5,058 research outputs found

    Amount of therapy matters in very early aphasia rehabilitation after stroke: A clinical prognostic model

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    Background and Aim The effects of very early aphasia therapy on recovery are equivocal. This article examines predictors of very early aphasia recovery through statistical modeling. Methods This study involved a secondary analysis of merged data from two randomized, single-blind trials conducted in Australian acute and subacute hospitals. Study 1 (n = 59) compared daily therapy to usual ward care for up to 4 weeks poststroke in patients with moderate to severe aphasia. Study 2 (n = 20) compared daily group therapy to daily individual therapy for 20 1-hour sessions over 5 weeks, in patients with mild to severe aphasia. The primary outcome measure was the Western Aphasia Battery Aphasia Quotient (AQ) at therapy completion. This analysis used regression modeling to examine the effects of age, baseline AQ and baseline modified Rankin Scale (mRS), average therapy amount, therapy intensity, and number of therapy sessions on aphasia recovery. Results Baseline AQ (p = 0.047), average therapy amount (p = 0.030), and baseline mRS (p = 0.043) were significant predictors in the final regression model, which explained 30% (p < 0.001) of variance in aphasia recovery. Conclusion The amount of very early aphasia therapy could significantly affect communication outcomes at 4 to 5 weeks poststroke. Further studies should include amount of therapy provided to enhance reliability of prognostic modeling in aphasia recovery. © 2013 by Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc

    Analisis Faktor-faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Kadar Hemoglobin Pada Ibu Hamil

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    : Anemia is a condition which the number and size of red blood cells or the hemoglobin concentration below the normal value, that can damage the capacity of the blood to transport oxygen throughout the body. Pregnant women is one of the groups at risk of anemia. high risk cause of increased plasma volume resulting in hemoglobin dilution without change in shape of the red blood cells. Pregnant women considered to have anemia when hemoglobin concentrate counted below 11.0g/dL and can worsen of giving birth progress. This study aims to determine whether there is a relation between employment status, education, and the husband\u27s income with the hemoglobin level in pregnant women. The study design used cross-sectional research by total sampling method to 49 people during september-november 2016 in Bahu, Ranotana, Tuminting, Kombos, and Paniki public health center. Result of research acquired the p-value of 0.362, respectively the status of the job with hemoglobin rate 0.688, education level and hemoglobin rate 0.650, the husband\u27s income level with hemoglobin rate is bigger than the α=0.05. Conclusion: There is no relation between the level of hemoglobin with employment status, education and husband\u27s income

    Associated single photons and doubly charged scalar at linear e-e- colliders

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    Doubly charged scalars, predicted in many models having exotic Higgs representations, can in general have lepton-number violating (LFV) couplings. We show that by using an associated monoenergetic final state photon seen at a future linear e-e- collider, we can have a clear and distinct signature for a doubly-charged resonance. The strength of the Delta L=2 coupling can also be probed quite effectively as a function of the recoil mass of the doubly-charged scalar.Comment: Reference adde

    Evaluation of hypolipidemic effect of Tinospora cordifolia in cholesterol diet induced hyperlipidemia in rats

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    Background: There is always a need for developing novel drugs with higher efficacy and fewer side effects. Though statins are generally well-tolerated drugs for hyperlipidemia with high efficacy they are not free from adverse effects. Herbal drugs are well known for their cost-effectiveness and minimal side effects. Tinospora cordifolia (T. cordifolia) is one such plant with known hypolipidemic activity and wide availability in India. Hence this study is an attempt to verify and evaluate the extent of efficacy of T. cordifolia as a hypolipidemic agent. The objective of the study is to compare the hypolipidemic activity of aqueous root extract of T. cordifolia with that of Rosuvastatin in cholesterol diet-induced hyperlipidemia in rats.Methods: Hyperlipidemia was induced in male albino rats of wistar strain in the first 30 days of feeding period and continued in the next 30 days of treatment period. Aqueous root extract of T. cordifolia (2.5 and 5g/kg, per oral) was administered as test drug in the treatment period. Rosuvastatin (10 mg/kg,      per oral) was used as the standard drug. Serum lipid profile, atherogenic index and body weights were estimated for all rats on the day before the start of the feeding period and on day 0, 15 and 30 of the treatment period. The results were analyzed statistically using student’s unpaired and paired t-test wherever applicable.Results: Serum lipid levels showed significant reduction (p <0.001) in TC,TG, LDL-C and VLDL-C with significant elevation (p <0.001) of HDL-C in both the rosuvastatin and test groups, but the percentage reduction in lipid levels, percentage elevation of HDL-C and percentage protection from atherosclerosis was higher in rosuvastatin group than in test groups.Conclusions: T.cordifolia has a definite hypolipidemic potential. Although its effectiveness is lesser than rosuvastatin its beneficial role as hypolipidemic agent may be tested in clinical studies

