293 research outputs found

    A cellular automaton for the factor of safety field in landslides modeling

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    Landslide inventories show that the statistical distribution of the area of recorded events is well described by a power law over a range of decades. To understand these distributions, we consider a cellular automaton to model a time and position dependent factor of safety. The model is able to reproduce the complex structure of landslide distribution, as experimentally reported. In particular, we investigate the role of the rate of change of the system dynamical variables, induced by an external drive, on landslide modeling and its implications on hazard assessment. As the rate is increased, the model has a crossover from a critical regime with power-laws to non power-law behaviors. We suggest that the detection of patterns of correlated domains in monitored regions can be crucial to identify the response of the system to perturbations, i.e., for hazard assessment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Estimating soil suction from electrical resistivity

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    Abstract. Soil suction and resistivity strongly depend on the degree of soil saturation and, therefore, both are used for estimating water content variations. The main difference between them is that soil suction is measured using tensiometers, which give point information, while resistivity is obtained by tomography surveys, which provide distributions of resistivity values in large volumes, although with less accuracy. In this paper, we have related soil suction to electrical resistivity with the aim of obtaining information about soil suction changes in large volumes, and not only for small areas around soil suction probes. We derived analytical relationships between soil matric suction and electrical resistivity by combining the empirical laws of van Genuchten and Archie. The obtained relationships were used to evaluate maps of soil suction values in different ashy layers originating in the explosive activity of the Mt Somma-Vesuvius volcano (southern Italy). Our findings provided a further example of the high potential of geophysical methods in contributing to more effective monitoring of soil stress conditions; this is of primary importance in areas where rainfall-induced landslides occur periodically

    Finite driving rate and anisotropy effects in landslide modeling

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    In order to characterize landslide frequency-size distributions and individuate hazard scenarios and their possible precursors, we investigate a cellular automaton where the effects of a finite driving rate and the anisotropy are taken into account. The model is able to reproduce observed features of landslide events, such as power-law distributions, as experimentally reported. We analyze the key role of the driving rate and show that, as it is increased, a crossover from power-law to non power-law behaviors occurs. Finally, a systematic investigation of the model on varying its anisotropy factors is performed and the full diagram of its dynamical behaviors is presented.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure

    Comprehensive Overview on HVDC Converter Transformer Design: Additional Discussions to the IEC/IEEE 60076-57-129 Standard

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    HVDC has been chosen as an economical and technical solution for power transmission through long distances, asynchronous interconnections and long submarine cables crossing. Despite DC transmission benefits to power systems, the converters non-linearity produces undesirable effects to the converter transformer in service, mainly listed in the technical standard IEC/IEEE 60076-57-129. However, additional discussions and complementary information can be found in a plurality of references, which are brought in the article under a comprehensive overview perspective. Some design solutions deal with these effects increasing the technical margins, which have direct influence on manufacturing costs and transformer reliability and availability levels. This article goes through the main topics pointed by the standard and the references, investigating their consequences in the converter transformer operation, in order to provide a comprehensive tutorial on design solutions and considerations to deal with those undesirable effects

    Perosomus elumbis in piglets: Pathological, radiological and cytogenetic findings

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    Perosomus elumbis (PE) is a rare congenital condition characterized by agenesis of the lumbar, sacral and coccygeal vertebrae. Perosomus elumbis has rarely been reported in literature as morphological description of singles or few cases. Here we report the first extensive description of eight cases of PE detected in two consecutive litters from the same parents of Casertana pig breed. In August 2018, eight piglets were investigated for multiple malformations. All malformed animals, but one, died in the first day of life. The survivor piglet died at 23 days of age. Pathological, radiological and cytogenetic examination was performed. Furthermore, a farm epidemiological investigation was carried out to investigate the percentage of piglets born dead or with malformations in 2018. The radiological and pathological exams showed skeletal abnormalities at the spinal cord level and visceral malformations. Cytogenetic investigations showed a normal chromosome arrangement. Finally, epidemiological investigation revealed a low prevalence of malformations in newborn pigs, equal to 0.5% of the total birth rate of the farm. Our findings report the first extensive description of PE cases in pigs and suggest an underestimation of this malformation in veterinary medicine. Our findings also suggest a specific genetic etiological basis as cause of PE in pigs and exclude chromosomal abnormalities. Further studies will be performed to confirm this hypothesis

    Polaron formation for a non-local electron-phonon coupling: A variational wave-function study

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    We introduce a variational wave-function to study the polaron formation when the electronic transfer integral depends on the relative displacement between nearest-neighbor sites giving rise to a non-local electron-phonon coupling with optical phonon modes. We analyze the ground state properties such as the energy, the electron-lattice correlation function, the phonon number and the spectral weight. Variational results are found in good agreement with analytic weak-coupling perturbative calculations and exact numerical diagonalization of small clusters. We determine the polaronic phase diagram and we find that the tendency towards strong localization is hindered from the pathological sign change of the effective next-nearest-neighbor hopping.Comment: 11 page

    Antioxidative Effects of Curcumin on the Hepatotoxicity Induced by Ochratoxin A in Rats

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    Ochratoxin A (OTA) is a powerful mycotoxin found in various foods and feedstuff, responsible for subchronic and chronic toxicity, such as nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity, teratogenicity, and immunotoxicity to both humans and several animal species. The severity of the liver damage caused depends on both dose and duration of exposure. Several studies have suggested that oxidative stress might contribute to increasing the hepatotoxicity of OTA, and several antioxidants, including curcumin (CURC), have been tested to counteract the toxic hepatic action of OTA in various classes of animals. Therefore, the present study was designed to evaluate the protective effect of CURC, a bioactive compound with different therapeutic properties on hepatic injuries caused by OTA in rat animal models. CURC effects were examined in Sprague Dawley rats treated with CURC (100 mg/kg), alone or in combination with OTA (0.5 mg/kg), by gavage daily for 14 days. At the end of the experiment, rats treated with OTA showed alterations in biochemical parameters and oxidative stress in the liver. CURC dosing significantly attenuated oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation versus the OTA group. Furthermore, liver histological tests showed that CURC reduced the multifocal lymphoplasmacellular hepatitis, the periportal fibrosis, and the necrosis observed in the OTA group. This study provides evidence that CURC can preserve OTA-induced oxidative damage in the liver of rat

    Avalanche Statistics of Driven Granular Slides in a Miniature Mound

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    We examine avalanche statistics of rain- and vibration-driven granular slides in miniature sand mounds. A crossover from power-law to non power-law avalanche-size statistics is demonstrated as a generic driving rate ν\nu is increased. For slowly-driven mounds, the tail of the avalanche-size distribution is a power-law with exponent 1.97±0.31-1.97\pm 0.31, reasonably close to the value previously reported for landslide volumes. The interevent occurrence times are also analyzed for slowly-driven mounds; its distribution exhibits a power-law with exponent 2.670±0.001-2.670\pm 0.001.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    Electron-phonon effects and transport in carbon nanotubes

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    We calculate the electron-phonon scattering and binding in semiconducting carbon nanotubes, within a tight binding model. The mobility is derived using a multi-band Boltzmann treatment. At high fields, the dominant scattering is inter-band scattering by LO phonons corresponding to the corners K of the graphene Brillouin zone. The drift velocity saturates at approximately half the graphene Fermi velocity. The calculated mobility as a function of temperature, electric field, and nanotube chirality are well reproduced by a simple interpolation formula. Polaronic binding give a band-gap renormalization of ~70 meV, an order of magnitude larger than expected. Coherence lengths can be quite long but are strongly energy dependent.Comment: 5 pages and 4 figure

    Two-gap model for underdoped cuprate superconductors

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    Various properties of underdoped superconducting cuprates, including the momentum-dependent pseudogap opening, indicate a behavior which is neither BCS nor Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC) like. To explain this issue we introduce a two-gap model. This model assumes an anisotropic pairing interaction among two kinds of fermions with small and large Fermi velocities representing the quasiparticles near the M and the nodal points of the Fermi surface respectively. We find that a gap forms near the M points resulting into incoherent pairing due to strong fluctuations. Instead the pairing near the nodal points sets in with phase coherence at lower temperature. By tuning the momentum-dependent interaction, the model allows for a continuous evolution from a pure BCS pairing (in the overdoped and optimally doped regime) to a mixed boson-fermion picture (in the strongly underdoped regime).Comment: 5 pages, 1 enclosed figure. For further information see http://htcs.or