155 research outputs found

    Spin orbit coupling in bulk ZnO and GaN

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    Using group theory and Kane-like kp\mathbf{k\cdot p} model together with the L\"owdining partition method, we derive the expressions of spin-orbit coupling of electrons and holes, including the linear-kk Rashba term due to the intrinsic structure inversion asymmetry and the cubic-kk Dresselhaus term due to the bulk inversion asymmetry in wurtzite semiconductors. The coefficients of the electron and hole Dresselhaus terms of ZnO and GaN in wurtzite structure and GaN in zinc-blende structure are calculated using the nearest-neighbor sp3sp^3 and sp3ssp^3s^\ast tight-binding models separately.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to be published in J. Appl. Phy

    Influence of symmetry and Coulomb-correlation effects on the optical properties of nitride quantum dots

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    The electronic and optical properties of self-assembled InN/GaN quantum dots (QDs) are investigated by means of a tight-binding model combined with configuration interaction calculations. Tight-binding single particle wave functions are used as a basis for computing Coulomb and dipole matrix elements. Within this framework, we analyze multi-exciton emission spectra for two different sizes of a lens-shaped InN/GaN QD with wurtzite crystal structure. The impact of the symmetry of the involved electron and hole one-particle states on the optical spectra is discussed in detail. Furthermore we show how the characteristic features of the spectra can be interpreted using a simplified Hamiltonian which provides analytical results for the interacting multi-exciton complexes. We predict a vanishing exciton and biexciton ground state emission for small lens-shaped InN/GaN QDs. For larger systems we report a bright ground state emission but with drastically reduced oscillator strengths caused by the quantum confined Stark effect.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure

    Large Bychkov-Rashba spin-orbit coupling in high-mobility GaN/AlGaN heterostructures

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    We present low temperature magnetoconductivity measurements of a density-tunable and high mobility two-dimensional electron gas confined in the wide bandgap GaN/AlGaN system. We observed pronounced anti-localization minima in the low-field conductivity, indicating the presence of strong spin-orbit coupling. Density dependent measurements of magnetoconductivity indicate that the coupling is mainly due to the Bychkov-Rashba mechanism. In addition, we have derived a closed-form expression for the magnetoconductivity, allowing us to extract reliable transport parameters for our devices. The Rashba spin-orbit coupling constant is αso\alpha_{so} \sim 6×\times 1013^{-13}eVm, while the conduction band spin-orbit splitting energy amounts to Δso\Delta_{so} \sim 0.3meV at ne_e=1×1016\times10^{16}m2^{-2}.Comment: Accepted for publication in PR

    Magnetic anisotropy and crystalline texture in BaO(Fe2O3)(6) thin films deposited on GaN/Al2O3

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    BaO(Fe2O3)6 (BaM) thin films were deposited by pulsed laser deposition on GaN∕Al2O3 substrates. A pole figure obtained from the (006) reflection indicated that ∼81% of the film volume had the c axis tilted less than 5° from the film normal. A low anisotropy field was inferred from vector coil vibrating sample magnetometer (VVSM) measurements. The reduction in Hafrom literature values and a two-step switching of the easy axis magnetization is postulated to result from interdiffusion and misalignment effects. To alleviate interdiffusion and to improve the c-axis alignment, experiments were repeated with lower deposition temperatures, thinner films, and MgO buffer layers. The features of the hysteresis loop due to two-step switching and the in-plane coercivity were reduced while the anisotropy field (Ha) was larger. Films deposited with MgO buffer layers are observed to have single-step switching of the easy axis magnetization, larger anisotropy fields, and sharp ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) peaks. Films with MgO buffer layers were determined to have anisotropy fields Ha=1.57T by FMR and Ha∼1.5–1.6Tas determined from the difference in the saturation fields for the easy and hard axis loops

    Accurate large-signal equivalent circuit of surface channel diamond FETs based on the Chalmers model

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    The paper presents a large-signal nonlinear circuit-oriented model for polycrystalline and single-crystal H-terminated diamond MESFETs implemented within the Agilent ADS design suite. The DC characteristics of such devices suggest that the channel free charge control law may be modeled using the same strategy adopted for III-V HEMTs. For this reason, the well-known nonlinear Chalmers (Angelov) circuit model was chosen as the starting point for the development of the present non-linear diamond MESFET model. Model fitting was performed against DC and multibias small signal measurements, with good agreement. Model validations versus large-signal (power) measurements point out the accuracy of the proposed approach to simulate the behavior of H-terminated diamond MESFETs under large-signal operatio

    Anisotropic Confinement, Electronic Coupling and Strain Induced Effects Detected by Valence-Band Anisotropy in Self-Assembled Quantum Dots

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    A method to determine the effects of the geometry and lateral ordering on the electronic properties of an array of one-dimensional self-assembled quantum dots is discussed. A model that takes into account the valence-band anisotropic effective masses and strain effects must be used to describe the behavior of the photoluminescence emission, proposed as a clean tool for the characterization of dot anisotropy and/or inter-dot coupling. Under special growth conditions, such as substrate temperature and Arsenic background, 1D chains of In0.4Ga0.6 As quantum dots were grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Grazing-incidence X-ray diffraction measurements directly evidence the strong strain anisotropy due to the formation of quantum dot chains, probed by polarization-resolved low-temperature photoluminescence. The results are in fair good agreement with the proposed model


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    The effects on Chlorella sp. and Phaeodactylum tricornutum of two industrial wastewaters known to contain the herbicide residues of Trifluralin and Propanil have been determined by monitoring the number of cells, the chlorophyll fluorescence and the carbon dioxide assimilation simultaneously for a period of 14 days. The growth of the diatom, Phaeodactylum tricornutum, was inhibited by concentrations of herbicidal waste of the order of 0.1-0.5%, apparently because the rate of reproduction was reduced. Chlorella sp. cells, on the other hand, whilst dramatically inhibited by 1% concentrations of herbicidal waste, were able to recover over a period of 14 days. If discharged at concentrations below 0.01%, the industrial wastes appeared not to affect phytoplankton