452 research outputs found

    Big Data y áreas de oportunidad para la proyección del Sistema Inteligente de Transporte en Bogotá, Colombia

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    Today, the large cities of Colombia – especially Bogotá, due to the growth of its population (9.3 million with the arrival of immigrants) – demand the projection of intelligent public and private transport systems, as an achievement of the mobility policy of the Bogota Humana administration. Hence, this question arises: What are the challenges and areas of opportunity of adapting Big Data to project an Intelligent Transportation System for all citizens in Bogotá? Based on this question, our aim is to determine the contributions that Big Data offers as a collection center for the projection of an intelligent system for the city. Our research was proposed with a qualitative approach and a descriptive study. The review of some studies developed using Big Data techniques and content data analysis of their organized structure by the District Mobility Secretariat in Bogotá was included. The results allow guiding the contributions of Big Data after analyzing the structure of indicators offered by the data set. From these, we found gaps and voids that are concerning for the Intelligent Transportation System that is expected in the future for Bogotá.Hoy en día, en las grandes ciudades de Colombia, en especial en Bogotá, y debido al crecimiento de su población (9,3 millones con la llegada de inmigrantes), se exige una demanda de aporte a la proyección de sistemas inteligentes de transporte públicos y privados como un logro de la política de movilidad de la administración de la Bogotá Humana. De ahí surge el interrogante: ¿cuál es el desafío y las áreas de oportunidad de adaptar un Big Data en la proyección de un Sistema Inteligente de Transporte para todos los ciudadanos en Bogotá? A partir de esta pregunta, se propone determinar los aportes que el Big Data ofrece como centro de acopio en la proyección de un sistema inteligente para la ciudad. La indagación se plantea desde un enfoque cualitativo y un estudio descriptivo. Se incluye la revisión de algunos estudios realizados mediante las técnicas del Big Data y del análisis de datos de contenido de la estructura organizada de estos por la Secretaría Distrital de Movilidad en Bogotá. Los resultados permiten orientar los aportes del Big Data después de analizar la estructura de indicadores que ofrecen estos el conjunto de datos. A partir de estos, se encuentran brechas y vacíos preocupantes para el Sistema Inteligente de Transporte que se espera en el futuro para Bogotá

    “Libros para niñas y libros para niños”: presencia de estereotipos de género en una colección de libros para dibujar

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    Los aprendizajes que se producen a partir de las propuestas imaginarias y simbólicas en los materiales didácticos pueden contener elementos sexistas. El objetivo del estudio consiste en determinar, a través de un análisis de contenido, si la colección de libros para dibujar “Doodle para niñas” y “Doodle para niños” representa roles estereotipados de género en sus imágenes y en el texto escrito. Tanto a nivel de representación gráfica como escrita, ambos libros utilizan roles estereotipados sobre todo en detrimento de la mujer. Aunque el sistema educativo español señala hace años un modelo igualitario para eliminar la discriminación, los avances conseguidos desde un prisma constitucional y legal, van muy por delante de unos sistemas culturales y sociales que apenas han evolucionad


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    En este trabajo se presentan los métodos para calcular las cotas tanto superiores como inferiores de los parámetros cuárticos del potencial de Higgs aplicando el método LQT y criterios de positividad respectivamente. Se propone una extensión del Modelo Estándar minimal mediante dos campos escalares singletes complejos, uno o ambos candidatos a  materia oscura, determinando restricciones a los parámetros cuárticos escalares.A review on the methods to computing bounds from above as well as below of the quartic couplings of the Higgs potential is presented applying the LQT method and positivity criterions respectively. It is proposed an extension of the minimal standard model by two scalar complex singlet fields, one or both dark matter candidates determining the bounds of the scalar quartic couplings

    Wildlife and Antibiotic Resistance

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    Antibiotic resistance is a major human health problem. While health care facilities are main contributors to the emergence, evolution and spread of antibiotic resistance, other ecosystems are involved in such dissemination. Wastewater, farm animals and pets have been considered important contributors to the development of antibiotic resistance. Herein, we review the impact of wildlife in such problem. Current evidence supports that the presence of antibiotic resistance genes and/or antibiotic resistant bacteria in wild animals is a sign of anthropic pollution more than of selection of resistance. However, once antibiotic resistance is present in the wild, wildlife can contribute to its transmission across different ecosystems. Further, the finding that antibiotic resistance genes, currently causing problems at hospitals, might spread through horizontal gene transfer among the bacteria present in the microbiomes of ubiquitous animals as cockroaches, fleas or rats, supports the possibility that these organisms might be bioreactors for the horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes among human pathogens. The contribution of wildlife in the spread of antibiotic resistance among different hosts and ecosystems occurs at two levels. Firstly, in the case of non-migrating animals, the transfer will take place locally; a One Health problem. Paradigmatic examples are the above mentioned animals that cohabit with humans and can be reservoirs and vehicles for antibiotic resistance dissemination. Secondly, migrating animals, such as gulls, fishes or turtles may participate in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance across different geographic areas, even between different continents, which constitutes a Global Health issue. Copyright © 2022 Laborda, Sanz-García, Ochoa-Sánchez, Gil-Gil, Hernando-Amado and Martínez

    Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Robot Manipulator

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    Active Disturbance Rejection Control (ADRC) is a control methodology used in chemical processes, aircraft, motors, and other systems. This paper compares the results of an ADRC controller to a Proportional Integral Derivative controller (PID), applied to two degrees of freedom robots. A Linear Extended State Observer (LESO) is used to reconstruct the state variables and unknown parameters needed to control the position of each link. The ADRC can achieve the tracking position and estimate the velocity of each link. The results of the simulation program are shown

    Hydrogymnastics training program on physical fitness in elderly women

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    Se evaluó un programa de entrenamiento de hidrogimnasia sobre las capacidades físicas en 26 adultas mayores (grupo experimental n=16, grupo control n=10), determinadas mediante el protocolo senior fitness test, la hidrogimnasia fue 5 veces por semana por 12 semanas, con ejercicios aeróbicos del 50%-60% de la FCmáx. Se utilizó ANOVA 2x2, indicando interacción significativa (p=0.052) entre grupos y mediciones en la prueba de resistencia a la fuerza en extremidades inferiores, la prueba de agilidad de 2.4 metros tuvo interacción significativa (p≤0.01) entre grupos y mediciones, las pruebas de capacidad aeróbica step test de 2 minutos (p=0.02) y caminar 6 minutos indicaron interacción significativa entre grupos y mediciones (p=0.50); Se infiere que la hidrogimnasia en las adultas mayores participantes es eficaz en la mejora de las capacidades físicas principalmente aeróbicas, de resistencia a la fuerza y agilidad de miembros inferioresThe aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of a hydrogymnastics training program on physical fitness in 26 elderly women (experimental group n=16, control group n=10). The physical fitness was determined by the senior fitness test protocol, the hydrogymnastics consisted in aerobic exercise at 50%-60% of maximum heart rate, 5 times a week in a period of 12 weeks. ANOVA 2x2 as statistical test was used, indicating statistically significant interaction (p=0.052) between groups and measurements on test strength endurance in the legs by squatting on chair in 30 s, agility test 2.4 meters was significant interaction (p≤0.01) between groups and measures, testing aerobic capacity test step 2 minutes (p=0.02) and six minutes walk indicated significant interaction between groups and measurements (p=0.50), the results shown that hydrogymnastics in the elderly women participants was effective improving endurance, strength and agility mainly in leg

    Can metacognitive interventions improve insight in schizophrenia spectrum disorders? A systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: Patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD) tend to lack insight, which is linked to poor outcomes. The effect size of previous treatments on insight changes in SSD has been small. Metacognitive interventions may improve insight in SSD, although this remains unproved. Methods: We carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to examine the effects of metacognitive interventions designed for SSD, namely Metacognitive Training (MCT) and Metacognitive Reflection and Insight Therapy (MERIT), on changes in cognitive and clinical insight at post-treatment and at follow-up. Results: Twelve RCTs, including 10 MCT RCTs (n = 717 participants) and two MERIT trials (n = 90), were selected, totalling N = 807 participants. Regarding cognitive insight six RCTs (n = 443) highlighted a medium effect of MCT on self-reflectiveness at post-treatment, d = 0.46, p < 0.01, and at follow-up, d = 0.30, p < 0.01. There was a small effect of MCT on self-certainty at post-treatment, d = −0.23, p = 0.03, but not at follow-up. MCT was superior to controls on an overall Composite Index of cognitive insight at post-treatment, d = 1.11, p < 0.01, and at follow-up, d = 0.86, p = 0.03, although we found evidence of heterogeneity. Of five MCT trials on clinical insight (n = 244 participants), which could not be meta-analysed, four of them favoured MCT compared v. control. The two MERIT trials reported conflicting results. Conclusions: Metacognitive interventions, particularly Metacognitive Training, appear to improve insight in patients with SSD, especially cognitive insight shortly after treatment. Further long-term RCTs are needed to establish whether these metacognitive interventions-related insight changes are sustained over a longer time period and result in better outcomes