864 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Multikultur: Membangun Keberagaman Inklusif Dan Moderat Di Kalimantan Barat

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    Multicultural education may be one strategy to introduce the local culture to the learner so that an understanding of cultural diversity to be more thorough and complete. West Kalimantan is an area that is very sensitive to the ethnic conflict, the issue of cultural differences generated by different ethnic interests was used as a tool to exacerbate that conflict often occurs in West Kalimantan. Looking at the situation that the approach by leveraging cultural diversity can inclusivity views of learners and learning with the modernization of systems and contextual environment. So that conflicts can be mitigated through education, of course, the role of teachers and lecturers are also key to the success

    Manajemen Disiplin Kerja Anggota Polri dalam Rangka Meningkatkan Pelayanan Kepada Masyarakat

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    The purpose of study was to describe management of discipline work members of police Muara Beliti Musi Rawas in improving service to society. The method of study was kualitatif method. The data were achiveg by the resercher was presented in the from of words, without added or eliminated the data from the research. The result of study were shown disipline wor member of kepolisian sektor Muara Beliti was good, they did duty based on main dutythemselues. The successfull of members of kepolisian Muara Beliti supporeted by kapolsek Muara Beliti in developing conducting directingmembers in working, so that every members of kepolisiansektor Muara Beliti tried to give the best service to the society

    Analisis Yuridis Pemberian Wakaf Atas Tanah yang Dibuat Dibawah Tangan secara Tertulis (Studi Pemberian Wakaf Pembangunan Mesjid Al Jihad Kecamatan Selesai Kabupaten Langkat)

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    The distribution of wakaf of a plot of land underhandedly occurred in Kwala Air Hitam, Selesai Subdistrict, precisely at Aljihad Mosque. Now it becomes a problem complained by one of the heirs of the wakif (the donor). The problems of the research were as follows: how about the legal consequence of the implementation of donating a plot of land underhandedly in a written form but it was not agreed by the heirs, how about the right and obligation of nadzir (inspector of wakaf) in the Islamic Fiqh and Law No. 41/2004 on Wakaf, how about the settlement of dispute on donating a plot of land underhandedly in a written form at Al-Jihad mosque, Selesai Subdistrict, Langkat Regency. The result of the research shows that 1) legal consequence of the implementation of donating wakaf on land underhandedly in which its status is not approved by the heir does not have any legal force because it has not been registered; therefore, nazir has to make AIW (Wakaf Oath Certificate) and/or Substituted Wakaf Oath Certificate, 2) based on the Islamic Fiqh, there is no regulation or explanation about registering wakaf land since a wakaf is valid when it has met the requirements for it. However, according to Law No. 41/2004, nazir has the responsibility to register a wakaf land in order that it has legal protection, and 3) the dispute of donating wakaf land underhandedly at Al-Jihad Mosque, Selesai Subdistrict, Langkat Regency has been settled by conducting reconciliation

    Perancangan Situs Website Sistem Pemasaran pada PT. Radjawali Menggunakan Bahasa Pemrogram Php dan Database Mysql

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    Pada saat ini teknologi informasi mengalami perkembangan yang sangat cepat, seiring dengan kebutuhan manusia yang juga terus bertambah. Teknologi memegang peranan yang sangat penting bagi kehidupan manusia. Teknologi internet merupakan salah satu bidang yang mengalami perkembangan sangat cepat. Telah banyak sektor yang menerapkan teknologi ini, salah satunya dalam bidang perdagangan. Lalu muncul perdagangan dengan internet sebagai sarana utama, yaitu e-commerce. Implementasi e-commerce dalam dunia bisnis salah satunya adalah dengan banyak bermunculan situs-situs penjualan secara online atau berbasis web. E-Commerce merupakan salah satu konsep baru yang bisa digambarkan sebagai proses jual beli barang atau jasa pada World Wide Web Internet. Dengan adanya web ini dapat memberikan dampak yang efisiensi dan efektifitas, serta dapat mengangkat produk atau citra dari PT. Radjawali

    Measurement and modeling of solitary wave induced bed shear stress over a rough bed

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    Bed shear stresses generated by solitary waves were measured using a shear cell apparatus over a rough bed in laminar and transitional flow regimes (~7600 < Re < ~60200). Modeling of bed shear stress was carried out using analytical models employing convolution integration methods forced with the free stream velocity and three eddy viscosity models. The measured wave height to water depth (h/d) ratio varied between 0.13 and 0.65; maximum near- bed velocity varied between 0.16 and 0.47 m/s and the maximum total shear stress (sum of form drag and bed shear) varied between 0.565 and 3.29 Pa. Wave friction factors estimated from the bed shear stresses at the maximum bed shear stress using both maximum and instantaneous velocities showed that there is an increase in friction factors estimated using instantaneous velocities, for non-breaking waves. Maximum positive total stress was approximately 2.2 times larger than maximum negative total stress for non-breaking waves. Modeled and measured positive total stresses are well correlated using the convolution model with an eddy viscosity model analogous to steady flow conditions (nu_t=0.45u* z1; where nu_t is eddy viscosity, u* is shear velocity and z1 is the elevation parameter related to relative roughness). The bed shear stress leads the free stream fluid velocity by approximately 30° for non-breaking waves and by 48° for breaking waves, which is under-predicted by 27% by the convolution model with above mentioned eddy viscosity model

    Measurements and modeling of direct bed shear stress under solitary waves

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    Source: ICHE Conference Archive - https://mdi-de.baw.de/icheArchiv

    Relationship between Leader-Member Exchanges with Organizational Citizenship Behaviour

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    An organization’s success is influenced by its performance and one way of enhancing organizational performace is by improving the workers’ rate of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB). In this regard, most research on OCB has beeb done in the West and there has been litte research on Indonesian specific OCB, even though Organ, Podsakoff, & MacKenzie (2006) have stated the frailness of OCB theory in the face of cultural differences. Consequently, Team 9 compiled a set of Indonesian specific dimensions if OCB in 2009 from both the Western (Podsakoff, MacKenzie, Paine, & Bachrach, 2000) and Eastern dimensions (Farh, Earley, & Lin, 1997; Farh, Zhong, & Organ, 2004) of OCB. The objective of this research was to examine the relationship between OCB and leader-member exchange (LMX) - the importance of the leader’s relationship with the workers, by using the newly composed OCB Questionnaire. The sample consisted of 235 permanent staff who worked at financial institutions in Jakarta, Indonesia. The results showed a significant and positive correlation between LMX and OCB. The result suggests that the leader plays an important role in the employee’s OCB in Indonesia
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