64 research outputs found

    First E- and D-region incoherent scatter spectra observed over Jicamarca

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    International audienceWe present here the first Jicamarca observations of incoherent scatter radar (ISR) spectra detected from E- and D-region altitudes. In the past such observations have not been possible at Jicamarca due a combined effect of strong equatorial electrojet (EEJ) clutter and hardware limitations in the receiving system. The observations presented here were made during weak EEJ conditions (i.e., almost zero zonal electric field) using an improved digital receiving system with a wide dynamic range and a high data throughput. The observed ISR spectra from E- and D-region altitudes are, as expected, narrow and get even narrower with decreasing altitude due to increasing ion-neutral collision frequencies. Therefore, it was possible to obtain accurate spectral measurements using a pulse-to-pulse data analysis. At lower altitudes in the D-region where signal correlation times are relatively long we used coherent integration to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the collected data samples. The spectral estimates were fitted using a standard incoherent scatter (IS) spectral model between 87 and 120 km, and a Lorentzian function below 110 km. Our preliminary estimates of temperature and ion-neutral collisions frequencies above 87 km are in good agreement with the MSISE-90 model. Below 87 km, the measured spectral widths are larger than expected, causing an overestimation of the temperatures, most likely due to spectral distortions caused by atmospheric turbulence

    Naturally enhanced ion-line spectra around the equatorial 150-km region

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    For many years strong radar echoes coming from 140–170 km altitudes at low latitudes have been associated to the existence of field-aligned irregularities (FAIs) (the so called 150-km echoes). In this work, we present frequency spectra as well as angular distribution of 150-km echoes. When the 150-km region is observed with beams perpendicular to the magnetic field (<B>B</B>) the observed radar spectra are very narrow with spectral widths between 3–12 m/s. On the other hand, when few-degrees off-perpendicular beams are used, the radar spectra are wide with spectral widths comparable to those expected from ion-acoustic waves at these altitudes (>1000 m/s). Moreover the off-perpendicular spectral width increases with increasing altitude. The strength of the received echoes is one to two orders of magnitude stronger than the expected level of waves in thermal equilibrium at these altitudes. Such enhancement is not due to an increase in electron density. Except for the enhancement in power, the spectra characteristics of off-perpendicular and perpendicular echoes are in reasonable agreement with expected incoherent scatter spectra at these angles and altitudes. 150-km echoes are usually observed in narrow layers (2 to 5). Bistatic common volume observations as well as observations made few kilometers apart show that, for most of the layers, there is very high correlation on power fluctuations without a noticeable time separation between simultaneous echoes observed with Off-perpendicular and Perpendicular beams. However, in one of the central layers, the echoes are the strongest in the perpendicular beam and absent or very weak in the off-perpendicular beams, suggesting that they are generated by a plasma instability. Our results indicate that most echoes around 150-km region are not as aspect sensitive as originally thought, and they come from waves that have been enhanced above waves in thermal equilibrium

    Comparison of Observations of Sporadic-E Layers in the Nighttime and Daytime Mid-Latitude Ionosphere

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    A comparison of numerous rocket experiments to investigate mid-latitude sporadic-E layers is presented. Electric field and plasma density data gathered on sounding rockets launched in the presence of sporadic-E layers and QP radar echoes reveal a complex electrodynamics including both DC parameters and plasma waves detected over a large range of scales. We show both DC and wave electric fields and discuss their relationship to intense sporadic-E layers in both nighttime and daytime conditions. Where available, neutral wind observations provide the complete electrodynamic picture revealing an essential source of free energy that both sets up the layers and drives them unstable. Electric field data from the nighttime experiments reveal the presence of km-scale waves as well as well-defined packets of broadband (10's of meters to meters) irregularities. What is surprising is that in both the nighttime and daytime experiments, neither the large scale nor short scale waves appear to be distinctly organized by the sporadic-E density layer itself. The observations are discussed in the context of current theories regarding sporadic-E layer generation and quasi-periodic echoes

    Solved and unsolved riddles about low-latitude daytime valley region plasma waves and 150-km echoes

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    The Earth’s atmosphere near both the geographic and magnetic equators and at altitudes between 120 and 200 km is called the low-latitude valley region (LLVR) and is among the least understood regions of the ionosphere/thermosphere due to its complex interplay of neutral dynamics, electrodynamics, and photochemistry. Radar studies of the region have revealed puzzling daytime echoes scattered from between 130 and 170 km in altitude. The echoes are quasi-periodic and are observed in solar-zenith-angle dependent layers. Populations with two distinct types of spectral features are observed. A number of radars have shown scattering cross-sections with different seasonal and probing-frequency dependencies. The sources and configurations of the so-called 150-km echoes and the related irregularities have been long-standing riddles for which some solutions are finally starting to emerge as will be described in this review paper. Although the 150-km echoes were discovered in the early 1960s, their practical significance and implications were not broadly recognized until the early 1990s, and no compelling explanations of their generation mechanisms and observed features emerged until about a decade ago. Now, more rapid progress is being made thanks to a multi-disciplinary team effort described here and recent developments in kinetic simulations and theory: 18 of 27 riddles to be described in this paper stand solved (and a few more partially solved) at this point in time. The source of the irregularities is no longer a puzzle as compelling evidence has emerged from simulations and theory, presented since 2016 that they are being caused by photoelectrons driving an upper hybrid plasma instability process. Another resolved riddle concerns the persistent gaps observed between the 150-km scattering layers—we now understand that they are likely to be the result of enhanced thermal Landau damping of the upper hybrid instability process at upper hybrid frequencies matching the harmonics of the electron gyrofrequency. The remaining unsolved riddles, e.g., minute-scale variability, multi-frequency dependence, to name a few, are still being explored observationally and theoretically—they are most likely unidentified consequences of interplay between plasma physics, photochemistry, and lower atmospheric dynamic processes governing the LLVR

    F-region electron density and <i>T<sub>e</sub> / T<sub>i</sub></i> measurements using incoherent scatter power data collected at ALTAIR

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    The ALTAIR UHF radar was used in an incoherent scatter experiment to observe the low-latitude ionosphere during the Equis&nbsp;2 rocket campaign. The measurements provided the first high-resolution electron density maps of the low-latitude D- and E-region in the Pacific sector and also extended into the F-region and topside ionosphere. Although the sampling frequency was well below the Nyquist frequency of F-region returns, we were able to estimate Te / Ti ratio and infer unbiased electron density estimates using a regularized inversion technique described here. The technique exploits magnetic aspect angle dependence of ISR cross-section for Te&gt;Ti
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