1,193 research outputs found
Pelanggaran Prinsip Itikad Baik dalam Perjanjian Asuransi pada P.t. Asuransi Jiwasraya Cabang Padang
This study uses empirical juridical method where research with a view to legal provisions in practice. This study concerns the basic factors underlying the onset of any breach of the principle of utmost good faith in the insurance agreement as well as how the settlement and legal consequences of the breach of the principle of utmost good faith in the contract of insurance. The author uses the qualitative data analysis to make an assessment of data that authors get on the field with the help of literatures related research. Based on the research that earned the author the P.T. Asuransi Jiwasraya (Persero) Padang Branch that the factors underlying the violation of the principle of utmost good faith can be caused by internal factors (the insurer) is an insurance agent and risk selectors (underwriter) and external factors i.e. insured parties. Violation of the dishonest agents caused the insurer gives a description of the products offered to the prospective insured because only the pursuit of targets and commissions, vice versa the insured provides false information when responding to a question from the insurer. Completion of the offence principle of utmost good faith this is done first by deliberation, if agreement was not reached will proceed through court proceedings. As a result of legal violations of principle of utmost good faith is the insurance agreement void or in other words the insurer has no duty to indemnify if the claims of the insured object
Poligami dalam Perspektif Undang-undang Nomor I Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (Khi)
Undang-Undang Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Tentang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam (KHI) mengatur mengenai seorang pria hanya boleh memiliki seorang istri dan seorang wanita hanya boleh memiliki seorang suami, yang dikenal dengan asas monogami. Asas monogami yang dimaksud bukanlah asas monogami mutlak tetapi asas monogami terbuka. Artinya, jika suami tidak mampu berlaku adil terhadap hak-hak istri bila lebih dari seorang maka cukup seorang istri saja. Poligami dibolehkan tentunya dengan pengecualian dan syarat-syarat tertentu. Tidak mudah untuk berpoligami karena keadilan adalah syarat mutlak dan yang terpenting harus dengan persetujuan istri. Kompilasi Hukum Islam juga mengatur ketentuan dan syarat untuk berpoligami bagi umat islam. Ketentuan-ketentuan yang terdapat dalam Undang-Undang perkawinan pada prinsipnya selaras dengan ketentuan hukum islam. Tujuan dari Undang-Undang Perkawinan dan Kompilasi Hukum Islam memberikan ketentuan dan persyaratan terhadap seorang suami untuk menikah lagi agar tidak terjadi sikap sewenang-wenang dari suami terhadap istri-istri (perempuan) demi terciptanya keluarga sakinah, mawaddah dan rahmah. Saat ini di Indonesia banyak terjadi kasus poligami yang tidak dijalankan sesuai prosedur dan bertentangan dengan ketentuan syariah yang dapat membawa kemudharatan terhadap istri dan anak-anak
Three-Dimensional Bioprinting Materials with Potential Application in Preprosthetic Surgery
Current methods in handling maxillofacial defects are not robust and are highly dependent on the surgeonās skills and the inherent potential in the patientsā bodies for regenerating lost tissues. Employing custom-designed 3D printed scaffolds that securely and effectively reconstruct the defects by using tissue engineering and regenerative medicine techniques can revolutionize preprosthetic surgeries. Various polymers, ceramics, natural and synthetic bioplastics, proteins, biomolecules, living cells, and growth factors as well as their hybrid structures can be used in 3D printing of scaffolds, which are still under development by scientists. These scaffolds not only are beneļ¬cial due to their patient-speciļ¬c design, but also may be able to prevent micromobility, make tension free soft tissue closure, and improve vascularity. In this manuscript, a review of materials employed in 3D bioprinting including bioceramics, biopolymers, composites, and metals is conducted. A discussion of the relevance of 3D bioprinting using these materials for craniofacial interventions is included as well as their potential to create analogs to craniofacial tissues, their beneļ¬ts, limitations, and their application
Subdiffusion and intermittent dynamic fluctuations in the aging regime of concentrated hard spheres
We study the nonequilibrium aging dynamics in a system of quasi-hard spheres
at large density by means of computer simulations. We find that, after a sudden
quench to large density, the relaxation time initially increases exponentially
with the age of the system. After a surprisingly large crossover time, the
system enters the asymptotic aging regime characterized by a linear increase of
the relaxation time with age. In this aging regime, single particle motion is
strongly non-Fickian, with a mean-squared displacement increasing
subdiffusively, associated to broad, non-Gaussian tails in the distribution of
particle displacements. We find that the system ages through temporally
intermittent relaxation events, and a detailed finite size analysis of these
collective dynamic fluctuations reveals that these events are not spanning the
entire system, but remain spatially localized.Comment: 11 pages; 10 fig
Identification Techniques Applied to a Passive Elasto-magnetic Suspension
The paper presents an experimental passive elasto-magnetic suspension based on rare-earth permanent magnets, characterized by negligible dependence on mass of its natural frequency. The nonlinear behaviour of this system, equipped with a traditional linear elastic spring coupled to a magnetic spring, is analysed in time domain, for non-zero initial conditions, and in frequency domain, by applying sweep excitations to the test rig base. The dynamics of the system is very complex in dependence of the magnetic contribution, showing both hardening behaviour in the elasto-magnetic setup, and softening motion amplitude dependent behaviour in the purely magnetic case. Hence it is necessary to adopt nonlinear identification techniques, such as non-parametric restoring force mapping method and direct parametric estimation technique, in order to identify the system parameters in the different configurations. Finally, it is discussed the ability of identified versus analytical models in reproducing the nonlinear dependency of frequency on motion amplitude and the presence of jump phenomen
