144 research outputs found

    Acute Cardiac Failure due to Intra-Atrial Mass Caused by Zygomycetes in an Immunocompromised Paediatric Patient

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    Cardiac zygomycosis can be a critical condition with sudden onset of severe congestive heart failure followed by severe hemodynamic deterioration. We report a fatal course of disseminated fungal infection with a massive intra-atrial thrombosis caused by a zygomycete, in a five year old boy treated for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. In addition, we discuss the literature concerning infections caused by zygomycetes involving the heart. Prognosis is poor. A high index of suspicion and an aggressive diagnostic and therapeutic approach with the prompt start of preemptive antifungal therapy are key factors to improve outcome

    Static and Dynamic Properties of Dissipative Particle Dynamics

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    The algorithm for the DPD fluid, the dynamics of which is conceptually a combination of molecular dynamics, Brownian dynamics and lattice gas automata, is designed for simulating rheological properties of complex fluids on hydrodynamic time scales. This paper calculates the equilibrium and transport properties (viscosity, self-diffusion) of the thermostated DPD fluid explicitly in terms of the system parameters. It is demonstrated that temperature gradients cannot exist, and that there is therefore no heat conductivity. Starting from the N-particle Fokker-Planck, or Kramers' equation, we prove an H-theorem for the free energy, obtain hydrodynamic equations, and derive a non-linear kinetic equation (the Fokker-Planck-Boltzmann equation) for the single particle distribution function. This kinetic equation is solved by the Chapman-Enskog method. The analytic results are compared with numerical simulations.Comment: 22 pages, LaTeX, 3 Postscript figure

    Poor association between tendon structure and self-reported symptoms following conservative management in active soldiers with mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy

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    Introduction Mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy (mid-AT) is currently the preferred term for persistent Achilles tendon pain, defined as located 2–7 cm proximal to the calcaneus, and with loss of function related to mechanical loading. Histologically, mid-AT is considered to represent a degenerative condition. Therefore, monitoring of tendon structure additional to pain and function may be warranted, to prevent progression of degeneration or even tendon rupture. The aim of this study was to determine the association between pain and function, relative to the Achilles tendon structure, in soldiers treated with a conservative programme for mid-AT. Methods A total of 40 soldiers (40 unilateral symptomatic tendons) were included in this study. Pain and function were evaluated with the Victorian Institute of Sports Assessment -Achilles (VISA-A) questionnaire. Tendon structure was quantified using ultrasound tissue characterisation (UTC). We quantified both the Achilles tendon mid-portion (2–7 cm) and the area of maximum degeneration (AoMD) within the tendon mid-portion. VISA-A and UTC measurements were taken at baseline and after 26 weeks of follow-up. Spearman’s rho was used to determine the correlation between VISA-A and UTC. Correlations were calculated for baseline, follow-up and change score values. Results Negligible correlations were found for all analyses, ranging from −0.173 to 0.166 between midportion tendon structure and VISA-A, and from −0.137 to 0.150 between AoMD and VISA-A. While VISA-A scores improved, on average, from 59.4 points at baseline to 93.5 points at follow-up, no detectable improvement in aligned fibrillar structure was observed in our population. Conclusion Pain and function are poorly associated with Achilles tendon structure in soldiers treated with a conservative programme for mid-AT. Therefore, we advise clinicians to use great caution in communicating relationships between both clinical entities

    Congenital Heart Block Maternal Sera Autoantibodies Target an Extracellular Epitope on the α1G T-Type Calcium Channel in Human Fetal Hearts

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    Background:Congenital heart block (CHB) is a transplacentally acquired autoimmune disease associated with anti-Ro/SSA and anti-La/SSB maternal autoantibodies and is characterized primarily by atrioventricular (AV) block of the fetal heart. This study aims to investigate whether the T-type calcium channel subunit α1G may be a fetal target of maternal sera autoantibodies in CHB.Methodology/Principal Findings:We demonstrate differential mRNA expression of the T-type calcium channel CACNA1G (α1G gene) in the AV junction of human fetal hearts compared to the apex (18-22.6 weeks gestation). Using human fetal hearts (20-22 wks gestation), our immunoprecipitation (IP), Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence (IF) staining results, taken together, demonstrate accessibility of the α1G epitope on the surfaces of cardiomyocytes as well as reactivity of maternal serum from CHB affected pregnancies to the α1G protein. By ELISA we demonstrated maternal sera reactivity to α1G was significantly higher in CHB maternal sera compared to controls, and reactivity was epitope mapped to a peptide designated as p305 (corresponding to aa305-319 of the extracellular loop linking transmembrane segments S5-S6 in α1G repeat I). Maternal sera from CHB affected pregnancies also reacted more weakly to the homologous region (7/15 amino acids conserved) of the α1H channel. Electrophysiology experiments with single-cell patch-clamp also demonstrated effects of CHB maternal sera on T-type current in mouse sinoatrial node (SAN) cells.Conclusions/Significance:Taken together, these results indicate that CHB maternal sera antibodies readily target an extracellular epitope of α1G T-type calcium channels in human fetal cardiomyocytes. CHB maternal sera also show reactivity for α1H suggesting that autoantibodies can target multiple fetal targets. © 2013 Strandberg et al

    Genetic modification of Bluetongue virus by uptake of "synthetic" genome segments

