12,900 research outputs found

    Comparative Experience of the Effectiveness of Financing Small Enterprises

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    The article considers existing criteria of estimation of financing subjects of small business in Germany and Russia for raising its effectiveness for Russia. We analyzed main directions and mechanisms of state support in these countries. The conducted analysis demonstrated that effectiveness indices of the activity of small enterprises in FGR essentially exceed analogous indices of the activity of enterprises of EU countries. A contribution, brought by small enterprises in the development of economy of Germany is just inestimable. For functioning and financing the activity of small enterprises in FGR, there were accepted correspondent normative acts, for example, the Trade code, one of which main statements is the following: family enterprises are encouraged in Germany by giving them the free access at markets, and there are different limitations for big enterprises. The parity of competitive flows is observed by prohibiting small business purchase for big enterprises – in Germany small enterprises are distinctly divided in dependent and independent by strict statistical accounting of these companies. The author denoted base state structures, curating programs for supporting small enterprises in Germany comparing with infrastructures, engaged for supporting subjects of small and middle business, existing in Russia. Unfortunately, program arrangements for supporting subjects of small business in RF don't include special measures for supporting priority types of activity. The support is mainly directed on certain categories of citizens: unemployed, families with many children, youth and so on

    Analyzing Project Management Maturity Level in Indonesia

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    Project management has been generally known and increasingly used by many organizations to gain competitive advantage. In this context, many studies have proposed maturity models to evaluate how project management knowledge has been deployed effectively and efficiently in organization. As a developing country, Indonesia needs many development projects managed by government and private companies in different industries. Here, a study to assess project management maturity level in Indonesian businesses may bring insight about current business practices, which is important to speed up country development and business sustainability.  Adapting the Project Management Maturity Model (ProMMM), a survey instrument has been developed and applied to professionals from Jakarta and surrounding area.  The result of analysis shows that construction and primary industry have a higher maturity level compare to manufacturing and services.  It is to be noted, however, that the level of project management understanding is low across industries.  This indicates that more quality project management training or certification is required to improve overall project management knowledge in Indonesia

    Rat Monoclonal Antibodies Specific for LST1 Proteins

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    The LST1 gene is located in the human MHC class III region and encodes transmembrane and soluble isoforms that have been suggested to play a role in the regulation of the immune response and are associated with inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Here we describe the generation and characterization of the first monoclonal antibodies against LST1. Two hybridoma lines secreting monoclonal antibodies designated 7E2 and 8D12 were established. The 7E2 antibody detects recombinant and endogenous LST1 by Western blot analysis while 8D12 reacts with recombinant and endogenous LST1 in immunoprecipitation and flow cytometry procedures. The newly established antibodies were used to survey LST1 protein expression in human cell lines, which was found to be tightly regulated, allowing the expression of transmembrane isoforms but suppressing soluble isoforms

    Perbedaan Persepsi Konsumen Atas Faktor Penentu Tempat Belanja pada Indomaret dan Alfamart ( Studi Kasus pada Masyarakat Kelurahan Mangga Kecamatan Medan Tuntungan )