    Evaluation of hypolipidemic effect of Tinospora cordifolia in cholesterol diet induced hyperlipidemia in rats

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    Background: There is always a need for developing novel drugs with higher efficacy and fewer side effects. Though statins are generally well-tolerated drugs for hyperlipidemia with high efficacy they are not free from adverse effects. Herbal drugs are well known for their cost-effectiveness and minimal side effects. Tinospora cordifolia (T. cordifolia) is one such plant with known hypolipidemic activity and wide availability in India. Hence this study is an attempt to verify and evaluate the extent of efficacy of T. cordifolia as a hypolipidemic agent. The objective of the study is to compare the hypolipidemic activity of aqueous root extract of T. cordifolia with that of Rosuvastatin in cholesterol diet-induced hyperlipidemia in rats.Methods: Hyperlipidemia was induced in male albino rats of wistar strain in the first 30 days of feeding period and continued in the next 30 days of treatment period. Aqueous root extract of T. cordifolia (2.5 and 5g/kg, per oral) was administered as test drug in the treatment period. Rosuvastatin (10 mg/kg,      per oral) was used as the standard drug. Serum lipid profile, atherogenic index and body weights were estimated for all rats on the day before the start of the feeding period and on day 0, 15 and 30 of the treatment period. The results were analyzed statistically using student’s unpaired and paired t-test wherever applicable.Results: Serum lipid levels showed significant reduction (p <0.001) in TC,TG, LDL-C and VLDL-C with significant elevation (p <0.001) of HDL-C in both the rosuvastatin and test groups, but the percentage reduction in lipid levels, percentage elevation of HDL-C and percentage protection from atherosclerosis was higher in rosuvastatin group than in test groups.Conclusions: T.cordifolia has a definite hypolipidemic potential. Although its effectiveness is lesser than rosuvastatin its beneficial role as hypolipidemic agent may be tested in clinical studies

    Negative Giant Longitudinal Magnetoresistance in NiMnSb/InSb: An interface effect

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    We report on the electrical and magneto-transport properties of the contact formed between polycrystalline NiMnSb thin films grown using pulsed laser deposition (PLD) and n-type degenerate InSb (100) substrates. A negative giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect is observed when the external magnetic field is parallel to the surface of the film and to the current direction. We attribute the observed phenomenon to magnetic precipitates formed during the magnetic film deposition and confined to a narrow layer at the interface. The effect of these precipitates on the magnetoresistance depends on the thermal processing of the system.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Analisis Kualitas Pelayanan pada Perusahaan Air Minum (Pam) Desa Pakraman Tabola di Kecamatan Sidemen Tahun 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1) harapan pelanggan dilihat dari dimensi kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola, (2) persepsi pelanggan dilihat dari dimensi kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola, dan (3) kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian berjumlah 1.245 orang pelanggan, sedangkan sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 103 pelanggan. Data dikumpulkan dengan metode kuesioner dan dianalisis dengan teknik kuantitataf. Hasil penelitian mnunjukkan (1) harapan pelanggan dilihat dari dimensi kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola berada pada kategori sangat penting, dengan nilai total harapan pelanggan sebesar 10853 dan berada pada rentang skor 9949,8-11845, (2) persepsi pelanggan dilihat dari dimensi kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola berada pada kategori cukup puas dengan nilai total sebesar 7219 dan berada pada rentang skor 6159,4-8053,6, dan (3) kualitas pelayanan pada PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola berada pada kategori puas dengan nilai 0,66 dan berada pada rentang 0,61-0,80.Kata Kunci : Kualitas Pelayanan PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola This study aimed to determine, (1) customer expectation of service quality dimensions PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola, (2) the fact of service quality dimensions PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola, and (3) the service quality of PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola. This research was a descriptive study. The population of the research was 1,245 people, while the sample of the research was 103 people. Data were collected by questionnaire method. It was analyzed by quantitative technique. The results showed (1) the customer expectation of PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola was in very important category with the total value of customer expectations was 10853. It was in the range of 9949,8-11845 score (2) The fact of PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola services was in quite satisfaction category with the total score was 7219. It was in the range of 6159,4-8053,6 score. (3) The the service quality of PAM Desa Pakraman Tabola was in satisfaction category with the total value was 0,66. It was in the range of 0,61-0,80. keyword : Service quality PAM Desa Pakraman Tabol

