26 research outputs found

    Implementation of the project «Сlinical bases of internship» while preparing students with a specialty in «Зsychology and pedagogy of primary education»

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    The aim of this work is to test new approaches to the students’practice organization in pedagogical universities on the basis of the competence approach. Methods. Diagnosis of formedness competences is carried out on the basis of the analysis of products of activity during the students’ school internship. Results. Teachers’ experience of Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University of K. Minin on implementation of the innovative project «Clinical Bases of Internship » is presented. The authors have created and approved the program of school internship for the students with specialty in «Psychology and Pedagogics of Primary Education» based on the concept of the integrated clinical practice developed in higher education institution. The program involves organizational, reflexive-analytical, active-practical and project blocks. Features of clinical approach to pedagogical education are considered; requirements to school as the base of clinical practice are listed. The main content of student teaching and its role in professional formation of future elementary school teachers is disclosed. Importance of students’ project group and individual activity (the subject has to correspond to interests of employers and real needs of school) are emphasized. Scientific novelty. Specifics of integrated clinical internship as a means of formation of professional metacompetences of undergraduate students are presented. The organization of pedagogical internship is reconsidered; theoretically it has to provide fast professionalizing of training, early immersion into a profession that will promote not only to successful formation of flexible pedagogical thinking, but also growth of professional motivation of students – development in them of the positive relation to work of the teacher, interest in communication with children of younger school age, and aspiration to pedagogical research creativity. Practical significance. The research implementations can be of interest and useful to teachers of pedagogical universities and collegesЦель работы, описанной в статье, – поиск новых методов, форм и способов организации практики студентов педагогических специальностей на основе компетентностного подхода. Методология и методики исследования. Диагностика сформированности компетенций у будущих учителей выполнялась на основе анализа продуктов их деятельности в период прохождения школьной практики. Результаты. Представлен опыт преподавателей Нижегородского государственного педагогического университета им. К. Минина по реализации инновационного проекта «Клинические базы практик». С опорой на разработанную в вузе концепцию интегрированной клинической практики авторы создали и апробировали программу такой педпрактики для студентов, получающих подготовку по профилю «Психология и педагогика начального образования». Программа включает организационный, рефлексивно-аналитический, деятельно-практический и проектный блоки. Рассмотрены особенности клинического подхода к педагогическому образованию; перечислены требования к школе как базе клинической практики. Раскрыто основное содержание педагогической практики и ее роль в профессиональном становлении будущих учителей начальных классов. Особо акцентируется важность проектной коллективной и индивидуальной деятельности студентов, которая по тематике должна соответствовать интересам работодателей и реальным нуждам школы. Научная новизна. Продемонстрирована специфика интегрированной клинической практики как наиболее эффективного средства присвоения профессиональных метакомпетенций студентами бакалавриата. Переосмыслена организация педагогических практик, которые в идеале должны обеспечивать быструю профессионализацию обучения, раннее погружение в профессию, что будет способствовать не только успешному формированию гибкого педагогического мышления, но и росту профессиональной мотивации студентов – развитию у них положительного отношения к труду учителя, интереса к общению с детьми младшего школьного возраста, стремления к педагогическому исследовательскому творчеству. Практическая значимость. Материалы статьи могут быть интересны и полезны организаторам педагогической практики – преподавателям педагогических вузов и колледже


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    The aim of the study is to test new approaches to the management of professional and personal development of students of pedagogical university. Methodology and research methods. The theoretical analysis of the following information sources was carried out: psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the researched topic; teaching-program documentation and teaching materials (work programs of studying disciplines, textbooks, manuals, collections of tasks, guidelines, etc.); normative documents (Federal State Educational Standards (FSES), General Educational Programs (GEP), curricula, instructional acts, etc.). The methods of modeling and expert evaluation were used. Results and scientific novelty. The features of integrative activities of the multidisciplinary department of pedagogical university for formation of professional competences of future elementary school teachers are revealed. The diagnostics of the competences mastered by pupils at the level of a bachelor degree was carried out during deployment period, carrying out mini-researches and performing of the combined analytic-constructive and diagnostic tasks at lessons. Practical significance. The diagnostic approach to formation of professional competences of future teachers of primary school (undergraduate level) under conditions of multidisciplinary department work may be of interest to teachers of other pedagogical universities and colleges.Цель представленной в статье работы - поиск и апробация новых подходов к управлению профессионально-личностным развитием студентов педагогического университета. Методология и методики исследования. Был проведен теоретический анализ психологической, педагогической и методической литературы по исследуемой проблеме; анализ учебно-программной документации и учебных материалов (рабочих программ дисциплин, учебников, учебных пособий, сборников задач и заданий, методических рекомендаций и др.), нормативных документов (ФГОС, основных образовательных программ (ООП), учебных планов, инструктивных актов и т. п.). В ходе исследования использовались методы моделирования и метод экспертной оценки. Результаты и научная новизна. Раскрыты особенности интегративной деятельности многопредметной выпускающей кафедры педагогического университета по формированию профессиональных компетенций будущих учителей начальных классов. На основе анализа продуктов деятельности студентов в период практики, при проведении мини-исследований и выполнении комбинированных аналитико-конструктивных и диагностических заданий на занятиях осуществлена диагностика освоенных учащимися компетенций на уровне бакалавриата. Практическая значимость. Представленный в статье диагностический подход к формированию профессиональных компетенций будущих учителей начальных классов (уровень бакалавриата) в условиях деятельности многопредметной выпускающей кафедры может быть экстраполирован на деятельность преподавателей других педагогических вузов и колледжей

