44,621 research outputs found

    Courts of Good and Ill Repute: Garoupa and Ginsburg’s Judicial Reputation: A Comparative Theory

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    Nuno Garoupa and Tom Ginsburg have published an ambitious book that seeks to account for the great diversity of judicial systems based, in part, on how courts are designed to marshal the power of a high public opinion of the judiciary. Judges, the book posits, care deeply about their reputations both inside and outside the courts. Courts are designed to capitalize on judges’ desire to maximize their reputation, and judges’ existing stock of reputation can affect the design of the courts which they serve. We find much to like in this book, ranging from its intriguing and ambitious positive claims to its masterful use of comparative case studies from around the globe. However, we also have questions about the ability of the theory to hang together in a unified manner and to do the work assigned to it

    Mass generation and the dynamical role of the Katoptron Group

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    Heavy mirror fermions along with a new strong gauge interaction capable of breaking the electroweak gauge symmetry dynamically were recently introduced under the name of katoptrons. Their main function is to provide a viable alternative to the Standard-Model Higgs sector. In such a framework, ordinary fermions acquire masses after the breaking of the strong katoptron group which allows mixing with their katoptron partners. The purpose of this paper is to study the elementary-scalars-free mechanism responsible for this breaking and its implications for the fermion mass hierarchies.Comment: 15 LaTeX pages, some comments added, version published in Modern Physics Letters

    The culture of corruption: A nonparametric analysis

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    By using a sample of 77 countries the analysis applies several nonparametric techniques in order to reveal the link between national culture and corruption. Based on Hofstede΄s cultural dimensions and the corruption perception index, the results reveal that countries with higher levels of corruption tend to have higher power distance and collectivism values in their society.Nonparametric methods,Corruption perception index, National culture

    Method for comparing finite temperature field theory results with lattice data

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    The values of the presently available truncated perturbative expressions for the pressure of the quark-gluon plasma at finite temperatures and finite chemical potential are trustworthy only at very large energies. When used down to temperatures close to the critical one Tc, they suffer from large uncertainties due to the renormalization scale freedom. In order to reduce these uncertainties, we perform resummations of the pressure by applying Pade-related approximants to the available perturbation series for the short-distance and for the long-distance contributions. In the two contributions, we use two different renormalization scales which reflect different energy regions contributing to the different parts. Application of the obtained expressions at low temperatures is made possible by replacing the usual four-loop barMS beta function for alpha_s by its Borel-Pade resummation, eliminating thus the unphysical Landau singularities of alpha_s. The obtained results are remarkably insensitive to the chosen renormalization scale and can be compared with lattice results -- for the pressure (p), the chemical potential contribution (delta p) to the pressure, and various susceptibilities. A good qualitative agreement with the lattice results is revealed down to temperatures close to Tc.Comment: 24 pages, 17 figures, revtex4; Ref.[25] is new; the ordering of the references and grammatic and stylistic errors are corrected - version as it appears in PR

    The zipper mechanism in phagocytosis: energetic requirements and variability in phagocytic cup shape

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    Phagocytosis is the fundamental cellular process by which eukaryotic cells bind and engulf particles by their cell membrane. Particle engulfment involves particle recognition by cell-surface receptors, signaling and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton to guide the membrane around the particle in a zipper-like fashion. Despite the signaling complexity, phagocytosis also depends strongly on biophysical parameters, such as particle shape, and the need for actin-driven force generation remains poorly understood. Here, we propose a novel, three-dimensional and stochastic biophysical model of phagocytosis, and study the engulfment of particles of various sizes and shapes, including spiral and rod-shaped particles reminiscent of bacteria. Highly curved shapes are not taken up, in line with recent experimental results. Furthermore, we surprisingly find that even without actin-driven force generation, engulfment proceeds in a large regime of parameter values, albeit more slowly and with highly variable phagocytic cups. We experimentally confirm these predictions using fibroblasts, transfected with immunoreceptor FcyRIIa for engulfment of immunoglobulin G-opsonized particles. Specifically, we compare the wild-type receptor with a mutant receptor, unable to signal to the actin cytoskeleton. Based on the reconstruction of phagocytic cups from imaging data, we indeed show that cells are able to engulf small particles even without support from biological actin-driven processes. This suggests that biochemical pathways render the evolutionary ancient process of phagocytic highly robust, allowing cells to engulf even very large particles. The particle-shape dependence of phagocytosis makes a systematic investigation of host-pathogen interactions and an efficient design of a vehicle for drug delivery possible.Comment: Accepted for publication in BMC Systems Biology. 17 pages, 6 Figures, + supplementary informatio

    A Method for Distinguishing Between Transiently Accreting Neutron Stars and Black Holes, in Quiescence

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    We fit hydrogen atmosphere models to the X-ray data for four neutron stars (three from a previous paper, plus 4U 2129+47) and six black hole candidates (A0620-00, GS 2000+25, GS 1124-68, GS 2023+33, GRO J1655-40, and GRO J0422+32). While the neutron stars are similar in their intrinsic X-ray spectra (similar effective temperatures and emission area radii ~10 km), the spectra of two black hole candidates are significantly different, and the spectra of the remaining four are consistent with a very large parameter space that includes the neutron stars. The spectral differences between the neutron stars and black hole candidates favors the interpretation that the quiescent neutron star emission is predominantly thermal emission from the neutron star surface. Our work suggests that an X-ray spectral comparison in quiescence provides an additional means for distinguishing between neutron stars and black holes. The faint X-ray sources in globular clusters are also a class of objects which can be investigated in this manner.Comment: 33 pages, including 3 ps figures, LaTeX. To appear in Ap

    An application of statistical interference in DEA models: An analysis of public owned university departments' efficiency

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    This paper uses Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) model formulations in order to determine the performance levels of 16 departments of the University of Thessaly. Particularly, the constant returns to scale (CRS) and variable returns to scale (VRS) models have been applied alongside with bootstrap techniques in order to determine accurate performance measurements of the 16 departments. The study illustrates how the recent developments in efficiency analysis and statistical inference can be applied when evaluating institutional performance issues. The paper provides the efficient departments and the target values which need to be adopted from the inefficient departments in order to operate in the most productive scale size (MPSS). Moreover it provides bias corrected estimates alongside with their confidence intervals. The analysis indicates that there are strong inefficiencies among the departments, emphasizing the misallocation of resources or/and inefficient application of departments policy developments.University efficiency; DEA; Bootstrap techniques; Kernel density estimation, Economic research; Europe; University rankings.