309 research outputs found

    The Szemeredi-Trotter Theorem in the Complex Plane

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    It is shown that nn points and ee lines in the complex Euclidean plane C2{\mathbb C}^2 determine O(n2/3e2/3+n+e)O(n^{2/3}e^{2/3}+n+e) point-line incidences. This bound is the best possible, and it generalizes the celebrated theorem by Szemer\'edi and Trotter about point-line incidences in the real Euclidean plane R2{\mathbb R}^2.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Combinatoric

    John Thayer Hitchcock: Appreciation and Retrospective

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    Conflict-free connection numbers of line graphs

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    A path in an edge-colored graph is called \emph{conflict-free} if it contains at least one color used on exactly one of its edges. An edge-colored graph GG is \emph{conflict-free connected} if for any two distinct vertices of GG, there is a conflict-free path connecting them. For a connected graph GG, the \emph{conflict-free connection number} of GG, denoted by cfc(G)cfc(G), is defined as the minimum number of colors that are required to make GG conflict-free connected. In this paper, we investigate the conflict-free connection numbers of connected claw-free graphs, especially line graphs. We first show that for an arbitrary connected graph GG, there exists a positive integer kk such that cfc(Lk(G))≤2cfc(L^k(G))\leq 2. Secondly, we get the exact value of the conflict-free connection number of a connected claw-free graph, especially a connected line graph. Thirdly, we prove that for an arbitrary connected graph GG and an arbitrary positive integer kk, we always have cfc(Lk+1(G))≤cfc(Lk(G))cfc(L^{k+1}(G))\leq cfc(L^k(G)), with only the exception that GG is isomorphic to a star of order at least~55 and k=1k=1. Finally, we obtain the exact values of cfc(Lk(G))cfc(L^k(G)), and use them as an efficient tool to get the smallest nonnegative integer k0k_0 such that cfc(Lk0(G))=2cfc(L^{k_0}(G))=2.Comment: 11 page

    On the Recognition of Fan-Planar and Maximal Outer-Fan-Planar Graphs

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    Fan-planar graphs were recently introduced as a generalization of 1-planar graphs. A graph is fan-planar if it can be embedded in the plane, such that each edge that is crossed more than once, is crossed by a bundle of two or more edges incident to a common vertex. A graph is outer-fan-planar if it has a fan-planar embedding in which every vertex is on the outer face. If, in addition, the insertion of an edge destroys its outer-fan-planarity, then it is maximal outer-fan-planar. In this paper, we present a polynomial-time algorithm to test whether a given graph is maximal outer-fan-planar. The algorithm can also be employed to produce an outer-fan-planar embedding, if one exists. On the negative side, we show that testing fan-planarity of a graph is NP-hard, for the case where the rotation system (i.e., the cyclic order of the edges around each vertex) is given

    Edge Partitions of Optimal 22-plane and 33-plane Graphs

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    A topological graph is a graph drawn in the plane. A topological graph is kk-plane, k>0k>0, if each edge is crossed at most kk times. We study the problem of partitioning the edges of a kk-plane graph such that each partite set forms a graph with a simpler structure. While this problem has been studied for k=1k=1, we focus on optimal 22-plane and 33-plane graphs, which are 22-plane and 33-plane graphs with maximum density. We prove the following results. (i) It is not possible to partition the edges of a simple optimal 22-plane graph into a 11-plane graph and a forest, while (ii) an edge partition formed by a 11-plane graph and two plane forests always exists and can be computed in linear time. (iii) We describe efficient algorithms to partition the edges of a simple optimal 22-plane graph into a 11-plane graph and a plane graph with maximum vertex degree 1212, or with maximum vertex degree 88 if the optimal 22-plane graph is such that its crossing-free edges form a graph with no separating triangles. (iv) We exhibit an infinite family of simple optimal 22-plane graphs such that in any edge partition composed of a 11-plane graph and a plane graph, the plane graph has maximum vertex degree at least 66 and the 11-plane graph has maximum vertex degree at least 1212. (v) We show that every optimal 33-plane graph whose crossing-free edges form a biconnected graph can be decomposed, in linear time, into a 22-plane graph and two plane forests

    Beyond Outerplanarity

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    We study straight-line drawings of graphs where the vertices are placed in convex position in the plane, i.e., convex drawings. We consider two families of graph classes with nice convex drawings: outer kk-planar graphs, where each edge is crossed by at most kk other edges; and, outer kk-quasi-planar graphs where no kk edges can mutually cross. We show that the outer kk-planar graphs are (⌊4k+1⌋+1)(\lfloor\sqrt{4k+1}\rfloor+1)-degenerate, and consequently that every outer kk-planar graph can be (⌊4k+1⌋+2)(\lfloor\sqrt{4k+1}\rfloor+2)-colored, and this bound is tight. We further show that every outer kk-planar graph has a balanced separator of size O(k)O(k). This implies that every outer kk-planar graph has treewidth O(k)O(k). For fixed kk, these small balanced separators allow us to obtain a simple quasi-polynomial time algorithm to test whether a given graph is outer kk-planar, i.e., none of these recognition problems are NP-complete unless ETH fails. For the outer kk-quasi-planar graphs we prove that, unlike other beyond-planar graph classes, every edge-maximal nn-vertex outer kk-quasi planar graph has the same number of edges, namely 2(k−1)n−(2k−12)2(k-1)n - \binom{2k-1}{2}. We also construct planar 3-trees that are not outer 33-quasi-planar. Finally, we restrict outer kk-planar and outer kk-quasi-planar drawings to \emph{closed} drawings, where the vertex sequence on the boundary is a cycle in the graph. For each kk, we express closed outer kk-planarity and \emph{closed outer kk-quasi-planarity} in extended monadic second-order logic. Thus, closed outer kk-planarity is linear-time testable by Courcelle's Theorem.Comment: Appears in the Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Graph Drawing and Network Visualization (GD 2017

    On a Tree and a Path with no Geometric Simultaneous Embedding

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    Two graphs G1=(V,E1)G_1=(V,E_1) and G2=(V,E2)G_2=(V,E_2) admit a geometric simultaneous embedding if there exists a set of points P and a bijection M: P -> V that induce planar straight-line embeddings both for G1G_1 and for G2G_2. While it is known that two caterpillars always admit a geometric simultaneous embedding and that two trees not always admit one, the question about a tree and a path is still open and is often regarded as the most prominent open problem in this area. We answer this question in the negative by providing a counterexample. Additionally, since the counterexample uses disjoint edge sets for the two graphs, we also negatively answer another open question, that is, whether it is possible to simultaneously embed two edge-disjoint trees. As a final result, we study the same problem when some constraints on the tree are imposed. Namely, we show that a tree of depth 2 and a path always admit a geometric simultaneous embedding. In fact, such a strong constraint is not so far from closing the gap with the instances not admitting any solution, as the tree used in our counterexample has depth 4.Comment: 42 pages, 33 figure
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