    Validarea chestionarului ABC-V (Assessment of Burden in Chronic – Venous disease) tradus în limba românã

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    Department of General Surgery, State University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Nicolae Testemitanu”, Chisinau, Republic of MoldovaObiectivul studiului a fost evaluarea psihometrică a versiunii traduse în limba română a chestionarului ABC-V (Assessment of Burden in Chronic – Venous Disease) la pacienții cu boala varicoasă necomplicată a extremităților inferioare. Toate componentele chestionarului au fost traduse din versiunea engleză în limba română și ulterior invers, apoi discutate, adaptate și pre-testate. Evaluarea versiunii finale a chestionarului tradus a demonstrat rezultate acceptabile: întrebări ratate în 3% din chestionare, lipsa efectului “de plafon” (ceiling-effect) și un floor-efect redus, o bună fiabilitate split-half (rs = 0,61, p < 0,01) și corelație semnificativă între scorurile de testare și re-testare (rs = 0,86, p < 0,01). Scorurile medii ABC-V nu au fost influențate semnificativ de vârsta și genul pacienților. Rezultatele studiului susțin aplicarea chestionarului ABC-V pentru evaluarea severității patologiei venoase cronice precum și pentru analiza cantitativă a satisfacției pacienților și ameliorării sănătății după tratamentul bolii varicoase la populaåia vorbitoare de limbă română. The objective of this study was a psychometric evaluation of the Romanian translated version of ABC-V (Assessment of Burden in Chronic – Venous Disease) questionnaire in patients with uncomplicated varicose disease of lower limbs. All components of the questionnaire were translated from the English version into the Romanian language and after that backwards, discussed, adopted and pre-tested. Evaluation of the final version of the translated questionnaire demonstrated acceptable results: missed questions in 3% of forms, no ceiling effect and low floor effect, good split-half reliability (rs = 0.61, p < 0.01) and significant correlation between test and re-test scores (rs = 0.86, p < 0.01). There was no significant influence of age and sex upon average ABC-V scores. Study results support the application of ABC-V questionnaire for assessing the severity of chronic venous disease as well as for quantitative evaluation of patient satisfaction and health status improvement after varicose vein treatment in the Romanian-speaking population

    Primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenoma with sarcoma-like mural nodule: A case report and review of the literature

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    Primary retroperitoneal cystadenomas are extremely rare. This is the first report in literature to describe a primary retroperitoneal cystadenoma with a sarcoma-like mural nodule. A 45-year-old woman complained of a left-sided abdominal mass. A computed tomography scan revealed a cystic mass with a mural nodule, which seemed to originate from the tail of the pancreas. At laparotomy the cyst was not adhered to the pancreas but localized retroperitoneally. Histologic examination showed a mucinous cystadenoma with only foci of borderline malignancy with a mural “sarcoma-like” nodule. In view of the surgical and histopathological findings, the mucinous cystadenoma was regarded as primary retroperitoneal. This case demonstrates that in the era of radiological preoperative refinement, pathological diagnosis remains of utmost importance, especially for rare cases

    Primary liposarcoma of the ascending colon: a rare case of mixed type presenting as hemoperitoneum combined with other type of retroperitoneal liposarcoma

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Liposarcoma occurs most commonly in the extremities and retroperitoneum, however, it has been rarely observed in the colon.</p> <p>Case Presentation</p> <p>A case is reported a 41-year-old man with liposarcoma of ascending colon which was presented as hemoperitoneum and combined with a different histological type of retroperitoneal liposarcoma. He visited hospital with right lower abdominal pain and palpable mass. Laboratory data including tumor markers were within normal limits, and computed tomography revealed a 15 × 10 cm sized enhancing soft mass. Right hemicolectomy was performed, and after that, a further large retroperitoneal mass was revealed and this was also radically excised. Mixed-type colon liposarcoma and well differentiated type of retroperitoneal liposarcoma were diagnosed in pathologic report. The patient has remained free of disease for 24 months.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>No standardized guidelines have been established for its treatment because too small a number of cases have been reported, but surgical resection was considered the treatment of choice.</p


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    The article discusses a problem of the changing of requirements of professional competence of teacher of university connected with transition to a competence model of professional education. The article considers the integrative approach to the organization of the activities of a graduating multi-subject Chair


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    The article discusses a problem of change of professional activity of teacher of Pedagogical university connected with transition to a competence model of professional education. There are problems of the formulation of purpose in the centre of our attention. We consider the guestion about new standards of professional competence of professor of Pedagogical university


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    The aim of the study is to test new approaches to the management of professional and personal development of students of pedagogical university. Methodology and research methods. The theoretical analysis of the following information sources was carried out: psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the researched topic; teaching-program documentation and teaching materials (work programs of studying disciplines, textbooks, manuals, collections of tasks, guidelines, etc.); normative documents (Federal State Educational Standards (FSES), General Educational Programs (GEP), curricula, instructional acts, etc.). The methods of modeling and expert evaluation were used. Results and scientific novelty. The features of integrative activities of the multidisciplinary department of pedagogical university for formation of professional competences of future elementary school teachers are revealed. The diagnostics of the competences mastered by pupils at the level of a bachelor degree was carried out during deployment period, carrying out mini-researches and performing of the combined analytic-constructive and diagnostic tasks at lessons. Practical significance. The diagnostic approach to formation of professional competences of future teachers of primary school (undergraduate level) under conditions of multidisciplinary department work may be of interest to teachers of other pedagogical universities and colleges