427 research outputs found

    Projective Ring Line Encompassing Two-Qubits

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    The projective line over the (non-commutative) ring of two-by-two matrices with coefficients in GF(2) is found to fully accommodate the algebra of 15 operators - generalized Pauli matrices - characterizing two-qubit systems. The relevant sub-configuration consists of 15 points each of which is either simultaneously distant or simultaneously neighbor to (any) two given distant points of the line. The operators can be identified with the points in such a one-to-one manner that their commutation relations are exactly reproduced by the underlying geometry of the points, with the ring geometrical notions of neighbor/distant answering, respectively, to the operational ones of commuting/non-commuting. This remarkable configuration can be viewed in two principally different ways accounting, respectively, for the basic 9+6 and 10+5 factorizations of the algebra of the observables. First, as a disjoint union of the projective line over GF(2) x GF(2) (the "Mermin" part) and two lines over GF(4) passing through the two selected points, the latter omitted. Second, as the generalized quadrangle of order two, with its ovoids and/or spreads standing for (maximum) sets of five mutually non-commuting operators and/or groups of five maximally commuting subsets of three operators each. These findings open up rather unexpected vistas for an algebraic geometrical modelling of finite-dimensional quantum systems and give their numerous applications a wholly new perspective.Comment: 8 pages, three tables; Version 2 - a few typos and one discrepancy corrected; Version 3: substantial extension of the paper - two-qubits are generalized quadrangles of order two; Version 4: self-dual picture completed; Version 5: intriguing triality found -- three kinds of geometric hyperplanes within GQ and three distinguished subsets of Pauli operator

    Stac Proteins Suppress Ca2+-Dependent Inactivation of Neuronal L-type Ca2+ Channels

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    Stac protein (named for its SH3-and cysteine-rich domains) was first identified in brain 20 years ago and is currently known to have three isoforms. Stac2, Stac1, and Stac3 transcripts are found at high, modest, and very low levels, respectively, in the cerebellum and forebrain, but their neuronal functions have been little investigated. Here, we tested the effects of Stac proteins on neuronal, high-voltage-activated Ca2+ channels. Overexpression of the three Stac isoforms eliminated Ca2+-dependent inactivation (CDI) ofL-type current in rat neonatal hippocampal neurons (sex unknown), but not CDI of non-L-type current. Using heterologous expression in tsA201 cells (together with ÎČ and α2-ÎŽ1 auxiliary subunits), we found that CDI for CaV1.2 and CaV1.3 (the predominant, neuronalL-type Ca2+ channels) was suppressed by all three Stac isoforms, whereas CDI for the P/Q channel, CaV2.1, was not. For CaV1.2, the inhibition of CDI by the Stac proteins appeared to involve their direct interaction with the channel’s C terminus. Within the Stac proteins, a weakly conserved segment containing ~100 residues and linking the structurally conserved PKC C1 and SH3_1 domains was sufficient to fully suppress CDI. The presence of CDI forL-type current in control neonatal neurons raised the possibility that endogenous Stac levels are low in these neurons and Western blotting indicated that the expression of Stac2 was substantially increased in adult forebrain and cerebellum compared with neonate. Together, our results indicate that one likely function of neuronal Stac proteins is to tune Ca2+ entry via neuronal L-type channels. © 2018 the authors

    Femoral B‐cell neurolymphomatosis in a horse with multicentric lymphoma

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    An 18‐year‐old Freiberger gelding was presented with a history of intermittent left hindlimb lameness after an acute onset 2 weeks prior to referral. The lameness had not responded to anti‐inflammatory therapy prescribed by the referring veterinarian. Physical, orthopaedic and neurological examinations revealed signs compatible with ipsilateral femoral nerve dysfunction. Transrectal sonographic examination showed a marked increase in the diameter of the left femoral nerve. The results of electromyography of the left hind quadriceps muscle were compatible with denervation attributable to neuropathy. Evaluation of cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) revealed pleocytosis consisting of medium‐sized lymphocytes, 5%–10% of which were positive for CD3 and CD79a. Neoplasia was suspected and steroid therapy was started. However, exacerbation of the clinical signs occurred and the horse was euthanised. Histopathological evaluation showed neurolymphomatosis of the left femoral nerve as the cause of the lameness. Infiltration of tumour cells was also seen to a lesser extent in the right femoral nerve, spinal cord, various parts of the cardiovascular system, renal capsules, an abdominal lymph node and the subcutis of the left stifle and upper lip. Histochemical evaluation revealed 60%–70% of the neoplastic lymphocytes were positive for CD20 and CD79a and up to 40% were positive for CD3. This report describes the uniqueness of a femoral mononeuropathy as the main clinical finding of B‐cell neurolymphomatosis and multicentric lymphoma

    Increasing pattern recognition accuracy for chemical sensing by evolutionary based drift compensation

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    Artificial olfaction systems, which mimic human olfaction by using arrays of gas chemical sensors combined with pattern recognition methods, represent a potentially low-cost tool in many areas of industry such as perfumery, food and drink production, clinical diagnosis, health and safety, environmental monitoring and process control. However, successful applications of these systems are still largely limited to specialized laboratories. Sensor drift, i.e., the lack of a sensor's stability over time, still limits real in dustrial setups. This paper presents and discusses an evolutionary based adaptive drift-correction method designed to work with state-of-the-art classification systems. The proposed approach exploits a cutting-edge evolutionary strategy to iteratively tweak the coefficients of a linear transformation which can transparently correct raw sensors' measures thus mitigating the negative effects of the drift. The method learns the optimal correction strategy without the use of models or other hypotheses on the behavior of the physical chemical sensors

