339 research outputs found

    A high pressure, high temperature gas medium apparatus to measure acoustic velocities during deformation of rock

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    A new set-up to measure acoustic wave velocities through deforming rock samples at high pressures (<1 GPa), temperatures (<1000∘^\circC) and loads (<1.5 GPa) has been developed in a recently refurbished gas medium triaxial deformation apparatus. The conditions span a wide range of geological environments, and allow us to accurately measure stress and strains at conditions which are typically only accessible in solid medium apparatus. Calibrations of our newly constructed internal furnace up to 1 GPa and 400∘^\circC demonstrate that hot zone position decreases with increasing pressure, so that sample position is adjusted to minimise temperature gradients. Ultrasonic velocity measurements are conducted in the direction of compression by the pulse-transmission method. Arrival times are corrected from delays in the sample assembly and relative measurements are obtained by cross-correlation. Delays in reflected load are nearly linearly dependent on applied load due to load dependent stiffness of interfaces between the spacers and the sample. Measurements of such delays can be used to infer sample load internally. We illustrate the working of the apparatus by conducting experiments on limestone at 200 MPa confining pressure and room temperature and 400∘^\circC. Ultrasonic data clearly show that deformation is dominated by microcracking at low temperature and by intracrystalline plasticity at high temperature

    Fault Friction During Simulated Seismic Slip Pulses

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    Theoretical studies predict that during earthquake rupture faults slide at non-constant slip velocity, however it is not clear which source time functions are compatible with the high velocity rheology of earthquake faults. Here we present results from high velocity friction experiments with non-constant velocity history, employing a well-known seismic source solution compatible with earthquake source kinematics. The evolution of friction in experiments shows a strong dependence on the applied slip history, and parameters relevant to the energetics of faulting scale with the impulsiveness of the applied slip function. When comparing constitutive models of strength against our experimental results we demonstrate that the evolution of fault strength is directly controlled by the temperature evolution on and off the fault. Flash heating predicts weakening behavior at short timescales, but at larger timescales strength is better predicted by a viscous creep rheology. We use a steady-state slip pulse to test the compatibility of our strength measurements at imposed slip rate history with the stress predicted from elastodynamic equilibrium. Whilst some compatibility is observed, the strength evolution indicates that slip acceleration and deceleration might be more rapid than that imposed in our experiments

    Fluid pressurisation and earthquake propagation in the Hikurangi subduction zone

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    In subduction zones, seismic slip at shallow crustal depths can lead to the generation of tsunamis. Large slip displacements during tsunamogenic earthquakes are attributed to the low coseismic shear strength of the fluid-saturated and non-lithified clay-rich fault rocks. However, because of experimental challenges in confining these materials, the physical processes responsible for the coseismic reduction in fault shear strength are poorly understood. Using a novel experimental setup, we measured pore fluid pressure during simulated seismic slip in clay-rich materials sampled from the deep oceanic drilling of the Pāpaku thrust (Hikurangi subduction zone, New Zealand). Here, we show that at seismic velocity, shear-induced dilatancy is followed by pressurisation of fluids. The thermal and mechanical pressurisation of fluids, enhanced by the low permeability of the fault, reduces the energy required to propagate earthquake rupture. We suggest that fluid-saturated clay-rich sediments, occurring at shallow depth in subduction zones, can promote earthquake rupture propagation and slip because of their low permeability and tendency to pressurise when sheared at seismic slip velocities

    P-shell carriers assisted dynamic nuclear spin polarization in single quantum dots at zero external magnetic field

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    Repeated injection of spin polarized carriers in a quantum dot leads to the polarization of nuclear spins, a process known as dynamic nuclear spin polarization (DNP). Here, we report the first observation of p-shell carrier assisted DNP in single QDs at zero external magnetic field. The nuclear field - measured by using the Overhauser shift of the singly charged exciton state of the QDs - continues to increase, even after the carrier population in the s-shell saturates. This is also accompanied by an abrupt increase in nuclear spin buildup time as p-shell emission overtakes that of the s-shell. We attribute the observation to p-shell electrons strongly altering the nuclear spin dynamics in the QD, supported by numerical simulation results based on a rate equation model of coupling between electron and nuclear spin system. DNP with p-shell carriers could open up avenues for further control to increase the degree of nuclear spin polarization in QDs.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figure

