146 research outputs found

    Inhibitory mechanism of influence of thyroid hormones on cognitive function of the brain.

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    In experiments on young rats there were stu­died changes in the fatty acid spectrum of fraction of  free fatty acids (FFA) of neocortex and hippocampus in con­ditions of thyroid dysfunction. Elevated levels of thyroid hormones caused accumulation of polyunsaturated linoleic and linolenic acids in the neocortex by 2 times, in the hippocampus – by 52%. State of hypo­thyroidism also contributed to the increase of C18: 2,3 in the neocortex by 74.4%. Growth of share of unsaturated fatty acid fraction in the content of fatty acid spectrum of neocortex also was accompanied by decrease in saturated C16:0 and C21:0 by 25% and 36% res­pectively. Increase of the level of unsaturated fatty acids fraction of the cerebral cortex is possibly associated with the decrease in "unsaturation" structure of lipids, which in its turn may enhance serotonergic synaptic activity. Research of concentration of neuromediator amino acids in neocortex showed increase of serotonin content both in conditions of hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism. In conditions of hyperthyroidism increased content of GABA was observed. Activity of serotonin- and GABA- ergic neurotransmitter systems of the brain in conditions of hyperthyroidism can be considered as increase of inhibitory processes in the  effect of feedback. In conditions of experimental hypothyroidism activation of the inhibitory effects of CNS serotonergic system may be one of the ways to reduce the metabolism

    B-lymphocyte aggregation in the lung tissue is a pathogenic factor in experimental infection caused by Mycobacterium avium

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    When infecting the lungs with Mycobacterium avium of B6 line mice genetically susceptible to this infection the compact aggregates (follicles) of B-lymphocytes are formed with the peak at the 11-13th week after the infection. Physiological role of these cellular accumulations remained unclear. Having applied segregative genetic analysis to allele conglutination of Slc11a1 gene with two signs – quantity of mycobacteria and accumulation of B-cellular follicles to the F2 mice from crossing (В6 × I/St), one managed to find out that the quantity and size of follicles directly correlate with M. avium replication in the lungs. Thus this type of the lung tissue infiltration does not protect the host from infection and it is a pathogenic factor


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    Purpose of the study: The purpose of the study is to identify changes in school-based anxiety in children aged 12 – 13 during their physical education using a special Program for the individual typological approach implementation. Methodology: Two groups had been formed: reference and experimental (25 people each); three methods were used (Method for studying individual typological peculiarities of middle-school children by A. Belov, Method of Kondash's anxiety scale (1973), and Method of identifying general physical education of students); diagnostic testing of physical fitness was conducted (long jump from the spot; lifting the body in 30 sec. (press); push-up (girls); pulling up on the crossbar (boys); running 30 meters, shuttle running 3x10; bending forward from a sitting position). Main Findings: The results of the study have been statistically processed with Excel 2000 and STATISTICA 8.0, using the Student's t-test for dependent and independent samples. The M average has been found; the differences have been considered significant at p < 0.05. Applications of this study: The Program for the individual typological approach implementation has been compiled with an emphasis on reducing school-based anxiety in children aged 12 – 13; its features, objectives, indicators, criteria, content, and forms of implementation have been substantiated; a set of general physical exercises has been developed for each type of temperament, which includes the exercises for some groups of muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, back muscles, abdomen, and hips. Novelty/Originality of this study: The significant improvement in the physical fitness of students from the experimental group compared to the reference one identified during the term proves the efficiency of the implemented physical education program, taking into account the individual typological approach to the personality of adolescents with an emphasis on reducing their school-based anxiety. The results of the study have allowed formulating recommendations for improving the approaches to conducting physical education classes

    Role of photochemical and microbial degradation of phenol in water

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    The present work is aimed at spectroscopic and luminescent investigations of the microbial cleavage efficiency of phenol in the water solution upon expose to UV light. With increasing time of irradiation of phenol in the saline solution,the absorption intensity increases throughout the spectrum. The efficiency of photoalteration of phenol in the saline solution is higher compared to that in water. The results obtained have shown that the efficiency of complex photobiological phenol destruction increases sharply compared to the photochemical or microbial destruction

    Diabetes mellitus — metabolic preconditioning in protecting the heart from ischemic damage?

