425 research outputs found

    Two-Channel Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Processes

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    Totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes, consisting of two coupled parallel lattice chains with particles interacting with hard-core exclusion and moving along the channels and between them, are considered. In the limit of strong coupling between the channels, the particle currents, density profiles and a phase diagram are calculated exactly by mapping the system into an effective one-channel totally asymmetric exclusion model. For intermediate couplings, a simple approximate theory, that describes the particle dynamics in vertical clusters of two corresponding parallel sites exactly and neglects the correlations between different vertical clusters, is developed. It is found that, similarly to the case of one-channel totally asymmetric simple exclusion processes, there are three stationary state phases, although the phase boundaries and stationary properties strongly depend on inter-channel coupling. An extensive computer Monte Carlo simulations fully support the theoretical predictions.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figure

    Commodity and Financial Networks in Regional Economics

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    The article discusses the relationship between commodity-production and financial network structures in the regional economy as dual conjugate systems. Material flows (raw materials, goods and so on) circulate in the commodity network as shown by Leontiev’s input-output balance model. Nonmaterial flows of property rights, money, and so on circulate in the financial network and reflect the movement of material objects in commodity networks. A network structure comprises closed and open circuits, which have fundamentally different characteristics: locally closed circuits meet local demand by supplying locally produced goods, thus ensuring self-reproduction of the local economy; open (or transit) circuits provide export-import flows. The article describes the mechanism of ‘internal’ money generation in closed circuits of commodity-production networks. The results of the theoretical study are illustrated by the calculations of closed and open circuit flows in the municipal economy model. Mutual settlements between the population and manufacturing enterprises are given in matrix form. It was found that the volume of the turnover in closed circuits of the municipal economic network model is about 28.5 % of the total turnover and can be provided by ‘internal’ non-inflationary money. The remaining 71.5 % of the total turnover correspond to the flows in the network’s open circuits providing export and import. The conclusion is made that in the innovation-driven economy, main attention should be given to the projects oriented towards domestic consumption rather than export supplies. The economy is based on internal production cycles in closed circuits. Thus, it is necessary to find the chains in the inter-industrial and inter-production relations which could become the basis of the production cycle. Money investments will complete such commodity chains and ‘launch’ the production cycle.The work has been prepared with the supprot of the Ural Federal University within the UrFU Program for the winners of the competition “Young Scientists of UrFU” No.

    Why spontaneous symmetry breaking disappears in a bridge system with PDE-friendly boundaries

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    We consider a driven diffusive system with two types of particles, A and B, coupled at the ends to reservoirs with fixed particle densities. To define stochastic dynamics that correspond to boundary reservoirs we introduce projection measures. The stationary state is shown to be approached dynamically through an infinite reflection of shocks from the boundaries. We argue that spontaneous symmetry breaking observed in similar systems is due to placing effective impurities at the boundaries and therefore does not occur in our system. Monte-Carlo simulations confirm our results.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figure

    Exact Solution of a Three-Dimensional Dimer System

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    We consider a three-dimensional lattice model consisting of layers of vertex models coupled with interlayer interactions. For a particular non-trivial interlayer interaction between charge-conserving vertex models and using a transfer matrix approach, we show that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the transfer matrix are related to those of the two-dimensional vertex model. The result is applied to analyze the phase transitions in a realistic three-dimensional dimer system.Comment: 11 pages in REVTex with 2 PS figure

    On the Fibonacci universality classes in nonlinear fluctuating hydrodynamics

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    We present a lattice gas model that without fine tuning of parameters is expected to exhibit the so far elusive modified Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class. To this end, we review briefly how non-linear fluctuating hydrodynamics in one dimension predicts that all dynamical universality classes in its range of applicability belong to an infinite discrete family which we call Fibonacci family since their dynamical exponents are the Kepler ratios zi=Fi+1/Fiz_i = F_{i+1}/F_{i} of neighbouring Fibonacci numbers FiF_i, including diffusion (z2=2z_2=2), KPZ (z3=3/2z_3=3/2), and the limiting ratio which is the golden mean z=(1+5)/2z_\infty=(1+\sqrt{5})/2. Then we revisit the case of two conservation laws to which the modified KPZ model belongs. We also derive criteria on the macroscopic currents to lead to other non-KPZ universality classes.Comment: 17 page

    Rigorous results on spontaneous symmetry breaking in a one-dimensional driven particle system

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    We study spontaneous symmetry breaking in a one-dimensional driven two-species stochastic cellular automaton with parallel sublattice update and open boundaries. The dynamics are symmetric with respect to interchange of particles. Starting from an empty initial lattice, the system enters a symmetry broken state after some time T_1 through an amplification loop of initial fluctuations. It remains in the symmetry broken state for a time T_2 through a traffic jam effect. Applying a simple martingale argument, we obtain rigorous asymptotic estimates for the expected times ~ L ln(L) and ln() ~ L, where L is the system size. The actual value of T_1 depends strongly on the initial fluctuation in the amplification loop. Numerical simulations suggest that T_2 is exponentially distributed with a mean that grows exponentially in system size. For the phase transition line we argue and confirm by simulations that the flipping time between sign changes of the difference of particle numbers approaches an algebraic distribution as the system size tends to infinity.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Phase diagram of two-lane driven diffusive systems

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    We consider a large class of two-lane driven diffusive systems in contact with reservoirs at their boundaries and develop a stability analysis as a method to derive the phase diagrams of such systems. We illustrate the method by deriving phase diagrams for the asymmetric exclusion process coupled to various second lanes: a diffusive lane; an asymmetric exclusion process with advection in the same direction as the first lane, and an asymmetric exclusion process with advection in the opposite direction. The competing currents on the two lanes naturally lead to a very rich phenomenology and we find a variety of phase diagrams. It is shown that the stability analysis is equivalent to an `extremal current principle' for the total current in the two lanes. We also point to classes of models where both the stability analysis and the extremal current principle fail

    Quantum shock waves in the Heisenberg XY model

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    We show the existence of quantum states of the Heisenberg XY chain which closely follow the motion of the corresponding semi-classical ones, and whose evolution resemble the propagation of a shock wave in a fluid. These states are exact solutions of the Schroedinger equation of the XY model and their classical counterpart are simply domain walls or soliton-like solutions.Comment: 15 pages,6 figure

    Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking in a Non-Conserving Two-Species Driven Model

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    A two species particle model on an open chain with dynamics which is non-conserving in the bulk is introduced. The dynamical rules which define the model obey a symmetry between the two species. The model exhibits a rich behavior which includes spontaneous symmetry breaking and localized shocks. The phase diagram in several regions of parameter space is calculated within mean-field approximation, and compared with Monte-Carlo simulations. In the limit where fluctuations in the number of particles in the system are taken to zero, an exact solution is obtained. We present and analyze a physical picture which serves to explain the different phases of the model

    Lattice Statistics in Three Dimensions: Exact Solution of Layered Dimer and Layered Domain Wall Models

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    Exact analyses are given for two three-dimensional lattice systems: A system of close-packed dimers placed in layers of honeycomb lattices and a layered triangular-lattice interacting domain wall model, both with nontrivial interlayer interactions. We show that both models are equivalent to a 5-vertex model on the square lattice with interlayer vertex-vertex interactions. Using the method of Bethe ansatz, a closed-form expression for the free energy is obtained and analyzed. We deduce the exact phase diagram and determine the nature of the phase transitions as a function of the strength of the interlayer interaction.Comment: 22 pages in Revtex, 6 PS files, submitted to PR