5,489 research outputs found

    Coaxial prime focus feeds for paraboloidal reflectors

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    A TE11 - TM11 dual mode coaxial feed for use in prime focus paraboloidal antenna systems is investigated. The scattering matrix parameters of the internal bifurcation junction was determined by the residue calculus technique. The scattering parameters and radiation fields of the aperture were found from the Weinstein solution. The optimum modeing ratio for minimum cross-polarization was determined along with the corresponding optimum feed dimensions. A peak cross-polarization level of -58 dB is predicted. The frequency characteristics were also investigated and a bandwidth of 5% is predicted over which the cross-polarization remains below -30 dB, the input VSWR is below 1.15, and the phase error is less than 10 deg. Theoretical radiation patterns and efficiency curves for a paraboloidal reflector illuminated by this feed were computed. The predicted sidelobe level is below -30 dB and aperture efficiencies greater than 70% are possible. Experimental results are also presented that substantiates the theoretical results. In addition, experimental results for a 'short-cup' coaxial feed are given. The report includes extensive design data for the dual-mode feed along with performance curves showing cross-polarization as a function of feed parameters. The feed is useful for low-cost ground based receiving antennas for use in direct television satellite broadcasting service

    Effects of substrate and ambient gas on epitaxial growth indium oxide thin films

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    Indium oxide thin films were grown by pulsed electron beam deposition method at 500 °C on c-cut sapphire and (0 0 1) oriented LaAlO3 single crystal substrates in oxygen or argon gas. The effects of ambient gas and substrate symmetry on the growth of indium oxide thin films were studied. Stoichiometric In2O3 films are formed in oxygen, while oxygen deficient In2O2.5 films are grown in argon, with In metallic nanoclusters embedded in a In2O3 matrix (nanocomposite films). In both cases, epitaxial In2O3 films having the bixbyite phase were grown with various orientation relationships, depending upon the substrate symmetry and gas ambient (oxygen or argon). Domain matching epitaxy was used to describe the precise in-plane epitaxial film-substrate relationships. The differences in film texture were correlated to the differences in growth conditions, while the differences in the film properties were correlated to the film oxygen composition

    Rape myth acceptance among law enforcement

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    Research demonstrates a positive relationship between rape myth acceptance and sexist beliefs, as well as a negative relationship between rape myth acceptance and victim credibility. The current study assesses the interrelationships between rape myth acceptance, sexism, victim credibility, and victim empathy among law enforcement officers. Law enforcement officers’ individual characteristics are also assessed. An online survey was administered to 24 specialized sex crime law enforcement officers from a city in South Louisiana. There was no significant difference on measures of rape myth acceptance and sexism; however, individual items measuring victim credibility showed a distinct difference between law enforcement officers’ belief in credibility among traditional victims (i.e., professional women and virgins) and non-traditional victims (i.e., prostitutes and men). Due to the low sample size of this study, results must be interpreted with caution. Replication of this study is warranted with a larger and more diverse sample

    Arsenic, Cadmium, Copper, and Zinc Levels in Crayfish from Southwest Louisiana and Atchafalaya Basin

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    Heavy metal contamination in food is a worldwide concern. Man-made ponds are domestic sites in the production of Procambarus clarkii and Procambarus zonangulus, two edible species of crayfish. Ponds may be constructed in former sugar cane or rice fields. Crayfish farming is an ancillary seasonal business within the rice-growing season. The use of products to control insects, pests, and weeds in rice and sugar cane production, may cause an accumulation of heavy metals in the crayfish tail within pond structures. Arsenic, cadmium, copper, and zinc are heavy metals that are absorbed through the roots of and distributed through rice products. Metabolites associated with rice products are absorbed in the human body. Research suggests that metabolites associated with heavy metals cause disease in animals and humans

    SOFIP: A Short Orbital Flux Integration Program

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    A computer code was developed to evaluate the space radiation environment encountered by geocentric satellites. The Short Orbital Flux Integration Program (SOFIP) is a compact routine of modular compositions, designed mostly with structured programming techniques in order to provide core and time economy and ease of use. The program in its simplest form produces for a given input trajectory a composite integral orbital spectrum of either protons or electrons. Additional features are available separately or in combination with the inclusion of the corresponding (optional) modules. The code is described in detail, and the function and usage of the various modules are explained. A program listing and sample outputs are attached

    First results in terrain mapping for a roving planetary explorer

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    To perform planetary exploration without human supervision, a complete autonomous rover must be able to model its environment while exploring its surroundings. Researchers present a new algorithm to construct a geometric terrain representation from a single range image. The form of the representation is an elevation map that includes uncertainty, unknown areas, and local features. By virtue of working in spherical-polar space, the algorithm is independent of the desired map resolution and the orientation of the sensor, unlike other algorithms that work in Cartesian space. They also describe new methods to evaluate regions of the constructed elevation maps to support legged locomotion over rough terrain

    A study of 2 GHz electromagnetic wave propagation over optical paths in three geographical regions of the United States

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    Statistical correlation between optical microwave propagation reliability, fade margin, path length, and geographic locatio

    Legislation Affecting the Courts

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