    Analisis Kelayakan Bisnis pada Usaha Game On-line di Desa Dalung,kecamatan Kuta Utara Kabupaten Badung Tahun 2013

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    ÃãããPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Kelayakan Bisnis Game On-line (GO) di Desa Dalung ditinjau dari aspek Hukum, aspek Pemasaran, aspek Keuangan, aspek Operasional, aspek Manajemen, aspek Ekonomi, dan aspek AMDAL.Rancangan penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian deskriptif. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metodemetode dokumentasi, metode observasi dan metode wawancara dan menggunakan kuisioner.Kemudian dianalisis dengan teknik analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. ããããHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Ditinjau dari aspek hukum usaha Game On-line di Desa Dalung rata-rata kelayakan bisnis sebesar 59.29%, yang berada pada kategori layak, (2) Ditinjau dari aspek pemasaran menunjukkan rata-rata kelayakan bisnis Game On-Line sebesar 62,38%, yang berada pada kategori Layak, (3) Ditinjau dari aspek keuangan menunjukkan bahwa dari 35 binis Game On-line maka rata-rata kelayakan binis Game On-line adalah sebesar 55,71% yang berada pada kategori layak, (4) Ditinjau dari aspek operasional rata-rata kelayakan bisnisnya adalah sebesar 42,14%, yang berada pada kategori tidaklayak, (5) Ditinjau dari aspek manajemen rata-rata kelayakan bisnis yang bisa dicapai adalah sebesar 55,71%, yang berada pada kategori layak, (6) Ditinjau dari aspek ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kelayakan bisnis Game On-Line di Desa Dalung adalah sebesar 60,48%, yang berada pada kategori Layak, (7) Ditinjau dari aspek AMDAL menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kelayakan usaha Game On-line yang ada di desaDalung adalah sebesar 64,29%, yang berada pada kategori Layak.Kata Kunci : Studi, Kelayakan, Bisnis ããããThis research aims to determine the Business feasibility of Game Online (GO) in Dalung review of the Law aspects, Marketing aspects, financial aspects, operational aspects, management aspects, economic aspects, and the EIA aspects. The research isused descriptive research. Collecting data in this research is conducted by methods of documentation, methods of observation,interview method and questionnaire. Then analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques with a qualitative approach. ããããHasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Ditinjau dari aspek hukum usaha Game On-line di Desa Dalung rata-rata kelayakan bisnis sebesar 59.29%, yang berada pada kategori layak, (2) Ditinjau dari aspek pemasaran menunjukkan rata-rata kelayakan bisnis Game On-Line sebesar 62,38%, yang berada pada kategori Layak, (3) Ditinjau dari aspek keuangan menunjukkan bahwa dari 35 binis Game On-line maka rata-rata kelayakan binis Game On-line adalah sebesar 55,71% yang berada pada kategori layak, (4) Ditinjau dari aspek operasional rata-rata kelayakan bisnisnya adalah sebesar 42,14%, yang berada pada kategori tidaklayak, (5) Ditinjau dari aspek manajemen rata-rata kelayakan bisnis yang bisa dicapai adalah sebesar 55,71%, yang berada pada kategori layak, (6) Ditinjau dari aspek ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kelayakan bisnis Game On-Line di Desa Dalung adalah sebesar 60,48%, yang berada pada kategori Layak, (7) Ditinjau dari aspek AMDAL menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kelayakan usaha Game On-line yang ada di desaDalung adalah sebesar 64,29%, yang berada pada kategori Layak.Kata Kunci : Studi, Kelayakan, Bisnis ããããThis research aims to determine the Business feasibility of Game Online (GO) in Dalung review of the Law aspects, Marketing aspects, financial aspects, operational aspects, management aspects, economic aspects, and the EIA aspects. The research isused descriptive research. Collecting data in this research is conducted by methods of documentation, methods of observation,interview method and questionnaire. Then analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques with a qualitative approach. The results show that (1)the average of the business feasibility by the legal aspects of GO in Dalung is 59.29%, which is at decent category, (2)Judging from the marketing aspect shows the average business feasibility Games On-line is 62.38%, which is in the decent category, (3)the average of the business feasibility by the financial aspects of GO in Dalung is 55,71%, which is at decent category,(4) the average of operational aspects is 42.14%, which is not appropriate,(5) Judging from the average of the management aspects of the feasibility of a business that can be achieved is by 55.71%, which is the category of decent, (6) the average of the business feasibility by the economic aspects is about 60.48%, which is in the feasible category, (7) Judging from the aspect of the EIA shows that the mean average feasibility Games on-line is in desa Dalung amounted to 64.29%, which is in the category Worthy.keyword : Research, Feasibility, Business The results show that (1)the average of the business feasibility by the legal aspects of GO in Dalung is 59.29%, which is at decent category, (2)Judging from the marketing aspect shows the average business feasibility Games On-line is 62.38%, which is in the decent category, (3)the average of the business feasibility by the financial aspects of GO in Dalung is 55,71%, which is at decent category,(4) the average of operational aspects is 42.14%, which is not appropriate,(5) Judging from the average of the management aspects of the feasibility of a business that can be achieved is by 55.71%, which is the category of decent, (6) the average of the business feasibility by the economic aspects is about 60.48%, which is in the feasible category, (7) Judging from the aspect of the EIA shows that the mean average feasibility Games on-line is in desa Dalung amounted to 64.29%, which is in the category Worthy.keyword : Research, Feasibility, Busines