    Resolving Zeeman splitting in quantum dot ensembles

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    This letter presents a technique for the investigation of the fine structure and spin properties of quantum dot (QD) ensembles, allowing measurement of QD parameters previously accessible only from studies of individual QDs. We show how ∌ΌeV splittings can be deduced from information contained in the shape of the ensemble polarization spectra and demonstrate the effectiveness of this technique by measuring Zeeman splittings, g-factors, and sensitivity to QD fine structure effects

    Influence of p-doping on the temperature dependence of In As/GaAs quantum dot excited state radiative lifetime

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    The radiative lifetime of the excited state transition of undoped and p-doped InAs/GaAs quantum dots(QDs) is estimated from measurements of time-integrated and time-resolved luminescence from both ground and excited states. The radiative lifetime of the undoped QDs increases from 500 ps at 10 K to almost 3 ns at room temperature, consistent with a Boltzmann redistribution of holes over the available energy states. The rate of increase can be suppressed by a factor of ∌2 by p-doping the QDs to maintain a hole population in the lowest confined dot states to high temperatures

    Charged quantum dot micropillar system for deterministic light-matter interactions

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    This work was funded by the Future Emerging Technologies (FET) programme within the Seventh Framework Programme for Research of the European Commission, FET-Open, FP7-284743 [project Spin Photon Angular Momentum Transfer for Quantum Enabled Technologies (SPANGL4Q)] and the German Ministry of Education and research (BMBF) and Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) [project Solid State Quantum Networks (SSQN)]. J.G.R. is sponsored by the EPSRC fellowship EP/M024458/1.Quantum dots (QDs) are semiconductor nanostructures in which a three-dimensional potential trap produces an electronic quantum confinement, thus mimicking the behavior of single atomic dipole-like transitions. However, unlike atoms, QDs can be incorporated into solid-state photonic devices such as cavities or waveguides that enhance the light-matter interaction. A near unit efficiency light-matter interaction is essential for deterministic, scalable quantum-information (QI) devices. In this limit, a single photon input into the device will undergo a large rotation of the polarization of the light field due to the strong interaction with the QD. In this paper we measure a macroscopic (∌6∘) phase shift of light as a result of the interaction with a negatively charged QD coupled to a low-quality-factor (Q∌290) pillar microcavity. This unexpectedly large rotation angle demonstrates that this simple low-Q-factor design would enable near-deterministic light-matter interactions.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Quantum modulation of a coherent state wavepacket with a single electron spin

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    The interaction of quantum objects lies at the heart of fundamental quantum physics and is key to a wide range of quantum information technologies. Photon-quantum-emitter interactions are among the most widely studied. Two-qubit interactions are generally simplified into two quantum objects in static well-defined states . In this work we explore a fundamentally new dynamic type of spin-photon interaction. We demonstrate modulation of a coherent narrowband wavepacket with another truly quantum object, a quantum dot with ground state spin degree of freedom. What results is a quantum modulation of the wavepacket phase (either 0 or {\pi} but no values in between), a new quantum state of light that cannot be described classically.Comment: Supplementary Information available on reques

    Near-threshold high spin amplification in a 1300 nm GaInNAs spin laser

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    Using continuous-wave optical pumping of a spin-VCSEL at room temperature, we find high spin amplification of the pump close to threshold within the communications wavelength window, here at 1300 nm. This facilitates a strong switch from left to right circularly polarised light emission, which has potential applications in polarisation encoding for data communications. We use a simple spin flip model to fit the experimental results and discuss the VCSEL parameters that affect this amplification