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    Since 1998, several serotypes of Bluetongue virus (BTV) have invaded several southern European countries. In 2006, the unknown BTV serotype 8 (BTV8/net06) unexpectedly invaded North-West Europe and has resulted in the largest BT-outbreak ever recorded. More recently, in 2008 BTV serotype 6 was reported in the Netherlands and Germany. This virus, BTV6/net08, is closely related to modified-live vaccine virus serotype 6, except for genome segment S10. This genome segment is closer related to that of vaccine virus serotype 2, and therefore BTV6/net08 is considered as a result of reassortment. Research on orbiviruses has been hampered by the lack of a genetic modification method. Recently, reverse genetics has been developed for BTV based on ten in vitro synthesized genomic RNAs. Here, we describe a targeted single-gene modification system for BTV based on the uptake of a single in vitro synthesized viral positive-stranded RNA. cDNAs corresponding to BTV8/net06 genome segments S7 and S10 were obtained by gene synthesis and cloned downstream of the T7 RNA-polymerase promoter and upstream of a unique site for a restriction enzyme at the 3'-terminus for run-off transcription. Monolayers of BSR cells were infected by BTV6/net08, and subsequently transfected with purified in vitro synthesized, capped positive-stranded S7 or S10 RNA from BTV8/net06 origin. "Synthetic" reassortants were rescued by endpoint dilutions, and identified by serotype-specific PCR-assays for segment 2, and serogroup-specific PCRs followed by restriction enzyme analysis or sequencing for S7 and S10 segments. The targeted single-gene modification system can also be used to study functions of viral proteins by uptake of mutated genome segments. This method is also useful to generate mutant orbiviruses for other serogroups of the genus Orbivirus for which reverse genetics has not been developed yet

    Static and Dynamic Lung Volumes in Swimmers and Their Ventilatory Response to Maximal Exercise

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    Purpose While the static and dynamic lung volumes of active swimmers is often greater than the predicted volume of similarly active non-swimmers, little is known if their ventilatory response to exercise is also different. Methods Three groups of anthropometrically matched male adults were recruited, daily active swimmers (n = 15), daily active in fields sport (Rugby and Football) (n = 15), and recreationally active (n = 15). Forced vital capacity (FVC), forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1), and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) was measured before and after exercise to volitional exhaustion. Results Swimmers had significantly larger FVC (6.2 ± 0.6 l, 109 ± 9% pred) than the other groups (5.6 ± 0.5 l, 106 ± 13% pred, 5.5 ± 0.8, 99% pred, the sportsmen and recreational groups, respectively). FEV1 and MVV were not different. While at peak exercise, all groups reached their ventilatory reserve (around 20%), the swimmers had a greater minute ventilation rate than the recreational group (146 ± 19 vs 120 ± 87 l/min), delivering this volume by breathing deeper and slower. Conclusions The swimmers utilised their larger static volumes (FVC) differently during exercise by meeting their ventilation volume through long and deep breaths

    A longitudinal study of muscle strength and function in patients with cancer cachexia

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    Purpose Patients with cancer frequently experience an involuntary loss of weight (in particular loss of muscle mass), defined as cachexia, with profound implications for independence and quality of life. The rate at which such patients’ physical performance declines has not been well established. The aim of this study was to determine the change in muscle strength and function over 8 weeks in patients with already established cancer cachexia, to help inform the design and duration of physical activity interventions applicable to this patient group. Methods Patients with thoracic and gastrointestinal cancer, with unintentional weight loss of >5% in 6 months or BMI < 20 plus 2% weight loss were included. Physical and functional assessments (baseline, 4 weeks, 8 weeks) included: isometric quadriceps and hamstring strength, handgrip, standing balance, 10m walk time and timed up and go. Results Fifty patients (32 male), mean ±SD age 65 ±10 years and BMI 24.9 ±4.3kg/m2 were recruited. Thoracic cancer patients had lower muscle strength and function (p0.05). Baseline variables did not differentiate between completers and non-completers (p>0.05). Conclusions More than a third of patients with established cancer cachexia in our study were stable over 8 weeks, suggesting a subgroup who may benefit from targeted interventions of reasonable duration. Better understanding the physical performance parameters which characterize and differentiate these patients has important clinical implications for cancer multidisciplinary team practice

    The impact of protein quantity during energy restriction on genome-wide gene expression analysis in adipose tissue of obese humans

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    BACKGROUND: Overweight and obesity is a growing health problem worldwide. The most effective strategy to reduce weight is energy restriction (ER). ER has been shown to be beneficial in disease prevention and it reduces chronic inflammation. Recent studies suggest that reducing the protein quantity of a diet contributes to the beneficial effects by ER. The organ most extensively affected during ER is white adipose tissue (WAT). OBJECTIVE: The first objective was to assess changes in gene expression between a high protein diet and a normal protein diet during ER. Secondly, the total effect of ER on changes in gene expression in WAT was assessed. METHODS: In a parallel double-blinded controlled study, overweight older participants adhered to a 25% ER diet, either combined with high protein intake (HP-ER, 1.7 g/kg per day), or with normal protein intake (NP-ER, 0.9 g/kg per 40 day) for 12 weeks. From 10 HP-ER participants and 12 NP-ER participants subcutaneous WAT biopsies were collected before and after the diet intervention. Adipose tissue was used to isolate total RNA and to evaluate whole genome gene expression changes upon a HP-ER and NP-ER diet. RESULTS: A different gene expression response between HP-ER and NP-ER was observed for 530 genes. After NP-ER a downregulation in expression of genes linked to immune cell infiltration, adaptive immune response, and inflammasome was found whereas no such effect was found after HP-ER. HP-ER resulted in upregulation in expression of genes linked to cell cycle, GPCR signalling, olfactory signalling and nitrogen metabolism. Upon 25% ER, gene sets related to energy metabolism and immune response were decreased. CONCLUSIONS: Based on gen e expression changes, we concluded that consumption of normal protein quantity compared to high protein quantity during ER has a more beneficial effect on inflammation-related gene expression in WAT