51,617 research outputs found

    Apparatus for igniting solid propellants Patent

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    Solid propellant ignition with hypergolic fluid injected to predetermined portions of propellan

    Method of igniting solid propellants Patent

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    Method for igniting solid propellant rocket motors by injecting hypergolic fluid

    On the universality of the scaling of fluctuations in traffic on complex networks

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    We study the scaling of fluctuations with the mean of traffic in complex networks using a model where the arrival and departure of "packets" follow exponential distributions, and the processing capability of nodes is either unlimited or finite. The model presents a wide variety of exponents between 1/2 and 1 for this scaling, revealing their dependence on the few parameters considered, and questioning the existence of universality classes. We also report the experimental scaling of the fluctuations in the Internet for the Abilene backbone network. We found scaling exponents between 0.71 and 0.86 that do not fit with the exponent 1/2 reported in the literature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Electrophoretic separation of human kidney cells at zero gravity

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    Electrophoretic isolation of cells results in a loss of resolution power caused by the sedimentation of the cells in the media. The results of an experiment to extract urokinase from human embryos during the Apollo Soyuz mission are presented and discussed

    On the absence of Shapiro-like steps in certain mesoscopic S-N-S junctions

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    In DC transport through mesoscopic S-N-S junctions, it is known that the Josephson coupling decreases exponentially with increasing temperature, but the phase dependence of the conductance persists to much higher temperatures and decreases only as 1/T. It is pointed out here that, despite the fact that such a phase-dependent conductance does bring about an AC current for a pure DC voltage, it cannot, by itself, lead to the formation of Shapiro steps.Comment: 1 page, to be published in PRL (as Comment

    The ASCA X-ray spectrum of the powerful radio galaxy 3C109

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    We report the results from an ASCA X-ray observation of the powerful Broad Line Radio Galaxy, 3C109. The ASCA spectra confirm our earlier ROSAT detection of intrinsic X-ray absorption associated with the source. The absorbing material obscures a central engine of quasar-like luminosity. The luminosity is variable, having dropped by a factor of two since the ROSAT observations 4 years before. The ASCA data also provide evidence for a broad iron emission line from the source, with an intrinsic FWHM of ~ 120,000 km/s. Interpreting the line as fluorescent emission from the inner parts of an accretion disk, we can constrain the inclination of the disk to be >35> 35 degree, and the inner radius of the disk to be <70< 70 Schwarzschild radii. Our results support unified schemes for active galaxies, and demonstrate a remarkable similarity between the X-ray properties of this powerful radio source, and those of lower luminosity, Seyfert 1 galaxies.Comment: MNRAS in press. 7 pages, 5 figures in MNRAS LaTex styl

    Evidence for Non-Hydrostatic Gas from the Cluster X-ray to Lensing Mass Ratio

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    Using a uniform analysis procedure, we measure spatially resolved weak gravitational lensing and hydrostatic X-ray masses for a sample of 18 clusters of galaxies. We find a radial trend in the X-ray to lensing mass ratio: at r2500 we obtain a ratio MX/ML=1.03+/-0.07 which decreases to MX/ML=0.78+/-0.09 at r500. This difference is significant at 3 sigma once we account for correlations between the measurements. We show that correcting the lensing mass for excess correlated structure outside the virial radius slightly reduces, but does not eliminate this trend. An X-ray mass underestimate, perhaps due to nonthermal pressure support, can explain the residual trend. The trend is not correlated with the presence or absence of a cool core. We also examine the cluster gas fraction and find no correlation with ML, an important result for techniques that aim to determine cosmological parameters using the gas fraction.Comment: 8 pages, minor modifications, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Creep motion of a model frictional system

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    We report on the dynamics of a model frictional system submitted to minute external perturbations. The system consists of a chain of sliders connected through elastic springs that rest on an incline. By introducing cyclic expansions and contractions of the springs we observe a reptation of the chain. We account for the average reptation velocity theoretically. The velocity of small systems exhibits a series of plateaus as a function of the incline angle. Due to elastic e ects, there exists a critical amplitude below which the reptation is expected to cease. However, rather than a full stop of the creep, we observe in numerical simulations a transition between a continuous-creep and an irregular-creep regime when the critical amplitude is approached. The latter transition is reminiscent of the transition between the continuous and the irregular compaction of granular matter submitted to periodic temperature changes

    On the interaction of a single-photon wave packet with an excited atom

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    The interaction of a single-photon wave packet with an initially excited two-level atom in free space is studied in semiclassical and quantum approaches. It is shown that the final state of the field does not contain doubly occupied modes. The process of the atom's transition to the ground state may be accelerated, decelerated or even reversed by the incoming photon, depending on parameters. The spectrum of emitted radiation is close to the sum of the spectrum of the incoming single-photon wave packet and the natural line shape, with small and complicated deviations.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure