721 research outputs found

    Leon Petrazycki's Theory of Law

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    Leon Petra\u17cycki (1867-1931) was active not only as a legal theorist but also as a scholar of Roman law (e.g., Petra\u17cycki 1892, 2002), as a forerunner of economic analysis of law (e.g., Petra\u17cycki 1895, 2002), as a political and theoretical supporter of women\u2019s rights (e.g., Petra\u17cycki 1915, 2010d), as a philosopher of science (e.g., Petra\u17cycki 1908), as a philosopher of logic (e.g., Petra\u17cycki 1939), as a psychologist (e.g., Petra\u17cycki 1908), as an economist (e.g., Petra\u17cycki 1911), and as a general sociologist (see Lande 1935, 42-3; 1959b, 1975)

    Per una definizione interdisciplinare di 'norma'

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    The author proposes a definition of norm suitable not only for sociology and anthropology, but also for ethology. The term norm is defined as the stable disposition to experience superegoic emotions: chiefly, though not exclusively, anger, indignation, shame, guilt and pride. Language plays no role in this defi-nition. Anger is the typical right-holder\u2019s emotion. Thus, a legal obligation or prohibition is reduced to the right-holder\u2019s stable disposition to discharge his aggressiveness in case of inaction or action, respectively, on the part of the perceived duty-holder. As for shame and guilt, these are the emotions that typically make up the illusion of being a duty-holder. Finally, indignation or contagious shame are typical of possible third spectators. According to the author, this analysis enables the conflicts in societies that are elicited by emotions to be framed more accurately. The author concludes by proposing a complete reversal of the traditional view of the connection between law and force, as well as by proposing to complete the opposition between shame and guilt cultures in a way that also allows for the theoretical possibility of cultures of anger and indignation

    Mimetismo di norme regolative: abrogazione, denaro (M1) ed entit\ue0 istituzionali

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    In questo saggio l\u2019autore discute tre possibili campi di ricerca per la nozione di mimetismo istituzionale proposta da Roversi. Prima di discuterli, egli spiega perch\ue9 consideri le norme costitutive di John Searle delle norme regolative ca-ratterizzate dal fatto di avere un nomen iuris per le loro fattispecie (Tatbe-stand). Dopo questa premessa, Fittipaldi affronta il fenomeno dell\u2019abrogazione e formula l\u2019ipotesi che questo fenomeno, quando costruito cognitivamente alla stregua di un atto di distruzione, \ue8 capace di certe implicazioni metaforiche sul piano della disciplina dello stesso (la deontology di Searle). Successivamente discute come certi grappoli e certe caratteristiche di norme regolative possano causare il fenomeno dell\u2019esperienza illusoria di entit\ue0 istituzionali indipenden-ti. Infine, mostra come certe norme concernenti M1 (la moneta bancaria) siano mimetiche di talune caratteristiche naturali di M0 (la moneta fisica)

    Tadalafil modulates aromatase activity and androgen receptor expression in a human osteoblastic cell in vitro model

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    Purpose Phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor (PDE5i) tadalafil administration in men with erectile dysfunction is associated with increased testosterone/estradiol ratio, leading to hypothesize a potential increased effect of androgen action on target tissues. We aimed to characterize, in a cellular model system in vitro, the potential modulation of aromatase and sex steroid hormone receptors upon exposure to tadalafil (TAD). Methods Human osteoblast-like cells SAOS-2 were chosen as an in vitro model system since osteoblasts are target of steroid hormones. Cells were tested for viability upon TAD exposure, which increased cell proliferation. Then, cells were treated with/without TAD for several times to evaluate potential modulation in PDE5, aromatase (ARO), androgen (AR) and estrogen (ER) receptor expression. Results Osteoblasts express significant levels of both PDE5 mRNA and protein. Exposure of cells to increasing concentrations of TAD (10−8–10−7 M) decreased PDE5 mRNA and protein expression. Also, TAD inhibited ARO mRNA and protein expression leading to an increase in testosterone levels in the supernatants. Interestingly, TAD increased total AR mRNA and protein expression and decreased ERα, with an increased ratio of AR/ER, suggesting preferential androgenic vs estrogenic pathway activation. Conclusions Our results demonstrate for the first time that TAD decreases ARO expression and increases AR protein expression in human SAOS-2, strongly suggesting a new control of steroid hormones pathway by PDE5i. These findings might represent the first evidence of translational actions of PDE5i on AR, which leads to hypothesize a growing relevance of this molecule in men with prostate cancer long-term treated with TAD for sexual rehabilitation. Keywords Tadalafil · Osteoblasts · Aromatase · Androgen receptor · Estrogen recepto

