114 research outputs found

    Концептуальные особенности сбалансированного развития человеческого потенциала в формирующихся социально-экономических условиях

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    The article is devoted to a comprehensive study of education of a creative person, focused on universal human values and capable of creative impact in a direction favourable for the world of development. For the first time in a scientific revolution there are the following terms: concept of creative balance, integrative-indicative approach to the balanced development of human potential (HP) (BDHP), management method of the BDHP (psycho-management), based on a combination of modern educational, managerial and psychological technologies.El artículo está dedicado a un estudio integral de la educación de una persona creativa, centrado en los valores humanos universales y capaz de tener un impacto creativo en una dirección favorable para el mundo del desarrollo. Por primera vez en una revolución científica existen los siguientes términos basados en una combinación de modernas tecnologías educativas, gerenciales y psicológicas: equilibrio creativo, enfoque integrativo-indicativo para el desarrollo equilibrado del potencial humano (PH) (DQPH) y método de gestión del DQPH (psicogestión).Статья посвящена комплексному исследованию вопроса образования творческой личности, ориентированной на общечеловеческие ценности и способной к созидательному воздействию в благоприятном для мира направлении развития. Впервые в научный оборот введены: концепция творческого баланса, интегративно-индикативный подход к сбалансированному развитию человеческого потенциала (СРЧП), метод управления СРЧП – психоменеджмент, основанный на комбинации современных образовательных, управленческих и психологических технологий

    Application of magnetosomes in magnetic hyperthermia

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    Magnetosomes, i.e. nanoparticles synthesized in nature by magnetotactic bacteria, are very promising for use in magnetic hyperthermia for the cancer treatment. Using the solution of the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz equation we calculate the specific absorption rate in an alternating magnetic field of assemblies of magnetosome chains depending on the particle size, the distance between particles in a chain, and the angle of the applied magnetic field with respect to the chain axis. The dependence of specific absorption rate on the distance between the chain particles is shown to have a bell-shaped form with a pronounced maximum. The maximum specific absorption rate only weakly depends on the diameter of the nanoparticles and the length of the chain. However, a significant decrease in specific absorption rate occurs in a dense chain assembly due to the strong magneto-dipole interaction of nanoparticles of different chains.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    On flood protection measures for potash mines

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    Development of water-soluble ore deposits is associated with the necessity to preserve water blocking strata (WBS), which separate aquifers from the mine gob. One indicator of the rate of man-induced load on WBS layers is subsidence of the earth surface, which defines the character of shift trough formation of the earth surface. The greatest threat of WBS discontinuity is posed by the areas located at the edges of a shift trough. From the perspective of Upper Kama deposit of potassium and magnesium salts, by means of mathematical modelling methods authors demonstrated that in the capacity of threat indicators of WBS hole destruction it is possible to use the following parameters of a shift trough: edge length scaled to the depth of mining operations and maximum  subsidence of the earth surface. Critical combination of these factors is responsible for the discontinuity at the edges of water blocking strata. These parameters of a shift trough can easily be controlled by instrumental procedures and can be included in the basics of a general monitoring system of WBS state at potash mines. In order to protect the mine from the inrush of fresh water, it is necessary to form softening zones at the edges of mined-out areas near permanent or temporary borders of mining operations. Authors review different options of softening zone formation. Numerical tests have demonstrated that the most efficient way to protect water blocking strata is the formation of softening zones by means of backfilling the stopes of the workable seam or its exclusion from mining operations


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    This article analyses the impact of innovation on the costs of transport companies. In order to carry out the research, the types of innovation in the transport industry and the innovation strategies of transport companies are considered. The case method has been identified as the research method. The analysis concludes that innovation has an impact on both operational performance and shareholder value. Firstly, the value of companies is influenced by innovations related to the purchase of new equipment, the improvement of production indicators and the increase in the quality of services/goods offered.The main objectives of digital technologies are to improve the control of operational processes, to enhance customer interaction and to reduce costs. Together with the purchase of new equipment, this can be seen as one of the ways of increasing the value of the company


