
Kraftfuttergaben und Milchleistung bei Weidegang von Milchviehherden im ökologischen Landbau


During grazing, the efficiency of concentrate feeding on milk yields is low, especially when white clover is present in the sward (Wilkens et al., 1994). Clover in animal feed enhances forage intake; feeding trials have shown increased intake rates by 15-30 % (Paul, 2003). These results are of special interest for organic farms, where clover has a higher impact on the farming system. In the experimental organic farm of the Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen (Haus Riswick) the concentrate rate fed during grazing time showed no influence upon milk yields (2,6 resp.4,7 kg DM concentrate/ animal/day). In agreement with these results a three years investigation on 89 organic farms in Northwest Germany showed no effect of concentrate feeding on milk yield during the grazing season. Furthermore, a reduction or increase of concentrate rates during the grazing season did not show any differences in animal health so far

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