49 research outputs found

    Bounded degree and planar spectra

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    The finite spectrum of a first-order sentence is the set of positive integers that are the sizes of its models. The class of finite spectra is known to be the same as the complexity class NE. We consider the spectra obtained by limiting models to be either planar (in the graph-theoretic sense) or by bounding the degree of elements. We show that the class of such spectra is still surprisingly rich by establishing that significant fragments of NE are included among them. At the same time, we establish non-trivial upper bounds showing that not all sets in NE are obtained as planar or bounded-degree spectra

    Logical properties of random graphs from small addable classes

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    We establish zero-one laws and convergence laws for monadic second-order logic (MSO) (and, a fortiori, first-order logic) on a number of interesting graph classes. In particular, we show that MSO obeys a zero-one law on the class of connected planar graphs, the class of connected graphs of tree-width at most kk and the class of connected graphs excluding the kk-clique as a minor. In each of these cases, dropping the connectivity requirement leads to a class where the zero-one law fails but a convergence law for MSO still holds

    Hamiltonian Analysis of Poincar\'e Gauge Theory: Higher Spin Modes

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    We examine several higher spin modes of the Poincar\'e gauge theory (PGT) of gravity using the Hamiltonian analysis. The appearance of certain undesirable effects due to non-linear constraints in the Hamiltonian analysis are used as a test. We find that the phenomena of field activation and constraint bifurcation both exist in the pure spin 1 and the pure spin 2 modes. The coupled spin-00^- and spin-22^- modes also fail our test due to the appearance of constraint bifurcation. The ``promising'' case in the linearized theory of PGT given by Kuhfuss and Nitsch (KRNJ86) likewise does not pass. From this analysis of these specific PGT modes we conclude that an examination of such nonlinear constraint effects shows great promise as a strong test for this and other alternate theories of gravity.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to Int. J. Mod. Phys.

    Chiral fermions and torsion in the early Universe

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    Torsion arising from fermionic matter in the Einstein-Cartan formulation of general relativity is considered in the context of Robertson-Walker geometries and the early Universe. An ambiguity in the way torsion arising from hot fermionic matter in chiral models should be implemented is highlighted and discussed. In one interpretation, chemical potentials in chiral models can contribute to the Friedmann equation and give a negative contribution to the energy density.Comment: 5 pages revtex4; error in v1 corrected

    Semi-Teleparallel Theories of Gravitation

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    A class of theories of gravitation that naturally incorporates preferred frames of reference is presented. The underlying space-time geometry consists of a partial parallelization of space-time and has properties of Riemann-Cartan as well as teleparallel geometry. Within this geometry, the kinematic quantities of preferred frames are associated with torsion fields. Using a variational method, it is shown in which way action functionals for this geometry can be constructed. For a special action the field equations are derived and the coupling to spinor fields is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Gravitational Lorentz Force and the Description of the Gravitational Interaction

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    In the context of a gauge theory for the translation group, we have obtained, for a spinless particle, a gravitational analog of the Lorentz force. Then, we have shown that this force equation can be rewritten in terms of magnitudes related to either the teleparallel or the riemannian structures induced in spacetime by the presence of the gravitational field. In the first case, it gives a force equation, with torsion playing the role of force. In the second, it gives the usual geodesic equation of General Relativity. The main conclusion is that scalar matter is able to feel anyone of the above spacetime geometries, the teleparallel and the metric ones. Furthermore, both descriptions are found to be completely equivalent in the sense that they give the same physical trajectory for a spinless particle in a gravitational field.Comment: Equations (44)-(47) correcte

    Towards complete integrability of two dimensional Poincar\'e gauge gravity

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    It is shown that gravity on the line can be described by the two dimensional (2D) Hilbert-Einstein Lagrangian supplemented by a kinetic term for the coframe and a translational {\it boundary} term. The resulting model is equivalent to a Yang-Mills theory of local {\it translations} and frozen Lorentz gauge degrees. We will show that this restricted Poincar\'e gauge model in 2 dimensions is completely integrable. {\it Exact} wave, charged black hole, and `dilaton' solutions are then readily found. In vacuum, the integrability of the {\it general} 2D Poincar\'e gauge theory is formally proved along the same line of reasoning.Comment: 35 pages, report Cologne-thp-1993-H

    Computer aided synthesis: a game theoretic approach

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    In this invited contribution, we propose a comprehensive introduction to game theory applied in computer aided synthesis. In this context, we give some classical results on two-player zero-sum games and then on multi-player non zero-sum games. The simple case of one-player games is strongly related to automata theory on infinite words. All along the article, we focus on general approaches to solve the studied problems, and we provide several illustrative examples as well as intuitions on the proofs.Comment: Invitation contribution for conference "Developments in Language Theory" (DLT 2017

    Measuring Permissiveness in Parity Games: Mean-Payoff Parity Games Revisited

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    We study nondeterministic strategies in parity games with the aim of computing a most permissive winning strategy. Following earlier work, we measure permissiveness in terms of the average number/weight of transitions blocked by the strategy. Using a translation into mean-payoff parity games, we prove that the problem of computing (the permissiveness of) a most permissive winning strategy is in NP intersected coNP. Along the way, we provide a new study of mean-payoff parity games. In particular, we prove that the opponent player has a memoryless optimal strategy and give a new algorithm for solving these games.Comment: 30 pages, revised versio

    Torsion Gravity: a Reappraisal

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    The role played by torsion in gravitation is critically reviewed. After a description of the problems and controversies involving the physics of torsion, a comprehensive presentation of the teleparallel equivalent of general relativity is made. According to this theory, curvature and torsion are alternative ways of describing the gravitational field, and consequently related to the same degrees of freedom of gravity. However, more general gravity theories, like for example Einstein-Cartan and gauge theories for the Poincare and the affine groups, consider curvature and torsion as representing independent degrees of freedom. By using an active version of the strong equivalence principle, a possible solution to this conceptual question is reviewed. This solution favors ultimately the teleparallel point of view, and consequently the completeness of general relativity. A discussion of the consequences for gravitation is presented.Comment: RevTeX, 34 pages. Review article to be published by Int. J. Mod. Phys.