1,112 research outputs found

    Environmental Social Work in the Disciplinary Literature, 1991–2015

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    Despite increasing acknowledgment that the social work profession must address environmental concerns, relatively little is known about the state of scholarship on environmental social work. This study provides a scientometric summary of peer-reviewed articles (N=497) pertaining to environmental topics in social work journals between 1991 and 2015. We find that theoretical and empirical scholarship on environmental social work is growing, though this growth remains limited to specific geographical regions and topics. We note the need to clarify the relationship between environmental social work as a theoretical paradigm and as a research topic

    The Comparative Impacts of Social Justice Educational Methods on Political Participation, Civic Engagement, and Multicultural Activism

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    This cross-sectional, repeated measures, quasi-experimental study evaluates changes in college stu- dents’ commitment toward, and confidence in, political participation, civic engagement, and multi- cultural activism. Our sample (n = 653) consisted of college students in a Midwestern university who participated in one of three social justice education course types (service learning, intergroup dialogue, or lecture-based diversity classes) or in an “introduction to psychology” course (the non-intervention group). After completion of a social justice education course, students reported an increase in politi- cal participation and multicultural activism, whereas students enrolled in the non-intervention group reported no changes in these measures. Service learning course participants started and ended their course with the highest reported levels of political participation, civic engagement, and multicultural activism but did not demonstrate an increase in any of the three outcomes. Intergroup dialogue par- ticipants demonstrated increases in all three outcomes, while participants of lecture-based classes focusing on social justice issues demonstrated increases in political participation and multicultural activism, but not civic engagement. Our findings suggest that participation in social justice education courses is associated with increases in political participation and multicultural activism

    Dynamics of genotype-specific HPV clearance and reinfection in rural Ghana may compromise HPV screening approaches

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    Persistent Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection is a prerequisite for cervical cancer development. Few studies investigated clearance of high-risk HPV in low-and-middle-income countries. Our study investigated HPV clearance and persistence over four years in women from North Tongu District, Ghana. In 2010/2011, cervical swabs of 500 patients were collected and HPV genotyped (nested multiplex PCR) in Accra, Ghana. In 2014, 104 women who previously tested positive for high-risk HPV and remained untreated were re-tested for HPV. Cytobrush samples were genotyped (GP5+/6+ PCR & Luminex-MPG readout) in Berlin, Germany. Positively tested patients underwent colposcopy and treatment if indicated. Of 104 women, who tested high-risk HPV+ in 2010/2011, seven (6,7%; 95%CI: 2.7-13.4%) had ≥1 persistent high-risk-infection after ~4 years (mean age 39 years). Ninety-seven (93,3%; 95%CI: 86.6-97.3%) had cleared the original infection, while 22 (21.2%; 95%CI: 13.8-30.3%) had acquired new high-risk infections with other genotypes. Persistent types found were HPV 16, 18, 35, 39, 51, 52, 58, and 68. Among those patients, one case of CIN2 (HPV 68) and one micro-invasive cervical cancer (HPV 16) were detected. This longitudinal observational data suggest that single HPV screening rounds may lead to over-referral. Including type-specific HPV re-testing or additional triage methods could help reduce follow-up rates

    New constraints on supersymmetry using neutrino telescopes

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    We demonstrate that megaton-mass neutrino telescopes are able to observe the signal from long-lived particles beyond the Standard Model, in particular the stau, the supersymmetric partner of the tau lepton. Its signature is an excess of charged particle tracks with horizontal arrival directions and energy deposits between 0.1 and 1 TeV inside the detector. We exploit this previously-overlooked signature to search for stau particles in the publicly available IceCube data. The data shows no evidence of physics beyond the Standard Model. We derive a new lower limit on the stau mass of 320 GeV (95% C.L.) and estimate that this new approach, when applied to the full data set available to the IceCube collaboration, will reach word-leading sensitivity to the stau mass (m_{\tilde{t}} = 450GeV)

    In memoriam Dr. Helmut Mayr 16.3.1941 – 13.7.2016

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    Partial “targeted” embolisation of brain arteriovenous malformations

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    The treatment of pial arteriovenous brain malformations is controversial. Little is yet known about their natural history, their pathomechanisms and the efficacy and risks of respective proposed treatments. It is known that only complete occlusion of the AVM can exclude future risk of haemorrhage and that the rates of curative embolisation of AVMs with an acceptable periprocedural risk are around 20 to 50%. As outlined in the present article, however, partial, targeted embolisation also plays a role. In acutely ruptured AVMs where the source of bleeding can be identified, targeted embolisation of this compartment may be able to secure the AVM prior to definitive treatment. In unruptured symptomatic AVMs targeted treatment may be employed if a defined pathomechanism can be identified that is related to the clinical symptoms and that can be cured with an acceptable risk via an endovascular approach depending on the individual AVM angioarchitecture. This review article gives examples of pathomechanisms and angioarchitectures that are amenable to this kind of treatment strategy

    Автоматизированная система контроля и управления процессом безмазутной растопки пылеугольного котла

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    Цель работы – на основании результатов экспериментального исследования закономерностей процессов зажигания и горения пылеугольного топлива разработать автоматизированную систему контроля и управления процессом растопки котельного агрегата и обосновать технико-экономическую эффективность безмазутной растопки парового котла. Также в процессе экспериментальных исследований были установлены минимальные значения температуры окружающей среды и времена задержки зажигания, при которых устойчиво воспламеняется высокореакционное твердое натуральное топливо.The purpose of this work is develop an automated control system for the process ignition of boiler unit based on the results of an experimental study of regularities of ignition and combustion of pulverized-coal fuels and to justify the technical and economic effectiveness the oil-free firing of a steam boiler. Also, in the course of experimental studies, the minimum values of ambient temperature and the ignition delay times were established, at which the high-reactive solid natural fuel was ignited