501 research outputs found

    A proposed study of multiple scattering through clouds up to 1 THz

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    A rigorous computation of the electromagnetic field scattered from an atmospheric liquid water cloud is proposed. The recent development of a fast recursive algorithm (Chew algorithm) for computing the fields scattered from numerous scatterers now makes a rigorous computation feasible. A method is presented for adapting this algorithm to a general case where there are an extremely large number of scatterers. It is also proposed to extend a new binary PAM channel coding technique (El-Khamy coding) to multiple levels with non-square pulse shapes. The Chew algorithm can be used to compute the transfer function of a cloud channel. Then the transfer function can be used to design an optimum El-Khamy code. In principle, these concepts can be applied directly to the realistic case of a time-varying cloud (adaptive channel coding and adaptive equalization). A brief review is included of some preliminary work on cloud dispersive effects on digital communication signals and on cloud liquid water spectra and correlations

    The quantum optical Josephson interferometer

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    The interplay between coherent tunnel coupling and on-site interactions in dissipation-free bosonic systems has lead to many spectacular observations, ranging from the demonstration of number-phase uncertainty relation to quantum phase transitions. To explore the effect of dissipation and coherent drive on tunnel coupled interacting bosonic systems, we propose a device that is the quantum optical analog of a Josephson interferometer. It consists of two coherently driven linear optical cavities connected via a central cavity with a single-photon nonlinearity. The Josephson-like oscillations in the light emitted from the central cavity as a function of the phase difference between two pumping fields can be suppressed by increasing the strength of the nonlinear coupling. Remarkably, we find that in the limit of ultra-strong interactions in the center-cavity, the coupled system maps on to an effective Jaynes-Cummings system with a nonlinearity determined by the tunnel coupling strength. In the limit of a single nonlinear cavity coupled to two linear waveguides, the degree of photon antibunching from the nonlinear cavity provides an excellent measure of the transition to the nonlinear regime where Josephson oscillations are suppressed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    The quantum optical Josephson interferometer

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    The interplay between coherent tunnel coupling and on-site interactions in dissipation-free bosonic systems has lead to many spectacular observations, ranging from the demonstration of number-phase uncertainty relation to quantum phase transitions. To explore the effect of dissipation and coherent drive on tunnel coupled interacting bosonic systems, we propose a device that is the quantum optical analog of a Josephson interferometer. It consists of two coherently driven linear optical cavities connected via a central cavity with a single-photon nonlinearity. The Josephson-like oscillations in the light emitted from the central cavity as a function of the phase difference between two pumping fields can be suppressed by increasing the strength of the nonlinear coupling. Remarkably, we find that in the limit of ultra-strong interactions in the center-cavity, the coupled system maps on to an effective Jaynes-Cummings system with a nonlinearity determined by the tunnel coupling strength. In the limit of a single nonlinear cavity coupled to two linear waveguides, the degree of photon antibunching from the nonlinear cavity provides an excellent measure of the transition to the nonlinear regime where Josephson oscillations are suppressed.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Signatures of the super fluid-insulator phase transition in laser driven dissipative nonlinear cavity arrays

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    We analyze the non-equilibrium dynamics of a gas of interacting photons in an array of coupled dissipative nonlinear cavities driven by a pulsed external coherent field. Using a mean-field approach, we show that the system exhibits a phase transition from a Mott-insulator-like to a superfluid regime. For a given single-photon nonlinearity, the critical value of the photon tunneling rate at which the phase transition occurs increases with the increasing photon loss rate. We checked the robustness of the transition by showing its insensitivity to the initial state prepared by the the pulsed excitation. We find that the second-order coherence of cavity emission can be used to determine the phase diagram of an optical many-body system without the need for thermalization.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Non-equilibrium delocalization-localization transition of photons in circuit QED

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    We show that photons in two tunnel-coupled microwave resonators each containing a single superconduct- ing qubit undergo a sharp non-equilibrium delocalization-localization (self-trapping) transition due to strong photon-qubit coupling. We find that dissipation favors the self-trapped regime and leads to the possibility of observing the transition as a function of time without tuning any parameter of the system. Furthermore, we find that self-trapping of photons in one of the resonators (spatial localization) forces the qubit in the opposite resonator to remain in its initial state (energetic localization). This allows for an easy experimental observation of the transition by local read-out of the qubit state.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Photon correlations in a two-site non-linear cavity system under coherent drive and dissipation

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    We calculate the normalized second-order correlation function for a system of two tunnel-coupled photonic resonators, each one exhibiting a single-photon nonlinearity of the Kerr type. We employ a full quantum formulation: the master equation for the model, which takes into account both a coherent continuous drive and radiative as well as non-radiative dissipation channels, is solved analytically in steady state through a perturbative approach, and the results are compared to exact numerical simulations. The degree of second-order coherence displays values between 0 and 1, and divides the diagram identified by the two energy scales of the system - the tunneling and the nonlinear Kerr interaction - into two distinct regions separated by a crossover. When the tunneling term dominates over the nonlinear one, the system state is delocalized over both cavities and the emitted light is coherent. In the opposite limit, photon blockade sets in and the system shows an insulator-like state with photons locked on each cavity, identified by antibunching of emitted light.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    A Fabry-Perot interferometer with quantum mirrors: nonlinear light transport and rectification

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    Optical transport represents a natural route towards fast communications, and it is currently used in large scale data transfer. The progressive miniaturization of devices for information processing calls for the microscopic tailoring of light transport and confinement at length scales appropriate for the upcoming technologies. With this goal in mind, we present a theoretical analysis of a one-dimensional Fabry-Perot interferometer built with two highly saturable nonlinear mirrors: a pair of two-level systems. Our approach captures non-linear and non-reciprocal effects of light transport that were not reported previously. Remarkably, we show that such an elementary device can operate as a microscopic integrated optical rectifier

    An acoustic black hole in a stationary hydrodynamic flow of microcavity polaritons

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    We report an experimental study of superfluid hydrodynamic effects in a one-dimensional polariton fluid flowing along a laterally patterned semiconductor microcavity and hitting a micron-sized engineered defect. At high excitation power, superfluid propagation effects are observed in the polariton dynamics, in particular, a sharp acoustic horizon is formed at the defect position, separating regions of sub- and super-sonic flow. Our experimental findings are quantitatively reproduced by theoretical calculations based on a generalized Gross-Pitaevskii equation. Promising perspectives to observe Hawking radiation via photon correlation measurements are illustrated.Comment: 5 pages Main + 5 pages Supplementary, 8 figure
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