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    Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis perbedaan persepsi konsumen atas faktor penentu tempat belanja mengenai produk, lokasi, harga, Kenyamanan berbelanja, iklan, dan pelayanan karyawan yang terdapat di Indomaret dan Alfamart dan menganalisis beberapa macam faktor yang menjadi keunggulan Indomaret dan Alfamart untuk dapat bersaing dengan ritel- ritel lain yang terdapat di Kelurahan Mangga Kecamatan Medan Tuntungan. Jumlah sampel 200 responden, metode pengumpulan data melalui koesioner dan dokumentasi, variabel yang diteliti tentang persepsi konsumen atas faktor penentu tempat belanja mengenai produk, lokasi, harga, Kenyamanan berbelanja, iklan, dan pelayanan karyawan yang dimiliki oleh Indomaret dan Alfamart, metode analisis data dengan chisquare. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan persepsi konsumen Indomaret dengan persepsi konsumen Alfamart pada indikator lokasi, kelengkapan produk yang ditawarkan, harga dan iklan. Perbedaan yang dimaksudkab di atas bahwa Indomaret lebih unggul di bandingkan dengan Alfamart. Sedangkan dari segi Kenyamanan berbelanja dan pelayanan yang diberikan mempunyai perbedaan yang signifikan dalam arti Alfamart lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan Indomaret. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian hipotesa dengan Chi‐ Square ( χ2 ) diketahui bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara persepsi konsumen Indomaret dengan persepsi konsumen Alfamart. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan nilai χ2 hitung ( χ2 = 28.4) > χ2 tabel (χ2 tabel = 11,07). Bagi pihak manajemen Indomaret sebaiknya menyempurnakan kebijakan yang berhubungan dengan Kenyamanan dalam berbelanja seperti kemudahan mobilitas konsumen saat berbelanja dan kualitas pelayanan. Sedangkan bagi pihak Alfamart sebaiknya mengevaluasi kebijakan yang berhubungan dengan produk, lokasi, harga dan iklan

    On the type species of Aubignyna and a description of A. hamblensis, a new microforaminifer from temperate shallow waters

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    The genus Aubignyna Margerel, 1970 (type A. mariei) was originally described from the upper Pliocene of NW France. Examination and re-illustration of topotypes of A. mariei Margerel, 1970, the holotype of Buccella planidorso Atkinson, 1969 (from the Recent of Cardigan Bay, Wales) and syntypes of Rotalia perlucida Heron-Allen and Earland, 1913 (from the Clare Island Survey, western Ireland) shows them to be conspecific. Consequently, the type-species of Aubignyna becomes R. perlucida, for which a lectotype is chosen. A new species of microforaminifera formally described here is assigned to Aubignyna and shown to occur in a wide range of intertidal - shallow subtidal, brackish - normal marine estuaries and lagoons in Europe and North America

    Quantitative measurement of the surface charge density

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    We present a method of measuring the charge density on dielectric surfaces. Similar to electrostatic force microscopy we record the electrostatic interaction between the probe and the sample surface, but at large tip-sample distances. For calibration we use a pyroelectric sample which allows us to alter the surface charge density by a known amount via a controlled temperature change. For proof of principle we determined the surface charge density under ambient conditions of ferroelectric lithium niobate

    Organizational Citizenship and Teacher Evaluation: Using the T-TESS to Promote OCB and Improve Student Outcomes

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    Within the reach of institutional climate, organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) has received much attention in the business and psychological literature as a constructive mechanism designed to enhance group efficiency (Bateman & Organ, 1983; Organ, 1988; Podsakoff, Ahearn, & McKenzie, 1997). The essential definition indicates that organizational citizenship behavior refers to going beyond the requirements of one’s job with the understanding that taking such actions benefits the greater good (i.e., the company or school), with no expectation of reward or recognition for the action(s). Subsequent studies investigated OCB and its possible application in educational environs as a tool for improving school efficiency, climate, and student outcomes. The literature revealed that in schools where collectively high levels of faculty and administrator OCB existed, there have been improvements to school climate, school effectiveness, and student outcomes. In this paper, the researchers argue that the newly implemented teacher evaluation system used in the Texas public school system, the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS), may be leveraged as an effective planning and professional development tool to strategically and positively impact levels of OCB among the faculty, and by extension, to improve pedagogical practice, school climate, and increase student achievement

    Preparing Undergraduates for Research Careers: Using Astrobites in the Classroom

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    Because undergraduate participation in research is a longstanding and increasingly important aspect of the career path for future scientists, students can benefit from additional resources to introduce them to the culture and process of research. We suggest the adoption of the web resource Astrobites as a classroom tool to increase the preparation of undergraduate physics and astronomy students for careers in research. We describe the content and development of the website, discuss previous university courses that have made use of Astrobites, and suggest additional strategies for using Astrobites in the classroom.Comment: Published in the Astronomy Education Revie