193,627 research outputs found

    Eastern District Alumnae Association to Hold Meeting

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    Winthrop College Alumnae Association Eastern District consisted of the counties of Darlington, Dillon, Florence, Georgetown, Horry, Marion, Marlboro, and Williamsburg. Meeting place on October 26 was First Baptist Church, McColl, SC Morning speakers: Rev. D. H. Montgomery, Mrs. Ben Moore Tatum, Mrs. E. M. O\u27Tuel, Mrs. Rosa B. Guess, Mrs. Horace Tilghman, Mrs. E. B. Bridges, and Miss Ruth Williams Music by Miss Mary Elizabeth Dunlap and Miss Katherine Pfohl Luncheon speaker was Winthrop President Henry R. Sims introduced by Mrs. F. P. Copelan


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    Pemikiran dakwah Prof. Dr. KH. Ali Mustafa Yaqub, MA (AMY) ternyata sagatlah sejalan dengan teori yang tertera dalam ilmu dakwah, dalil Alquran, dan Sunah. Dalam ilmu dakwah penjelasan mengenai unsur-unsur dakwah, AMY telah menjelaskan hampir semua komponen unsur-unsur dakwah terutama mengenai metode yang paling banyak ia kemukakan, setelah itu beliau juga mengemukakan tentang dai, mad‘ū, objek dakwah, materi dakwah, tujuan dakwah serta hal-hal yang berkaitan dengan dakwah. Pemikiran dakwah AMY juga sesuai dengan ayat-ayat suci Alquran dan Hadis Rasul. Dari data yang didapati, setelah yang dikaitkan dengan apa yang tertera dalam Alquran dan Hadis serta perbuatan dakwah Nabi Muhammad saw., adalah sejalan dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh AMY. Dengan demikian pemikiran dakwah AMY sesuai dengan metode dakwah yang dilakukan Rasulullah Saw. yang sesuai dengan Alquran dan Hadis

    Consolidating Dispersed Neocortical Memories: The Missing Link in Amnesia

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    C onsolidatin g D ispersed N eocortical M em ories: T he M issin g L ink in A m nesia K en A . P aller N orth w estern U n iversity, Illino is, U SA C on solid a tion is ofte n c on c ep tua lised as a ge n era l p roc ess b y w h ic h m e m o ry trace s c an be streng the n ed in th e b rain . A n a lterna tiv e ide a , d ev e lo p ed h e re, is th at a pa rticu lar sort o f c o nsolid a tio n is requ ired for esta b lishin g m em orie s b elon g in g to a ne u rob io lo g ic a lly d e fined categ o ryÐ m e m o rie s d is pe rse d a c ross m ultip le distinc t ne o c ortic al z o ne s. T h ese m e m o ries a re c o nsolid a te d v ia th e form a tio n o f a ne o c ortic al c e ll assem b ly th a t co n fers co h e renc e to th e set o f sca tte red n e oc o rtica l m e m o ry trac e s. A set o f m e m o ry trac e s link e d in th is m a n ne r c a n sub sequ e ntly serve as th e b a sis fo r c on sciou s reco llectio n . A d is ruptio n of th is n e oc o rtica l c on solid atio n pro cess is h eld to b e respo nsib le for th e pa tte rns of prese rved a nd im pa ire d m e m o ry ob serve d in a m n esic pa tie n ts. A suita b le stra te g y for e m p irically te sting th is sort o f th e ory req u ires a n e xa m ina tio n o f ev ide n ce from ne u rop syc holo g ic a l stu die s o f a m n e sia a n d from studies o f the n eu ral substrates o f m e m o ry fun ctio n s in n o rm a l sub je c ts

    Adaptive Ripple Reduced Control of SRM Drives

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    Nowadays s witched reluctance m o to r (SRM) drives h ave been w idel y used i n t h e fi el d of c ont rol l e d el ect ri c m o t o r dri v es. The paper proposes a m odel reference adapt i v e cont rol m e t hod for SR M dri v es. The m a i n goal of t he d r iv e co n t ro l is t o i m prove dy n am i cal perform ance by com pensat i ng for t h e m o t o r non lin earities. Th e ripple free operation can b e rea lize only with a n current w avef orm dependi ng on t h e angl e, s peed a nd t o rque. The proposed r i ppl e reduced m et hod c hanges onl y t h e t u rn-on and t h e t u rn-off angl e i n f unct i on of t he s peed a nd cur rent r eference. O ne of t he a dvant ages o f usi ng t h e ri ppl e reduced m et hod t h at i t do es not n eed t he r eal- tim e calcu latio n o r m easu r in g th e m o to r to rq u e . So it can b e im pl em ent e d on a cheap m i c rocont rol l e r. T he t est of t hi s cont rol m e t hod was perf orm e d i n a n experi m e nt al d ri ve s y s t e m . A S R M o f 6/ 8 pol e and 4 kW r at ed pow er w as u sed. Si m u l a t i on and experi m e nt al resul t s are present ed

