58 research outputs found

    Institutions of regional development in the infrastructure support of the regional economy

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    The article examines the role of regional development institutions in the infrastructure support of the socio-economic development of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Changes are revealed at the meso-economic level that are possible in the post-industrial development of the economy of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As a result of the study, it was concluded that 48 percent of the total funds available from regional development institutions accounted for the five leading regions: the Republic of Tatarstan, Moscow and Moscow Regions, Lipetsk, Kaluga Regions and St. Petersburg. By the share of gross regional product (GRP), the list of regions was headed by the Kaluga and Lipetsk regions, which is explained by the large volumes of investments attracted through development institutions and the relatively small size of the regional product and the population of these regions. The authors summarize the experience of managing regional development institutions, conclude that it is necessary to increase the degree of influence on the development of the economic and social infrastructure of the regions of the Russian Federation as a whole, as well as to eliminate regional imbalances in development. The main directions in the implementation of this approach are: Creation of an organizational mechanism for the formation of management structures to coordinate socio-economic development (for example, project administrations) on the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation or several municipal entities within the framework of one constituent entity of the Federation. Development of financial mechanisms to support the activities of these inter-regional and inter-municipal administrations (hereinafter referred to as project administrations). Improving the mechanisms of interaction between state and municipal authorities, public organizations and other civil society institutions and business structures operating in the territory of several constituent entities of the Russian Federation and / or municipalities


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    X-ray fluorescence spectrometry was used to determine fluorine in graphite. The optimal conditions for excitation and registration of the analytical signal. This technique makes it possible to control the degree of saturation with fluorine of graphite electrodes and graphite dust


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    A method has been developed for the determination of 11 microcomponents in ash. This technique allows you to determine the content of residual carbon in ash, which allows you to determine the degree of efficiency of coal combustion


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    WDXRF spectrometry was applied to determine the concentration of Sc, Th and U in an extraction chromatography resin. The reference materials (RMs) were produced by analytes sorption from solutions with known concentration. Control of RMs composition was performed by ICP-MS method, analyzing solutions before and after sorption process. The statistical data processing and metrological parameters evaluation were carried out

    Innovation, technology and user experience in museums: insights from scientific literature

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    Museums play an important role in preserving the heritage and cultural legacy of humanity, however, one of their main weaknesses in regards the user is their static nature. At present, and in the face of the development of diverse technologies and the ease of access to information, museums have upgraded their implementation of technologies aimed at improving the user experience, trying more and more to access younger audiences with a sensitivity and natural capacity for the management of new technologies. This work identifies trends in the use of technological tools by museums worldwide and the effect of these on the user or visitor experience through a review of scientific literature. To complete the work, we performed a search of the publications in the Scopus® referencing database, and downloaded, processed, and visualized the data using the VOSviewer® tool. The main trends identified in this context of analysis are related to the role of museums with the development and improvement of the user experience; orientation to young audiences and innovation driven by the user through Interactive Systems, digital games, QR Codes, apps, augmented reality, virtual reality and gamification, among others. The objective of the implementation of new technologies in the context of museums is to satisfy the needs of contemporary communication, for all types of content and aimed at an increasingly digital audience, in order to ensure positive interaction and feedback from ideas with social and cultural changes

    Structure of herd immunity to SARS-COV-2 in the Krasnoyarsk region population in the COVID-19 epidemic

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    Purpose. Determination of the SARS-CoV-2 population humoral immunity among the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory during the COVID-19 epidemic.Materials and methods. The study was carried out as a part of project for assessing population immunity to SARS-CoV-2 among the population of Russian Federation using unified methodology developed by Rospotrebnadzor, with the participation of the Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology named by Pasteur, and taking into account the recommendations of the WHO. The work involved 2907 volunteers, selected by the online survey and randomization by age and territory. All volunteers were divided into 7 age groups: 1–17, 18–29, 30–39, 40–49, 50–59, 60–69, 70 and older (70+), including a total 246–449 people. Population immunity testing was carried out during the formation of groups (1st stage), and then twice more, with the interval of 6–8 weeks. Serum was obtained from venous blood samples obtained from volunteers, in which antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid were determined by the enzyme immunoassay. The results were analyzed by methods of nonparametric statistics: median, interquartile range, rank correlation coefficient were calculated in the Excel statistical package. The confidence interval to seroprevalence indicators (95% CI) was calculated using the WinPepi statistical package (version 11.65). The statistical significance of the differences was assessed with a probability level of p ≤ 0.05.Results. The seroprevalence of the population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory during the 5-month period of seromonitoring had increased 3.3 times from 12.8% (95% CI 11.3–14.4) to 41.7% (95% CI 39.4–4.0) , while the grouping by age had not revealed any peculiarities throughout the study. The trend towards a decrease in the incidence was formed on the 6th week of 2021. The seroprevalence of convalescents after COVID-19 during the initial testing was 61.5% (95% CI 40,6–79.8), among those who were in contact with patients with COVID-19 or convalescents –23.8% (95% CI 13.9–36.2) . Among the volunteers, 347 seropositive persons were identified, 324 of which were observed asymptomatic course.Conclusion. The structure of the population humoral immunity to SARS-CoV-2 of he population of the Krasnoyarsk Territory has been investigated. It was found that an increase in seroprevalence to 41.7% (95% CI 39.4–4.0) was accompanied by a decrease in morbidity


