11 research outputs found

    Governance and Management Systems in Mediterranean Marine and Coastal Biosphere Reserves

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    Recent studies in UNESCO World Heritage sites and Biosphere Reserves (BRs) identified gaps regarding the effectiveness of planning, governance, and management. The objective of a study carried out is to develop innovative approaches of evidence-based governance in UNESCO-designated marine protected areas in the Mediterranean Basin. Three different types of Biosphere Reserves have been selected for the present chapter: the Tuscan Islands Archipelago in Italy; the Terres de l'Ebre Delta in Spain; and the marine and coastal area of Gouraya in Algeria. Current and future evidence in the BRs differ and require actions related to the local realities and challenges. The Terres de l'Ebre BR is step by step implementing the new strategies and processes. The Tuscan Island BR has already prepared the frameworks and participatory instruments which await implementation. The Gouraya BR through the National Park established conservation and development functions, but for its realization it still seeks an increase of awareness and commitments of the authorities as well as management tools and funds. The "evidence-based governance and management system" is considered an integrated approach adequately involving the three dimensions top-down, bottom-up, and outside-in. It is an instrument to improve effectiveness of management and to involve the local communities and stakeholders in the decision processes in Biosphere Reserves