1,316 research outputs found

    Green Up Pavement Rehabilitation Design Tool

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    While designers produce pavement rehabilitation recommendations every day, for projects of all sizes, most designers have little information on the environmental impact of their recommendations. This research developed a new decision tool, called the “Green Up Pavement Rehabilitation Design Tool,” to allow the comparison of different rehabilitation solutions in terms of greenhouse gas emissions and to encourage sustainable practices such as materials recycling and the use of permeable, cool, and quiet pavement surfaces. The project aligns with the major goal of California Senate Bill 1, which is “to address deferred maintenance on the state highway system and the local street and road system,” by providing a rehabilitation strategy selection tool as well as an educational tool to promote sustainable pavement practices. The Green Up graphic and the overall methodology were finalized in consultation with representatives of the portland cement concrete and asphalt industries in California. For designers interested in learning more, the tool includes fact sheets about sustainable pavement rehabilitation strategies and links to additional online resources

    Thermal histories of the samples of two KOSI comet nucleus simulation experiments

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    Temperatures recorded during two KOSI comet nucleus simulation experiments strongly suggest that heat transport by vapor flow into the interior of the sample is very important. Two comet nucleus simulation experiments have been done by the KOSI team in a big space simulator. The thermal evolution of the sample during insolation and the results of simplified thermal evolution calculations are discussed. The observed thermal histories cannot be explained by a simple model with heat transferred by heat conduction at a constant conductivity, so a coupled heat and mass transfer problem was considered. The porous ice matrix was assumed to have a constant thermal conductivity and to be in thermal equilibrium with vapor in the pores, the internal pressure being the vapor pressure. The vapor was modelled as an ideal gas because, at the temperatures relevant to the problem, the mean free path length of the vapor molecules is large in comparison with the pore dimensions. The heat capacity at constant volume per unit mass of the two phase mixture was also assumed constant. The vapor was allowed to flow and transfer heat in response to an internal pressure gradient

    Mechanical and SEM analysis of artificial comet nucleus samples

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    Since 1987 experiments dealing with comet nucleus phenomena have been carried out in the DFVLR space simulation chambers. The main objective of these experiments is a better understanding of thermal behavior, surface phenomena and especially the gas dust interaction. As a function of different sample compositions and exposure to solar irradiation (xenon-bulbs) crusts of different hardness and thickness were measured. The measuring device consists of a motor driven pressure foot (5 mm diameter), which is pressed into the sample. The applied compressive force is electronically monitored. The microstructure of the crust and dust residuals is investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) techniques. Stress-depth profiles of an unirradiated and an irradiated model comet are given

    Effects of Acute Stress on Aircrew Performance: Literature Review and Analysis of Operational Aspects

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    Situational stress can adversely affect the cognition and skilled performance of pilots, as well as experts in other domains. Emergencies and other threatening situations require pilots to execute infrequently practiced procedures correctly and to use their skills and judgment to select an appropriate course of action, often under high workload, time pressure, and ambiguous indications, all of which can be stressful. Our current study, consited of three parts, starting with a critical review of the research literature on the effects of stress on skilled performance, going back to World War II and continuing to recent and more sophisticated studies of the cognitive effects of anxiety. In the second part we analyzed the specific ways stress may have impaired the performance of airline crews in twelve major accidents, selected for diversity of the situations the crews encountered. The third part examined the operational significance and practical implications of the findings from the first two parts, suggested specific ways to reduce the harmful effects of stress on flight crews, and identified aspects requiring further research. Even thought this study focused on flight crews, the findings apply to the effects of stress on the skilled performance of experts in almost any domain

    Taking Control of What Counts in Accountability: The Context Enriched Report Card

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    During the last two decades concerns about the quality of education have resulted in widespread calls for educational improvement and reform in many nations

    Modifications of comet materials by the sublimation process: Results from simulation experiments

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    An active comet like comet Halley loses by sublimation a surface layer of the order of 1 m thickness per perihelion passage. In situ measurements show that water ice is the main constituent which contributes to the gas emission although even more volatile species (CO, NH3, CH4, CO2 etc.) have been identified. Dust particles which were embedded in the ices are carried by the sublimating gases. Measurements of the chemical composition of cometary grains indicate that they are composed of silicates of approximate chondritic composition and refractory carbonaceous material. Comet simulation experiments show that significant modifications of cometary materials occur due to sublimation process in near surface layers which have to be taken into account in order to derive the original state of the material

    The Pauli equation with complex boundary conditions

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    We consider one-dimensional Pauli Hamiltonians in a bounded interval with possibly non-self-adjoint Robin-type boundary conditions. We study the influence of the spin-magnetic interaction on the interplay between the type of boundary conditions and the spectrum. A special attention is paid to PT-symmetric boundary conditions with the physical choice of the time-reversal operator T.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    Invariant variational principle for Hamiltonian mechanics

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    It is shown that the action for Hamiltonian equations of motion can be brought into invariant symplectic form. In other words, it can be formulated directly in terms of the symplectic structure ω\omega without any need to choose some 1-form γ\gamma, such that ω=dγ\omega= d \gamma, which is not unique and does not even generally exist in a global sense.Comment: final version; to appear in J.Phys.A; 17 pages, 2 figure

    Two-atom dark states in electromagnetic cavities

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    The center-of-mass motion of two two-level atoms coupled to a single damped mode of an electromagnetic resonator is investigated. For the case of one atom being initially excited and the cavity mode in the vacuum state it is shown that the atomic time evolution is dominated by the appearance of dark states. These states, in which the initial excitation is stored in the internal atomic degrees of freedom and the atoms become quantum mechanically entangled, are almost immune against photon loss from the cavity. Various properties of the dark states within and beyond the Raman-Nath approximation of atom optics are worked out.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    A direct approach to the construction of standard and non-standard Lagrangians for dissipative dynamical systems with variable coefficients

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    We present a direct approach to the construction of Lagrangians for a large class of one-dimensional dynamical systems with a simple dependence (monomial or polynomial) on the velocity. We rederive and generalize some recent results and find Lagrangian formulations which seem to be new. Some of the considered systems (e.g., motions with the friction proportional to the velocity and to the square of the velocity) admit infinite families of different Lagrangian formulations.Comment: 17 page