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    Цель исследования - оценить возможности комплексного подхода к лечению пациентов с остеопорозом (ОП) и сахарным диабетом (СД) Материал и методы. Проанализировано 205 историй пациентов (возраст от 56 до 70 лет (62+6)) с верифицированными диагнозами остеопороз и сахарный диабет 2 типа. Стаж СД от 5 до 25 лет (9+5), получавшие различные виды антиостеопоретической терапии и данные DEXA в динамике. Результаты. Выявлено, что менее 20% пациентов достигли целевых значений гликемии (по показателям глюкозы натощак, постпрандиально и HbA1c), на различных видах сахароснижающей терапии. Анализ терапии ОП выявил, что препараты алендроновой кислоты получают 5,1%; ибандроновой кислоты - 7,3%; золендроновой кислоты 51,2% (из них Российские джениерические препараты -76,2%); дено-сумаб - 23,9%; ранелат стронция - 9,8%; терипаратид -2,4%. При анализе историй болезней было отмечено, что Меглю-миновую соль тиоктовой кислоты - 51,2% получали 2 раза в год; 23,9% 1 раз в 12 месяцев; 15,1% - периодически. Несмотря на многочисленные исследования, доказывающие эффективность тиоктовой кислоты 9,8% пациентов ни разу не получали препараты тиоктовой кислоты, даже не смотря на длительный (более 10 лет) стаж сахарного диабета. Было выявлено, что пациенты, получавшие Меглюминовую соль тиоктовой кислоты (МСТК) 2 раза в год имели более выраженный прирост минеральной плотности костной ткани на фоне стандартной антирезорбтивной терапии, наибольший прирост МПК отмечен на фоне применения Золендроновой кислоты +3,1 Терипаратид +2,5%; Деносумаб +2,4%; Ранелат стронция +2,1%. При применении МСТ - 1 раз в год прирост МПК на фоне применения Золендроновой кислоты +2,1 Терипаратид +1,9%; Деносумаб +1,4%; Ранелат стронция +1,4%. Из 20 пациентов получавших ранелат стронция у 25% в анамнезе выл верифицирован диагноз ИБС - стенокардия, без инфаркта миокарда в анамнезе У 100% пациентов получавших меглюминовую соль тиоктовой кислоты не отмечено отрицательной динамики, в то время как у пациентов не получавших данный вид терапии у 1 пациентки отмечена отрицательная динамика - увеличение частоты ишемических приступов. Пациенты, получавшие в качестве антирезорбтивной терапии - Золендроновую кислоту отметили хорошую переносимость препарата на фоне проведения 2 курсов в год в/в инфузий МСТК (Тиогамма 600 мг в/в 14-20 дней и 20 дней per os). Так гипертермия отмечена максимально до 38,5°, в то время как пациенты, не получавшие данной терапии, отмечали повышение температуры тела до 39°. У пациентов с декомпенсированным СД и в возрасте старше 65 лет было зарегистрировано 2 компессионных перелома позвонков и 5 переломов луча в типичном месте на ранних сроках (первые 3 месяца) антирезорбтивной терапии (из них 4 на фоне применения алендроновой кислоты, 1 - золендроновой кислоты и 2 на фоне ранелата стронция). Выводы. В комплексном лечении пациентов с пациентов с Сахарным диабетом 2 типа и остеопорозом должны применяться не только антирезорбтивные препараты и современные сахароснижающие средства, позволяющие добиться стойкой компенсации по основным показателям углеводного обмена, но и систематическое применение меглюминовой соли тиоктовой кислоты