    Superconductivity in Sr2RuO4-Sr3Ru2O7 eutectic crystals

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    Superconducting behavior has been observed in the Sr2RuO4-Sr3Ru2O7 eutectic system as grown by the flux-feeding floating zone technique. A supercurrent flows across a single interface between Sr2RuO4 and Sr3Ru2O7 areas at distances that are far beyond those expected in a conventional proximity scenario. The current-voltage characteristics within the Sr3Ru2O7 macrodomain, as extracted from the eutectic, exhibit signatures of superconductivity in the bilayered ruthenate. Detailed microstructural, morphological and compositional analyses address issues on the concentration and the size of Sr2RuO4 inclusions within the Sr3Ru2O7 matrix. We speculate on the possibility of inhomogeneous superconductivity in the eutectic Sr3Ru2O7 and exotic pairing induced by the Sr2RuO4 inclusions.Comment: Pages 4, figures 3, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Physical activity and hypocaloric diet recovers osteoblasts homeostasis in women affected by abdominal obesity.

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    Obesity is a multifactorial disease linked to metabolic chronic disorders such as diabetes, and hypertension. Also, it has recently been associated with skeletal alterations and low bone mineral density. We previously demonstrated that exposure of osteoblasts to sera of sedentary subjects affected by obesity alters cell homeostasis in vitro, leading to disruption of intracellular differentiation pathways and cellular activity. Thus, the purpose of the present study has been to evaluate whether sera of sedentary obese women, subjected to physical activity and hypocaloric diet, could recover osteoblast homeostasis in vitro as compared to the sera of same patients before intervention protocol. To this aim, obese women were evaluated at time 0 and after 4, 6, and 12 months of individualized prescribed physical activity and hypocaloric diet. Dual-energy-X-ray absorptiometry measurements were performed at each time point, as well as blood was collected at the same points. Cells were incubated with sera of subjects before and after physical activity as described: obese at baseline and after for 4, 6, and 12 months of physical activity and nutritional protocol intervention. Osteoblasts exposed to sera of patients, who displayed increased lean and decreased fat mass (from 55.5 ± 6.5 to 57.1 ± 5.6% p ≤ 0.05; from 44.5 ± 1.1 to 40.9 ± 2.6% p ≤ 0.01 respectively), showed a time-dependent increase of Wnt/β-catenin signaling, versus cells exposed to sera of obese patients before intervention protocol, suggesting recovery of osteoblast homeostasis upon improvement of body composition. An increase in β-catenin nuclear accumulation and nuclear translocation was also observed, accompanied by an increase in Adiponectin receptor 1 protein expression, suggesting positive effect on cell differentiation program. Furthermore, a decrease in sclerostin amount and an increase of type 1 procollagen amino-terminal-propeptide were depicted as compared to baseline, proportionally to the time of physical activity, suggesting a recovery of bone remodeling modulation and an increase of osteoblast activity induced by improvement of body composition. In conclusion, our results show for the first time that sera of obese sedentary women who increased lean mass and decreased fat mass, by physical activity and hypocaloric diet, rescue osteoblasts differentiation and activity likely due to a reactivation of Wnt/β-catenin-pathway, suggesting that a correct life style can improve skeletal metabolic alteration induced by obesity
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