    Heavy Flavour Baryons in Hyper Central Model

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    Heavy flavor baryons containing single and double charm (beauty) quarks with light flavor combinations are studied using the hyper central description of the three-body problem. The confinement potential is assumed as hyper central coulomb plus power potential with power index υ\upsilon. The ground state masses of the heavy flavor, JP=1/2+J^P={1/2}^+ and 3/2+{3/2}^+ baryons are computed for different power index, ν \nu starting from 0.5 to 2.0. The predicted masses are found to attain a saturated value in each case of quark combinations beyond the power index ν=1.0\nu=1.0.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure


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    The objective of the research is to determine farmer’s socio-economic characteristics, the paddy’s cultivation innovation adoption degree and the relationship between farmer’s socio-economic factors with the degree of paddy’s (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation innovation adoption in Kembang Merta Village. This research is using descriptive statistic analytic method with survey technique. The study location is taken on purpose base. Kembang Mertha Village was chosen because it is one of rice production center in Bolaang Mongondow Regency. The sample was taken from 48 people by using stratified random sampling technique based on the farmer’s rice field area. The correlation test of Rank Spearman using SPSS 17 Program is used to examine the relationship between farmer’s socio-economic factors with the degree of paddy (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation innovation adoption. Research result showed that mostly respondents have 1.1 – 2 Ha paddy field area with income about Rp. 11.000.000- Rp. 15.000.000 every planting season. Mostly respondents are 40 to 50 years old that classified as productive ages and mostly were senior school graduates. The non-formal education only once to four times a year and the cosmopolitan respondents only three times a year. The degree of Paddy (Oryza sativa L.) cultivation innovation adoption observed from paddy’s cultivation stages. The soil plowing process in median 5, planting paddy in median 5, fertilization in median 4, irrigation in median 5, the pests, diseases and weeds control in median 5 and harvest and post-harvest in median 5. Correlation test indicated that land area, income, formal education and cosmopolitan level are significant to rice cultivation innovation adoption, whereas non-formal education and ages indicated insignificant relation to rice cultivation innovation adoption. *jn
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