489 research outputs found

    Topological strings on noncommutative manifolds

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    We identify a deformation of the N=2 supersymmetric sigma model on a Calabi-Yau manifold X which has the same effect on B-branes as a noncommutative deformation of X. We show that for hyperkahler X such deformations allow one to interpolate continuously between the A-model and the B-model. For generic values of the noncommutativity and the B-field, properties of the topologically twisted sigma-models can be described in terms of generalized complex structures introduced by N. Hitchin. For example, we show that the path integral for the deformed sigma-model is localized on generalized holomorphic maps, whereas for the A-model and the B-model it is localized on holomorphic and constant maps, respectively. The geometry of topological D-branes is also best described using generalized complex structures. We also derive a constraint on the Chern character of topological D-branes, which includes A-branes and B-branes as special cases.Comment: 36 pages, AMS latex. v2: a reference to a related work has been added. v3: An error in the discussion of the Fourier-Mukai transform for twisted coherent sheaves has been fixed, resulting in several changes in Section 2. The rest of the paper is unaffected. v4: an incorrect statement concerning Lie algebroid cohomology has been fixe

    A note on the dyonic D6-brane

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    We study the dyon electric charge of D6-branes as eleven dimensional KK-monopoles. We observe that the dyon charge is intimately related with the existence of gauge connections and antisymmetric fields on the brane world volume.Comment: 8 pages, Contribution to the 6th International Workshop on Conformal Field Theory and Integrable Models, Landau Institute, Sept. 2002, to honour A. Belavin on the occasion of his 60th birthda

    On the Topology and Flux of T-Dual Manifolds

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    We present a general formula for the topology and H-flux of the T-dual of a type two compactification. Our results apply to T-dualities with respect to any free circle action. In particular we find that the manifolds on each side of the duality are circle bundles whose curvatures are given by the integral of the dual H-flux over the dual circle. As a corollary we conjecture an obstruction to multiple T-dualities, generalizing an obstruction known to exist on the twisted torus. Examples include SU(2) WZW models, Lens spaces and the supersymmetric string theory on the non-spin AdS^5xCP^2xS^1 compactification.Comment: 4 Pages, No Figure

    A Torsion Correction to the RR 4-Form Fieldstrength

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    The shifted quantization condition of the M-theory 4-form G_4 is well-known. The most naive generalization to type IIA string theory fails, an orientifold counterexample was found by Hori in hep-th/9805141. In this note we use D2-brane anomaly cancellation to find the corresponding shifted quantization condition in IIA. Our analysis is consistent with the known O4-plane tensions if we include a torsion correction to the usual construction of G_4 from C_3, B and G_2. The resulting Bianchi identities enforce that RR fluxes lift to K-theory classes.Comment: 10 Pages, 1 eps figur

    Duality symmetry and the form fields of M-theory

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    In previous work we derived the topological terms in the M-theory action in terms of certain characters that we defined. In this paper, we propose the extention of these characters to include the dual fields. The unified treatment of the M-theory four-form field strength and its dual leads to several observations. In particular we elaborate on the possibility of a twisted cohomology theory with a twist given by degrees greater than three.Comment: 12 pages, modified material on the differentia

    The Self-Dual String and Anomalies in the M5-brane

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    We study the anomalies of a charge Q2Q_2 self-dual string solution in the Coulomb branch of Q5Q_5 M5-branes. Cancellation of these anomalies allows us to determine the anomaly of the zero-modes on the self-dual string and their scaling with Q2Q_2 and Q5Q_5. The dimensional reduction of the five-brane anomalous couplings then lead to certain anomalous couplings for D-branes.Comment: 13 pages, Harvmac, refs adde

    M-theory and Characteristic Classes

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    In this note we show that the Chern-Simons and the one-loop terms in the M-theory action can be written in terms of new characters involving the M-theory four-form and the string classes. This sheds a new light on the topological structure behind M-theory and suggests the construction of a theory of `higher' characteristic classes.Comment: 8 pages. Error in gravitational term fixed; minor corrections; reference and acknowledgement adde

    Geometric Aspects of D-branes and T-duality

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    We explore the differential geometry of T-duality and D-branes. Because D-branes and RR-fields are properly described via K-theory, we discuss the (differential) K-theoretic generalization of T-duality and its application to the coupling of D-branes to RR-fields. This leads to a puzzle involving the transformation of the A-roof genera in the coupling.Comment: 26 pages, JHEP format, uses dcpic.sty; v2: references added, v3: minor change

    K-Theory and S-Duality: Starting Over from Square 3

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    Recently Maldacena, Moore, and Seiberg (MMS) have proposed a physical interpretation of the Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence, which roughly computes the K-homology groups that classify D-branes. We note that in IIB string theory, this approach can be generalized to include NS charged objects and conjecture an S-duality covariant, nonlinear extension of the spectral sequence. We then compute the contribution of the MMS double-instanton configuration to the derivation d_5. We conclude with an M-theoretic generalization reminiscent of 11-dimensional E_8 gauge theory.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figure

    String loop corrections to the universal hypermultiplet

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    We study loop corrections to the universal dilaton supermultiplet for type IIA strings compactified on Calabi-Yau threefolds. We show that the corresponding quaternionic kinetic terms receive non-trivial one-loop contributions proportional to the Euler number of the Calabi-Yau manifold, while the higher-loop corrections can be absorbed by field redefinitions. The corrected metric is no longer Kahler. Our analysis implies in particular that the Calabi-Yau volume is renormalized by loop effects which are present even in higher orders, while there are also one-loop corrections to the Bianchi identities for the NS and RR field strengths.Comment: 30 pages, harvmac, 1 figure. v2: minor typos corrected. Version to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit
