589 research outputs found

    Untersuchungen zu FĂĽtterung, Milchleistung und Tiergesundheit von MilchkĂĽhen im Ă–kologischen Landbau

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    The breeding scheme entails yield differences of more than 2 000 kg energy corrected milk (ECM) per cow and year. On average, farms feeding less concentrate yielded slightly lower milk yields per cow and year, however, because of the longer productive life the cows showed similar milk yields over their lifetime. The farms investigated so far appeared to have healthy cows, even if fed low levels of concentrates or in the case of extremely low or high urea contents in the milk. These values could indicate the cows’ ability to compensate for short-dated changes

    Kraftfuttergaben und Milchleistung bei Weidegang von Milchviehherden im ökologischen Landbau

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    During grazing, the efficiency of concentrate feeding on milk yields is low, especially when white clover is present in the sward (Wilkens et al., 1994). Clover in animal feed enhances forage intake; feeding trials have shown increased intake rates by 15-30 % (Paul, 2003). These results are of special interest for organic farms, where clover has a higher impact on the farming system. In the experimental organic farm of the Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen (Haus Riswick) the concentrate rate fed during grazing time showed no influence upon milk yields (2,6 resp.4,7 kg DM concentrate/ animal/day). In agreement with these results a three years investigation on 89 organic farms in Northwest Germany showed no effect of concentrate feeding on milk yield during the grazing season. Furthermore, a reduction or increase of concentrate rates during the grazing season did not show any differences in animal health so far

    Evaluation of the Social Interaction Self-Statement Test with a Social Phobic Population

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    The convergent and discriminant validity of the Social Interaction Self-Statement Test (SISST) were evaluated in a sample of men and women awaiting treatment for fear and avoidance of social interactions. Partial correlations revealed that negative, but not positive, self-statement scores were generally related to self-report measures of anxiety and depression. Heart rate and subjective anxiety ratings derived from a behavioral simulation of a personally relevant anxiety-provoking situation were unrelated to SISST scores. However, subjects’ reports of negative thoughts obtained via the thought-listing procedure were related to the SISST negative self-statement scores, suggesting that the negative subscale of the SISST and the thought-listing procedure tap similar dimensions. Finally, the negative subscale of the SISST discriminated between social phobics whose primary fear involved social interactions and social phobics whose anxiety was confined to public-speaking situations. The findings support the use of the SISST with clinically socially anxious patients

    DSM-III-R Subtypes of Social Phobia: Comparison of Generalized Social Phobics and Public Speaking Phobics

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    Social phobic patients who fear most or all social interaction situations are labeled generalized social phobics in DSM-III-R. Thirty-five patients who met this criterion were compared with 22 social phobic patients whose fears were restricted to public-speaking situations. Generalized social phobics were younger, less educated, and less likely to be employed, and their phobias were rated by clinical interviewers as more severe than those of public-speaking phobics. Generalized social phobics appeared more anxious and more depressed and expressed greater fears concerning negative social evaluation. They performed more poorly on individualized behavioral tests and differed from public-speaking phobics in their responses to cognitive assessment tasks. The two groups showed marked differences in their patterns of heart rate acceleration during the behavioral test. The implications of these findings for the classification and treatment of social phobic individuals are discussed

    Cognitive Behavioral Group Treatment for Social Phobia: Comparison with a Credible Placebo Control

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    Forty-nine patients participated in a study comparing cognitive-behavioral group treatment (CBGT) for social phobia with a credible placebo control. CBGT consisted of exposure to simulated phobic events, cognitive restructuring of maladaptive thoughts, and homework for self-directed exposure and cognitive restructuring between sessions. Control patients received a treatment package consisting of lecture-discussion and group support that was comparable to CBGT on measures of treatment credibility and outcome expectations. At pretest, posttest, and 3- and 6-month follow-ups, patients completed assessments that included clinician ratings, self-report measures, and behavioral physiological and cognitive-subjective measures derived from a behavioral simulation of a personally relevant phobic event. Both groups improved on most measures, but, at both posttest and follow-up, CBGT patients were rated as more improved than controls and reported less anxiety before and during the behavioral test. At follow-up, CBGT patients also reported significantly fewer negative and more positive self-statements than controls on a thought-listing task following the behavioral test. Regardless of treatment condition, follow-up changes in clinician-rated phobic severity were significantly related to changes on the thought-listing measure

    Towards a field theoretic understanding of NN->NNpi

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    We study the production amplitude for the reaction NN->NNpi up to next--to--leading order in chiral perturbation theory using a counting scheme that takes into account the large scale introduced by the initial momentum. In particular we investigate a subtlety that arises once the leading loop contributions are convoluted with the NN wavefunctions as demanded by the non--perturbative nature of the NN interaction. We show how to properly identify the irreducible contribution of loop diagrams in such type of reaction. The net effect of the inclusion of all next-to-leading order loops is to enhance the leading rescattering amplitude by a factor of 4/3, bringing its contribution to the cross section for pp->dpi+ close to the experimental value.Comment: 15 Pages, 5 Figure

    Emergent global oscillations in heterogeneous excitable media: The example of pancreatic beta cells

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    Using the standard van der Pol-FitzHugh-Nagumo excitable medium model I demonstrate a novel generic mechanism, diversity, that provokes the emergence of global oscillations from individually quiescent elements in heterogeneous excitable media. This mechanism may be operating in the mammalian pancreas, where excitable beta cells, quiescent when isolated, are found to oscillate when coupled despite the absence of a pacemaker region.Comment: See home page http://lec.ugr.es/~julya

    Recoil-Ion Detection System

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478

    Differential Cross Section and Analyzing Power of p(p,pi+)d Near Threshold

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    This research was sponsored by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY-931478
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