    Constraining Antimatter Domains in the Early Universe with Big Bang Nucleosynthesis

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    We consider the effect of a small-scale matter-antimatter domain structure on big bang nucleosynthesis and place upper limits on the amount of antimatter in the early universe. For small domains, which annihilate before nucleosynthesis, this limit comes from underproduction of He-4. For larger domains, the limit comes from He-3 overproduction. Most of the He-3 from antiproton-helium annihilation is annihilated also. The main source of He-3 is photodisintegration of He-4 by the electromagnetic cascades initiated by the annihilation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, revtex, (slightly shortened

    Black Hole Entropy and Finite Geometry

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    It is shown that the E6(6)E_{6(6)} symmetric entropy formula describing black holes and black strings in D=5 is intimately tied to the geometry of the generalized quadrangle GQ(2,4)(2,4) with automorphism group the Weyl group W(E6)W(E_6). The 27 charges correspond to the points and the 45 terms in the entropy formula to the lines of GQ(2,4)(2,4). Different truncations with 15,1115, 11 and 9 charges are represented by three distinguished subconfigurations of GQ(2,4)(2,4), well-known to finite geometers; these are the "doily" (i. e. GQ(2,2)(2,2)) with 15, the "perp-set" of a point with 11, and the "grid" (i. e. GQ(2,1)(2,1)) with 9 points, respectively. In order to obtain the correct signs for the terms in the entropy formula, we use a non- commutative labelling for the points of GQ(2,4)(2,4). For the 40 different possible truncations with 9 charges this labelling yields 120 Mermin squares -- objects well-known from studies concerning Bell-Kochen-Specker-like theorems. These results are connected to our previous ones obtained for the E7(7)E_{7(7)} symmetric entropy formula in D=4 by observing that the structure of GQ(2,4)(2,4) is linked to a particular kind of geometric hyperplane of the split Cayley hexagon of order two, featuring 27 points located on 9 pairwise disjoint lines (a distance-3-spread). We conjecture that the different possibilities of describing the D=5 entropy formula using Jordan algebras, qubits and/or qutrits correspond to employing different coordinates for an underlying non-commutative geometric structure based on GQ(2,4)(2,4).Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, v2 a new paragraph added, typos correcte

    The Putative Drp1 Inhibitor mdivi-1 Is a Reversible Mitochondrial Complex I Inhibitor that Modulates Reactive Oxygen Species

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    Mitochondrial fission mediated by the GTPase dynamin-related protein 1 (Drp1) is an attractive drug target in numerous maladies that range from heart disease to neurodegenerative disorders. The compound mdivi-1 is widely reported to inhibit Drp1-dependent fission, elongate mitochondria, and mitigate brain injury. Here, we show that mdivi-1 reversibly inhibits mitochondrial complex I-dependent O2 consumption and reverse electron transfer-mediated reactive oxygen species (ROS) production at concentrations (e.g., 50 ΌM) used to target mitochondrial fission. Respiratory inhibition is rescued by bypassing complex I using yeast NADH dehydrogenase Ndi1. Unexpectedly, respiratory impairment by mdivi-1 occurs without mitochondrial elongation, is not mimicked by Drp1 deletion, and is observed in Drp1-deficient fibroblasts. In addition, mdivi-1 poorly inhibits recombinant Drp1 GTPase activity (Ki > 1.2 mM). Overall, these results suggest that mdivi-1 is not a specific Drp1 inhibitor. The ability of mdivi-1 to reversibly inhibit complex I and modify mitochondrial ROS production may contribute to effects observed in disease models. © 2017 Elsevier Inc

    Heating of nuclei with energetic anti-protons

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    International audienceHigh-energy Îł rays associated with the decay of the giant dipole resonance have been measured for two fusion reactions leading to the 140Sm compound nucleus at an excitation energy of 71 MeV. The observed yield increases with the asymmetry in the ratios of the number of neutrons to protons in the entrance channel. This is interpreted as resulting from giant dipole phonons excited at the moment of collision in an N/Z asymmetric reaction

    Isospin Physics in Heavy-Ion Collisions at Intermediate Energies

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    In nuclear collisions induced by stable or radioactive neutron-rich nuclei a transient state of nuclear matter with an appreciable isospin asymmetry as well as thermal and compressional excitation can be created. This offers the possibility to study the properties of nuclear matter in the region between symmetric nuclear matter and pure neutron matter. In this review, we discuss recent theoretical studies of the equation of state of isospin-asymmetric nuclear matter and its relations to the properties of neutron stars and radioactive nuclei. Chemical and mechanical instabilities as well as the liquid-gas phase transition in asymmetric nuclear matter are investigated. The in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross sections at different isospin states are reviewed as they affect significantly the dynamics of heavy ion collisions induced by radioactive beams. We then discuss an isospin-dependent transport model, which includes different mean-field potentials and cross sections for the proton and neutron, and its application to these reactions. Furthermore, we review the comparisons between theoretical predictions and available experimental data. In particular, we discuss the study of nuclear stopping in terms of isospin equilibration, the dependence of nuclear collective flow and balance energy on the isospin-dependent nuclear equation of state and cross sections, the isospin dependence of total nuclear reaction cross sections, and the role of isospin in preequilibrium nucleon emissions and subthreshold pion production.Comment: 101 pages with embedded epsf figures, review article for "International Journal of Modern Physics E: Nuclear Physics". Send request for a hard copy to 1/author