    Метод оценки услуг логистического аутсорсинга

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    Outsourcing services widespread in developed countries have been used in the economic market of the Republic of Azerbaijan in recent years mainly in the fields of accounting, human resources, marketing, information technology and logistics.Our previous study on «Logistics in the transport complex of the Republic of Azerbaijan» based on 11 criteria for the development of logistics outsourcing concluded that the lack of mutual trust between companies and their desire to maintain own control in most areas is one of the reasons explaining poor development of logistics outsourcing.The proposed article proposes for discussion new criteria developed by us, in addition to ones existing and described in the scientific literature, to assess the existing concerns of companies before concluding a mutual agreement in the field of outsourcing and to conduct internal and external evaluations of logistics outsourcing services.Considering that the criteria described in the research papers do not fully cover the internal evaluation of logistics outsourcing services, an additional criterion of risk assessment was proposed by us. In addition to the criteria already known from the scientific sources, two other criteria were developed by us also for the external evaluation of logistics outsourcing services, those criteria reflect the capacity of logistics providers and tracking of vehicles in use.The problem of unreliability and mistrust between companies and enterprises will be solved to some extent by making the optimal decisions through the new method discussed in this article.Услуги аутсорсинга, широко распространённые в развитых странах, в последние годы используются на экономическом рынке Азербайджанской Республики, в основном в сферах бухгалтерского учёта, управления человеческими ресурсами, маркетинга, информационных технологий и логистики.В нашем предыдущем исследовании «Логистика в транспортном комплексе Азербайджанской Республики» на основе 11 критериев развития логистического аутсорсинга был сделан вывод о том, что недостаточное доверие компаний друг к другу и их желание сохранить самостоятельный контроль над большинством областей деятельности являются одной из причин его слабого развития.В предлагаемой статье представлены на обсуждение новые критерии, разработанные авторами в дополнение к уже существующим и описанным в литературе, для оценки существующих опасений компаний, возникающих перед заключением взаимного соглашения в сфере аутсорсинга, и для проведения внутренней и внешней оценки услуг логистического аутсорсинга.Учитывая, что критерии, приведённые в соответствующих работах, не в полной мере охватывают внутреннюю оценку услуг логистического аутсорсинга, авторами был предложен дополнительный критерий оценки риска. Кроме того, в дополнение к известным из научной литературы критериям в сфере внешней оценки услуг логистического аутсорсинга, авторами разработаны ещё два критерия, относящихся к провозной способности поставщиков логистических услуг и наличию у них возможности осуществлять отслеживание используемых транспортных средств.Проблема ненадёжности и недоверия между компаниями и предприятиями может быть в определённой мере разрешена путём принятия оптимальных решений с помощью нового метода, рассмотренного в этой статье

    Taxonomia de solos desenvolvidos sobre depósitos sedimentares da Formação Solimões no Estado do Acre.

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    Os solos do Estado do Acre na maioria são formados sobre material de origem com grande influência da orogênese Andina, com elevados teores de Ca2+, Mg2+ e Al3+ concomitantemente, associado às combinações diferenciadas dos valores da CTC, V e m. O objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar e classificar os solos de uma topossequência sobre material sedimentar da Formação Solimões, no município de Feijó, Acre. Foram abertas trincheiras em três pontos de uma topossequência: terço superior (P1), terço médio (P2) e terço inferior (P3). Os solos foram analisados quanto a morfologia, granulometria (areia, silte e argila), complexo sortivo (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ e Al3+), acidez potencial (H+Al), P assimilável, pH (água e KCl), superfície específica, ataque sulfúrico (óxidos de Fe, Al, Ti e Si), mineralogia (frações areia, silte e argila). Os solos foram classificados segundo o Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos (SiBCS, 2006) e apresentada uma proposta de classificação considerando as peculiaridades do solos da região. Os solos têm baixo grau de desenvolvimento pedogenético, com minerais da fração argila de alta atividade, além da presença de minerais primários, como feldspatos e plagioclásios, nas frações areia e silte. Os solos foram classificados segundo o SiBCS atual como Argissolo Vermelho Álitico plíntico (P1), Argissolo Acinzentado Distrófico plíntico (P2) e Cambissolo Háplico Ta Eutrófico típico (P3)