Data Processing System In Value Raport Bali Village Sdn 03 Pagi
Number of information that is not regularly within the running system so that theprocessing value rapot look long and complicated. In the old system a lot of work todo it manually by teachers and elementary school homeroom Kampung Bali 03 Pagi,a constraint that is often encountered in the current system.If the proposed system has been running, the obstacles encountered in the runningsystem is expected to be overcome. Information provided to students and parents ofstudents Elementary School Kampung Bali 03 Morning becomes faster and moreaccurate because the data stored adanaya mediated storage into a file.In addition in this new system is expected to faculty related especially teachers andhomeroom teacher had no difficulty in obtaining the information needed, includingmaking the value of report cards, and report the value of report cards
Masalah-masalah yang Dialami Siswa SMPN 4 Kampar T.p. 2015/2016
The objectives of this study are 1) to get the information about the problem of male and female students, 2) to get the information about the emotional conditions of male and female students, 3) to get the information about learning problem of male and female students, 4) to get the information family problems of male and female students, 5) to get the information about social problems of male and female students, 6) to get the information about the problems experienced by male and female students in general, 7) to obtain categories of the problems that experienced by students in general. The data collection technique used questioners related to some students' problems such as emotional problems, learning problems, family problems, and social problems that created by the writer based on the guidelines with the alternative yes or no answer. The subject of this research is the students of class VII, VIII, IX that taken from saturated sampling technique. The result shows that: 1) The personal problems faced by male students are 55 percents, while female students are 75 percents, 2) The emotional problems faced by male students are 65% and male students are 82 percents, 3) the learning problems face by male students are 57% and female students are 47 percents, 4) the family problems faced by male students are 46 percents while female students are 32 percents, 6) the general problems faced by students are personal, emotional and learning problem. The female students also have the same problems. In general, the description of the problems that faced by male and female students is in few category
Introduction to the special issue: Applications of internet of things
Ā© 2018 by the authors. This editorial introduces the special issue, entitled "Applications of Internet of Things", of Symmetry. The topics covered in this issue fall under four main parts: (I) communication techniques and applications, (II) data science techniques and applications, (III) smart transportation, and (IV) smart homes. Four papers on sensing techniques and applications are included as follows: (1) "Reliability of improved cooperative communication over wireless sensor networks", by Chen et al.; (2) "User classification in crowdsourcing-based cooperative spectrum sensing", by Zhai andWang; (3) "IoT's tiny steps towards 5G: Telco's perspective", by Cero et al.; and (4) "An Internet of things area coverage analyzer (ITHACA) for complex topographical scenarios", by Parada et al. One paper on data science techniques and applications is as follows: "Internet of things: a scientometric review", by Ruiz-Rosero et al. Two papers on smart transportation are as follows: (1) "An Internet of things approach for extracting featured data using an AIS database: an application based on the viewpoint of connected ships", by He et al.; and (2) "The development of key technologies in applications of vessels connected to the Internet", by Tian et al. Two papers on smart home are as follows: (1) "A novel approach based on time cluster for activity recognition of daily living in smart homes", by Liu et al.; and (2) "IoT-based image recognition system for smart home-delivered meal services", by Tseng et al
Aging in Dense Colloids as Diffusion in the Logarithm of Time
The far-from-equilibrium dynamics of glassy systems share important
phenomenological traits. A transition is generally observed from a
time-homogeneous dynamical regime to an aging regime where physical changes
occur intermittently and, on average, at a decreasing rate. It has been
suggested that a global change of the independent time variable to its
logarithm may render the aging dynamics homogeneous: for colloids, this entails
diffusion but on a logarithmic time scale. Our novel analysis of experimental
colloid data confirms that the mean square displacement grows linearly in time
at low densities and shows that it grows linearly in the logarithm of time at
high densities. Correspondingly, pairs of particles initially in close contact
survive as pairs with a probability which decays exponentially in either time
or its logarithm. The form of the Probability Density Function of the
displacements shows that long-ranged spatial correlations are very long-lived
in dense colloids. A phenomenological stochastic model is then introduced which
relies on the growth and collapse of strongly correlated clusters ("dynamic
heterogeneity"), and which reproduces the full spectrum of observed colloidal
behaviors depending on the form assumed for the probability that a cluster
collapses during a Monte Carlo update. In the limit where large clusters
dominate, the collapse rate is ~1/t, implying a homogeneous, log-Poissonian
process that qualitatively reproduces the experimental results for dense
colloids. Finally an analytical toy-model is discussed to elucidate the strong
dependence of the simulation results on the integrability (or lack thereof) of
the cluster collapse probability function.Comment: 6 pages, extensively revised, final version; for related work, see
http://www.physics.emory.edu/faculty/boettcher/ or
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