514 research outputs found

    Electromagnetic Structure of Light Baryons in Lattice QCD

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    A method in which electromagnetic properties of hadrons are studied by direct simulation of dynamical photon effects is applied to the extraction of the isomultiplet structure of the octet baryons. Using 187 configurations at β=5.7\beta=5.7 with Wilson action, and up and down quark masses determined from the meson spectrum, the nucleon splitting is found to be 1.55(±0.56  stat)1.55(\pm 0.56\; \rm stat) MeV; the hyperon splittings are found to be Σ0Σ+=2.47±0.39\Sigma^{0}-\Sigma^{+}=2.47\pm 0.39, ΣΣ0=4.63±0.36\Sigma^{-}-\Sigma^{0}=4.63\pm 0.36, ΞΞ0=5.68±0.24\Xi^{-}-\Xi^{0}=5.68\pm 0.24 MeV. Estimated systematic corrections arising from finite volume and the quenched approximation are included in these results.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE96(phenomenology

    Z Boson Propagator Correction in Technicolor Theories with ETC Effects Included

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    We calculate the Z boson propagator correction, as described by the S parameter, in technicolor theories with extended technicolor interactions included. Our method is to solve the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the requisite current-current correlation functions. Our results suggest that the inclusion of extended technicolor interactions has a relatively small effect on S.Comment: 15pages, 8 figure

    Equation of State for physical quark masses

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    We calculate the QCD equation of state for temperatures corresponding to the transition region with physical mass values for two degenerate light quark flavors and a strange quark using an improved staggered fermion action (p4-action) on lattices with temporal extent N_tau=8. We compare our results with previous calculations performed at twice larger values of the light quark masses as well as with results obtained from a resonance gas model calculation. We also discuss the deconfining and chiral aspects of the QCD transition in terms of renormalized Polyakov loop, strangeness fluctuations and subtracted chiral condensate. We show that compared to the calculations performed at twice larger value of the light quark mass the transition region shifts by about 5 MeV toward smaller temperaturesComment: 7 pages, LaTeX, 6 figures; minor corrections, typos corrected, references adde

    Chirality Correlation within Dirac Eigenvectors from Domain Wall Fermions

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    In the dilute instanton gas model of the QCD vacuum, one expects a strong spatial correlation between chirality and the maxima of the Dirac eigenvectors with small eigenvalues. Following Horvath, {\it et al.} we examine this question using lattice gauge theory within the quenched approximation. We extend the work of those authors by using weaker coupling, β=6.0\beta=6.0, larger lattices, 16416^4, and an improved fermion formulation, domain wall fermions. In contrast with this earlier work, we find a striking correlation between the magnitude of the chirality density, ψ(x)γ5ψ(x)|\psi^\dagger(x)\gamma^5\psi(x)|, and the normal density, ψ(x)ψ(x)\psi^\dagger(x)\psi(x), for the low-lying Dirac eigenvectors.Comment: latex, 25 pages including 12 eps figure

    The Spatial String Tension and Dimensional Reduction in QCD

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    We calculate the spatial string tension in (2+1) flavor QCD with physical strange quark mass and almost physical light quark masses using lattices with temporal extent N_tau=4,6 and 8. We compare our results on the spatial string tension with predictions of dimensionally reduced QCD. This suggests that also in the presence of light dynamical quarks dimensional reduction works well down to temperatures 1.5T_c.Comment: 8 pages ReVTeX, 4 figure

    Chiral corrections to the axial charges of the octet baryons from quenched QCD

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    We calculate one-loop correction to the axial charges of the octet baryons using quenched chiral perturbation theory, in order to understand chiral behavior of the axial charges in quenched approximation to quantum chromodynamics (QCD). In contrast to regular behavior of the full QCD chiral perturbation theory result, c0+cl2mπ2lnmπ2+c_0+c_{l2}m_\pi^2\,\ln{m_\pi^2}+\cdots, we find that the quenched chiral perturbation theory result, c0Q+(cl0Q+cl2Qmπ2)lnmπ2+c2Qmπ2+c_0^Q+(c_{l0}^Q+c_{l2}^Qm_\pi^2)\ln{m_\pi^2}+c_2^Q m_\pi^2+\cdots, is singular in the chiral limit.Comment: standard LaTeX, 16 pages, 4 epsf figure

    Study of the finite temperature transition in 3-flavor QCD using the R and RHMC algorithms

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    We study the finite temperature transition in QCD with three flavors of equal masses using the R and RHMC algorithm on lattices with temporal extent N_{\tau}=4 and 6. For the transition temperature in the continuum limit we find r_0 T_c=0.429(8) for the light pseudo-scalar mass corresponding to the end point of the 1st order transition region. When comparing the results obtained with the R and RHMC algorithms for p4fat3 action we see no significant step-size errors down to a lightest pseudo-scalar mass of m_{ps} r_0=0.4.Comment: 13 pages, RevTeX, 10 figure

