxyethyl starch solution was used as a perfusion and flushing solution. Vitality, functionality, and metabolic activity of both groups were analyzed. Results: Perfused muscles, in contrast to the ischemically stored ones, showed no loss of vitality and significantly less functionality loss, confirming the superiority of storage under continuous perfusion over ischemic storage. Furthermore, in comparison to a previous study, the results were improved even further by using a modified hydroxyethyl starch solution. Conclusion: The use of EP has major benefits compared to the clinical standard static storage at room temperature. Continuous perfusion not only maintains the oxygen and nutrient supply but also removes toxic metabolites formed due to inadequate storage conditions

    “Utility of Smartphone-based Three-dimensional Surface Imaging for Digital Facial Anthropometry”

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    Background The utilization of three-dimensional (3D) surface imaging for facial anthropometry is a significant asset for patients undergoing maxillofacial surgery. Notably, there have been recent advancements in smartphone technology that enable 3D surface imaging. In this study, anthropometric assessments of the face were performed using a smartphone and a sophisticated 3D surface imaging system. Methods 30 healthy volunteers (15 females and 15 males) were included in the study. An iPhone 14 Pro (Apple Inc., USA) using the application 3D Scanner App (Laan Consulting Corp., USA) and the Vectra M5 (Canfield Scientific, USA) were employed to create 3D surface models. For each participant, 19 anthropometric measurements were conducted on the 3D surface models. Subsequently, the anthropometric measurements generated by the two approaches were compared. The statistical techniques employed included the paired t-test, paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Bland–Altman analysis, and calculation of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC). Results All measurements showed excellent agreement between smartphone-based and Vectra M5-based measurements (ICC between 0.85 and 0.97). Statistical analysis revealed no statistically significant differences in the central tendencies for 17 of the 19 linear measurements. Despite the excellent agreement found, Bland–Altman analysis revealed that the 95% limits of agreement between the two methods exceeded ±3 mm for the majority of measurements. Conclusion Digital facial anthropometry using smartphones can serve as a valuable supplementary tool for surgeons, enhancing their communication with patients. However, the proposed data suggest that digital facial anthropometry using smartphones may not yet be suitable for certain diagnostic purposes that require high accuracy

    Contrast Enhanced Ultrasound (Ceus) in Detecting Ruptured Breast Implants Ex Vivo -Preliminary Results of a Unique Technique

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    ABSTRACT Introduction: Detection of ruptured breast implants can be challenging, even with MRI. The aim of this study was to examine different breast implants ex vivo with contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) to determine whether this technique allows screening of implant failure. Objectives: 20 breast implants were examined. Ultrasound was performed using B-mode and CEUS with a multifrequency linear probe after injecting SonoVue to a box filled with NaCl. For interpretation, a scoring system was created (CEUS 1: intact implant, CEUS 5: obvious leakage, called macro-leakage). Results: CEUS was able to detect leakages of all implants, including micro-leakages, verified via microscopy (sensitivity: 100%). Polyurethane (PU) implants with CEUS 2 had a median time of implantation of 14.1 years, silicone implants with CEUS 5 were implanted 3.1 years on average. Silicone implants displayed no significant linear correlation between foreign body capsule formation (Baker score) and CEUS score (correlation coefficient r=0.08). Most of the PU implants with lower Baker grade 3 showed a lower CEUS grade and vice versa, leading to a high correlation (r=0.77). Conclusions: CEUS can be useful to detect implant rupture as an additional method for patients with equivocal sonographic findings. This is a new technique that can help diagnose surface qualities of breast implants

    Overall complication rates of DIEP flap breast reconstructions in Germany – a multi-center analysis based on the DGPRÄC prospective national online registry for microsurgical breast reconstructions

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    While autologous breast reconstruction has gained momentum over recent years, there is limited data on the structure and quality of care of microsurgical breast reconstruction in Germany. Using the breast reconstruction database established by the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (DGPRÄC), the presented study investigated the overall outcomes of deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap reconstructions in Germany. Data of 3926 patients and 4577 DIEP flaps performed by 22 centers were included in this study. Demographics, patient characteristics, perioperative details and postoperative outcomes were accounted for. Centers performing < Ø 40 (low-volume (LV)) vs. ≥ Ø 40 (high-volume (HV)) annual DIEP flaps were analyzed separately. Overall, total and partial flap loss rates were as low as 2.0% and 1.1% respectively, and emergent vascular revision surgery was performed in 4.3% of cases. Revision surgery due to wound complications was conducted in 8.3% of all cases. Mean operative time and length of hospital stay was significantly shorter in the HV group (LV: 385.82 min vs. HV: 287.14 min; LV: 9.04 (18.87) days vs. HV: 8.21 (5.04) days; both p < 0.05). The outcome and complication rates deduced from the national registry underline the high standard of microsurgical breast reconstruction on a national level in Germany