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    It is known that the surface of aluminum alloys is characterized by the formation of pitting (point damage), which can subsequently cause intergranular corrosion. This corrosion damage is dangerous in that it is almost impossible to detect it visually, since it extends from surface into interior of the material. The effect of the form of hydrogen inclusions on the corrosion resistance of an Al – Si alloy is investigated. For the tests on intergranular corrosion were selected uncoated samples of silumin AK12 (ENAC-AlSi12(a), A04130) with different forms of hydrogen inclusions — atomic and molecular. The content of dissolved hydrogen in all samples is 0.2 cm3/100 g. The duration of methodical tests in special solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) and hydrochloric acid (HCl) is 24 hours. Additionally, two samples from each series were exposed to a solution of another 48 hours. Evaluation of the effects of intergranular corrosion on silumin samples was performed by metallographic method. Given the fact that the data on the loss of mass over a certain period of time are less reliable, in comparison with the data on the structure change over the same time. Then, the effect of intergranular corrosion on the mechanical properties of silumin was evaluated using the electromechanical universal testing machine. During the research was found that at the equal content of the dissolved hydrogen samples with molecular inclusions are more subject to intergranular destruction. This follows from the considerable depth of corrosion propagation and the decrease in the mechanical properties of silumin relative to the results for samples with atomic hydrogen. Wherein the analysis of the level of mechanical properties showed that after intergranular corrosion, the tensile strain decreases to a considerable extent. The work was carried out within the project 14.578.21.0193 “Development of theoretical and technological solutions for hydrogen reduction in aluminum and lowalloyed aluminum alloys” of the Federal Target Program “Researches and developments in the priority directions of progress of Scientific and Technological Complex of Russia for 2014–2020” with the financial support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. The unique identifier of agreement RFMEFI57816X0193

    Specific Absorption Rate of Assembly of Magnetite Nanoparticles with Cubic Magnetic Anisotropy

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    The presence of strong magnetic dipole interaction in assemblies of fractal clusters of nearly spherical magnetite nanoparticles, which arise in a biological media loaded with magnetic nanoparticles, leads to a significant decrease of the specific absorption rate of these assemblies in alternating magnetic field. However, the specific absorption rate of the assembly can be increased if the nanoparticles are covered by non magnetic shells of sufficiently large thickness comparable with the nanoparticle diameter. Keywords: Magnetite nanoparticles, Magneto- dipole interaction, Specific absorption rate, Numerical simulatio


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    This article analyses the impact of innovation on the costs of transport companies. In order to carry out the research, the types of innovation in the transport industry and the innovation strategies of transport companies are considered. The case method has been identified as the research method. The analysis concludes that innovation has an impact on both operational performance and shareholder value. Firstly, the value of companies is influenced by innovations related to the purchase of new equipment, the improvement of production indicators and the increase in the quality of services/goods offered.The main objectives of digital technologies are to improve the control of operational processes, to enhance customer interaction and to reduce costs. Together with the purchase of new equipment, this can be seen as one of the ways of increasing the value of the company.В статье рассматривается влияние инноваций на стоимость транспортных компаний. Для проведения исследования анализируются виды инноваций в компаниях транспортной отрасли, инновационные стратегии транспортных компаний. В качестве метода исследования определен кейс-метод. Результатами анализа стали выводы о том, что инновации оказывают влияние на операционные показатели, а также на стоимость компаний. На стоимость компаний в первую очередь влияют инновации, связанные с приобретением нового оборудования, улучшением производственных показателей и качества предлагаемых услуг/товаров.Цифровые технологии направлены прежде всего на повышение контроля операционных процессов, улучшение взаимодействия с клиентами и сокращение издержек. Вместе с приобретением нового оборудования эти направления можно считать одними из способов увеличения стоимости компании.本文章探讨了创新对运输企业价值的影响。为了开展这项研究,作者分析了运输业公司的创新类型和运输公司的创新战略。案例研究法被确定为研究方法。分析结果表明,创新对运营绩效和公司价值都有影响。企业的价值主要受到与购置新设备、提高生产绩效和所提供服务/产品的质量有关的创新的影响。数字技术的主要目的是加强对业务流程的控制,改善与客户的互动,降低成本。加上购买新设备,这些方面都可以被视为提高企业价值的途径之一