    Continuum Limit of BKB_K from 2+1 Flavor Domain Wall QCD

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    We determine the neutral kaon mixing matrix element BKB_K in the continuum limit with 2+1 flavors of domain wall fermions, using the Iwasaki gauge action at two different lattice spacings. These lattice fermions have near exact chiral symmetry and therefore avoid artificial lattice operator mixing. We introduce a significant improvement to the conventional NPR method in which the bare matrix elements are renormalized non-perturbatively in the RI-MOM scheme and are then converted into the MSbar scheme using continuum perturbation theory. In addition to RI-MOM, we introduce and implement four non-exceptional intermediate momentum schemes that suppress infrared non-perturbative uncertainties in the renormalization procedure. We compute the conversion factors relating the matrix elements in this family of RI-SMOM schemes and MSbar at one-loop order. Comparison of the results obtained using these different intermediate schemes allows for a more reliable estimate of the unknown higher-order contributions and hence for a correspondingly more robust estimate of the systematic error. We also apply a recently proposed approach in which twisted boundary conditions are used to control the Symanzik expansion for off-shell vertex functions leading to a better control of the renormalization in the continuum limit. We control chiral extrapolation errors by considering both the NLO SU(2) chiral effective theory, and an analytic mass expansion. We obtain B_K^{\msbar}(3 GeV) = 0.529(5)_{stat}(15)_\chi(2)_{FV}(11)_{NPR}. This corresponds to B^K=0.749(7)stat(21)χ(3)FV(15)NPR\hat{B}_K = 0.749(7)_{stat}(21)_\chi(3)_{FV}(15)_{NPR}. Adding all sources of error in quadrature we obtain B^K=0.749(27)combined\hat{B}_K = 0.749(27)_{combined}, with an overall combined error of 3.6%.Comment: 65 page

    The K(ππ)I=2K\to(\pi\pi)_{I=2} Decay Amplitude from Lattice QCD

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    We report on the first realistic \emph{ab initio} calculation of a hadronic weak decay, that of the amplitude A2A_2 for a kaon to decay into two \pi-mesons with isospin 2. We find ReA2=(1.436±0.063stat±0.258syst)108GeVA_2=(1.436\pm 0.063_{\textrm{stat}}\pm 0.258_{\textrm{syst}})\,10^{-8}\,\textrm{GeV} in good agreement with the experimental result and for the hitherto unknown imaginary part we find {Im}A2=(6.83±0.51stat±1.30syst)1013GeV\,A_2=-(6.83 \pm 0.51_{\textrm{stat}} \pm 1.30_{\textrm{syst}})\,10^{-13}\,{\rm GeV}. Moreover combining our result for Im\,A2A_2 with experimental values of Re\,A2A_2, Re\,A0A_0 and ϵ/ϵ\epsilon^\prime/\epsilon, we obtain the following value for the unknown ratio Im\,A0A_0/Re\,A0A_0 within the Standard Model: ImA0/ReA0=1.63(19)stat(20)syst×104\mathrm{Im}\,A_0/\mathrm{Re}\,A_0=-1.63(19)_{\mathrm{stat}}(20)_{\mathrm{syst}}\times10^{-4}. One consequence of these results is that the contribution from Im\,A2A_2 to the direct CP violation parameter ϵ\epsilon^{\prime} (the so-called Electroweak Penguin, EWP, contribution) is Re(ϵ/ϵ)EWP=(6.52±0.49stat±1.24syst)×104(\epsilon^\prime/\epsilon)_{\mathrm{EWP}} = -(6.52 \pm 0.49_{\textrm{stat}} \pm 1.24_{\textrm{syst}}) \times 10^{-4}. We explain why this calculation of A2A_2 represents a major milestone for lattice QCD and discuss the exciting prospects for a full quantitative understanding of CP-violation in kaon decays.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    The transition temperature in QCD

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    We present a detailed calculation of the transition temperature in QCD with two light and one heavier (strange) quark mass on lattices with temporal extent N_t =4 and 6. Calculations with improved staggered fermions have been performed for various light to strange quark mass ratios in the range, 0.05 <= m_l/m_s <= 0.5, and with a strange quark mass fixed close to its physical value. From a combined extrapolation to the chiral (m_l -> 0) and continuum (aT = 1/N_t -> 0) limits we find for the transition temperature at the physical point T_c r_0 = 0.457(7) where the scale is set by the Sommer-scale parameter r_0 defined as the distance in the static quark potential at which the slope takes on the value, (dV_qq(r)/dr)_r=r_0 = 1.65/r_0^2. Using the currently best known value for r_0 this translates to a transition temperature T_c = 192(7)(4)MeV. The transition temperature in the chiral limit is about 3% smaller. We discuss current ambiguities in the determination of T_c in physical units and also comment on the universal scaling behavior of thermodynamic quantities in the chiral limit.Comment: 18 pages, 14 EPS figures, replaced wrong entries in column 7 of Table A.