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    The negative impact of diabetes mellitus (DM) on the cardiovascular system has been confirmed by numerous clinical studies. However, there are experimental studies that show an increase in the resistance of the heart to ischemic and reperfusion damage in animals with DM. This phenomenon is characterized by a smaller size of the infarct zone, better preservation of the contractile function of the myocardium, and a lower incidence of ischemic and reperfusion arrhythmias. It is assumed that at a certain stage in the development of DM, a “metabolic window” is formed, in which metabolic alterations at the cellular level trigger adaptive mechanisms that increase the viability of cardiomyocytes. Published data confirm that the magnitude of the protective effect induced by DM is comparable to, and in some cases even exceeds, the effect of the preconditioning phenomenon. It is recognized that the mechanisms that protect the heart from ischemic and reperfusion damage against the background of DM are universal and are associated with the modulation of the antioxidant system, apoptosis factors, pro-inflammatory cytokines, and signaling systems that ensure cell survival. The one of the main pathogenic factor in DM is hyperglycemia, but under stress it plays the role of an adaptive mechanism aimed at meeting the increased energy demand in pathological conditions. Probably, at a certain stage of DM, hyperglycemia becomes a trigger for the development of protective effects and activates not only signaling pathways, but also the restructuring of energy metabolism, which makes it possible to maintain ATP production at a sufficient level to maintain the vital activity of heart cells under ischemia/reperfusion conditions. It is possible that an increased level of glucose, accompanied by the activation of insulin-independent mechanisms of its entry into cells, as well as the availability of this energy substrate, will contribute to a better restoration of energy production in heart cells after a infarction, which, in turn, will significantly reduce the degree of myocardial damage and will help preserve the contractile function of the heart. Identification of the conditions and mechanisms of the cardioprotective phenomenon induced by DM will make it possible to simulate the metabolic state in which the protection of cardiomyocytes from damaging factors is realized

    Heisenberg Evolution WKB and Symplectic Area Phases

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    The Schrodinger and Heisenberg evolution operators are represented in quantum phase space by their Weyl symbols. Their semiclassical approximations are constructed in the short and long time regimes. For both evolution problems, the WKB representation is purely geometrical: the amplitudes are functions of a Poisson bracket and the phase is the symplectic area of a region in phase space bounded by trajectories and chords. A unified approach to the Schrodinger and Heisenberg semiclassical evolutions is developed by introducing an extended phase space. In this setting Maslov's pseudodifferential operator version of WKB analysis applies and represents these two problems via a common higher dimensional Schrodinger evolution, but with different extended Hamiltonians. The evolution of a Lagrangian manifold in the extended phase space, defined by initial data, controls the phase, amplitude and caustic behavior. The symplectic area phases arise as a solution of a boundary condition problem. Various applications and examples are considered.Comment: 32 pages, 7 figure

    Social networking as an advertising tool in Russia and abroad

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    This study contrasts the behavioural patterns of users on Facebook with those on VKontakte using data collected by Facebook and a survey of Russian VKontakte users. The authors analyse the key differences between the two popular social networks, including what users perceived to be the most attractive options, the amount of time spent online and attitudes toward advertising. The results have been used to evaluate the potential of social networks (SMM) for business promotion in Russia

    On the generalised Ritt problem as a computational problem

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    The Ritt problem asks if there is an algorithm that tells whether one prime differential ideal is contained in another one if both are given by their characteristic sets. We give several equivalent formulations of this problem. In particular, we show that it is equivalent to testing if a differential polynomial is a zero divisor modulo a radical differential ideal. The technique used in the proof of equivalence yields algorithms for computing a canonical decomposition of a radical differential ideal into prime components and a canonical generating set of a radical differential ideal. Both proposed representations of a radical differential ideal are independent of the given set of generators and can be made independent of the ranking.Comment: 9 page