    Intercomparison of five nets used for mesozooplankton sampling

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    Intercomparison of nets commonly used for mesozooplankton sampling in the Black and Mediterranean seas was attempted within SESAME (Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem Changes) project. Five nets were compared: three Juday nets equipped with 150 μm, 180 μm and 200 μm mesh size, Nansen net (100 μm mesh size) and WP2 (200 μm mesh size). Replicated samples were collected at one station in the western Black Sea offshore waters in April 2009. Collected samples were analyzed at species level (except for meroplankton), stages (for copepods) and size length. A decrease of total abundance values was observed with increasing mesh size, due to the significantly higher numbers of animals smaller than 1 mm in the samples obtained by fine mesh size than with coarser nets. Few comparisons were revealed significant for the abundance of animals with 1-2 mm length, while no significance was detected for specimens larger than 2 mm. The above differences resulted in discripancies between nets regarding species and stages composition. Biomass values did not differ significantly between nets, due to the strong contribution to total biomass of the large animals fraction (Calanus euxinus). The smallest and the largest animals revealed high variability between replicates collected by Nansen, Juday- 200 μm and WP2 nets. Correction factors were calculated for the conversion of abundance values between each couple of nets. The detected differences between nets regarding the abundance and biomass, the community taxonomic composition and size structure, as well as the estimated correction factors, provide useful information for the harmonization of data obtained by the above nets in the Black Sea

    Forming of Students Valeological Culture in Studying of Natural-Science Disciplines (by Example of Physics Course)

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    The article is devoted to the problem of valeological culture education in the process of studying of natural-science disciplines at school. The importance of developing skills aimed at the development of a healthy lifestyle in the process of realization of intersubject links on the example of studying of a school course of physics is noted. It is shown that in explaining to students the physical laws of nature, phenomena and processes the most appropriate is the use of specific examples, including the area of valeology, which not only broaden pupils’ outlook, but also affect the development of their culture of health. The article focuses on pedagogical techniques, allowing the teacher to develop individual abilities of students and create an atmosphere of success for each student both in the classroom and in extracurricular time in self-preparation for classes. Different forms of work are described that students can fulfill implementing interdisciplinary links between valeology and physics: self-dependent development of physics tasks using valeology material, writing essays, making presentations, preparing reports, making visual teaching aids, etc. It is concluded that this work allows the learner not only to accumulate knowledge about health care, but also to apply them in practice

    Evaluation of commercial traits in the accessions of Medicago sativa L. from Asia Minor

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    Background. One of the main tasks of the present-day breeding practice is the development of high-yielding intensive-type fodder crop cultivars for indoor feeding of livestock. Alfalfa, as a productive and high-protein crop, deserves special attention. An offer of new breeding sources would enable breeders to broaden the diversity of alfalfa cultivars. Objective. The present study involved 65 local varieties and wild accessions of alfalfa from Turkey preserved in the VIR collection. Material and methods. Yekaterinino Experiment Station of VIR (Tambov Province) was chosen as the research site. Evaluation of the alfalfa collection was carried out in 2015–2017, using the methods developed at VIR for fodder crop research targeted at such traits as green biomass yield, seed productivity, and leafiness. The cultivar ‘Marusinskaya 425’ was used as the reference. Results and conclusions. In 2015, four accessions were identified as promising for their green matter yield and seed productivity: local varieties k-3373 and k-3378 from Konya Province, k-5992 from Isparta Province, and k-6116 from Sivas Province. In 2016, three accessions exceeded the reference in the yield of green matter, and three accessions had higher seed productivity. Eight accessions surpassed the reference in leafiness. In 2017, only one accession, k-6009 (Kayseri Province), significantly exceeded the reference in green matter yield. Nine accessions were selected for their high seed yield. The maximum seed productivity was observed in the accession k-3379 (Konya). Leafiness was notably higher than the reference’s in 15 accessions. The average for three years shows that none of the accessions credibly surpassed the reference in green matter yield. Four accessions had higher seed productivity than the reference. According to the three-year average, 11 accessions exceeded the reference in leafiness. All in all, in the three years of study, the accessions k-3373, k-3378 and k-3379 (Konya) were selected for high green matter yield and seed productivity. High seed productivity and leafiness, with satisfactory green matter yield, were registered in the accession k-5992 (Isparta). The accession k-6009 (Kayseri) significantly exceeded the reference in green matter yield, but demonstrated low seed productivity and poor leafiness. The place of origin for the identified local accessions had been Central Anatolia, with its continental climate. These accessions are valuable breeding sources with noteworthy commercial traits. Alfalfa from Asia Minor can be recommended for use in breeding practice, targeted at the development of new high-yielding intensive-type cultivars