293 research outputs found

    Prospects for Observing an Invisibly Decaying Higgs Boson in the t anti-t H Production at the LHC

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    The prospects for observing an invisibly decaying Higgs boson in the t anti-t H production at LHC are discussed. An isolated lepton, reconstructed hadronic top-quark decay, two identified b-jets and large missing transverse energy are proposed as the final state signature for event selection. Only the Standard Model backgrounds are taken into account. It is shown that the t anti-t Z, t anti-t W, b anti-b Z and b anti-b W backgrounds can individually be suppressed below the signal expectation. The dominant source of background remains the t anti-t production. The key for observability will be an experimental selection which allows further suppression of the contributions from the t anti-t events with one of the top-quarks decaying into a tau lepton. Depending on the details of the final analysis, an excess of the signal events above the Standard Model background of about 10% to 100% can be achieved in the mass range m_H= 100-200 GeV.Comment: Final version as accepted by EPJ

    Sustainability perspectives: a new methodological approach for quantitative assessment

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    This paper proposes a new tool to assess sustainability and make the concept of sustainable development operational. It considers its multi-dimensional structure combining the information deriving from a selection of relevant sustainability indicators belonging to economic, social and environmental pillars. The main novelties of this approach are the modelling framework, a recursive-dynamic computable general equilibrium used to calculate the trend of all indicators over time throughout the world, and the aggregation methodology to reconcile them in one aggregate index to measure overall sustainability. The former allows capturing the sector and regional interactions and higher-order effects driven by background assumptions on relevant variables to depict future scenarios. The latter makes it possible to compare sustainability performances, under alternative scenarios, across countries and over time. Main results show that the current sustainability at world level differs from what the traditional measure of well-being, the GDP, depicts, highlighting the trade-offs among different components of sustainability. Moreover, in the next decade a slight decrease in world sustainability may occur, in spite of an expected increase in world domestic product. Finally, dedicated policies increase overall sustainability, showing that social and environmental benefits may be greater than the correlated economic costs

    Densely Entangled Financial Systems

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    In [1] Zawadoski introduces a banking network model in which the asset and counter-party risks are treated separately and the banks hedge their assets risks by appropriate OTC contracts. In his model, each bank has only two counter-party neighbors, a bank fails due to the counter-party risk only if at least one of its two neighbors default, and such a counter-party risk is a low probability event. Informally, the author shows that the banks will hedge their asset risks by appropriate OTC contracts, and, though it may be socially optimal to insure against counter-party risk, in equilibrium banks will {\em not} choose to insure this low probability event. In this paper, we consider the above model for more general network topologies, namely when each node has exactly 2r counter-party neighbors for some integer r>0. We extend the analysis of [1] to show that as the number of counter-party neighbors increase the probability of counter-party risk also increases, and in particular the socially optimal solution becomes privately sustainable when each bank hedges its risk to at least n/2 banks, where n is the number of banks in the network, i.e., when 2r is at least n/2, banks not only hedge their asset risk but also hedge its counter-party risk.Comment: to appear in Network Models in Economics and Finance, V. Kalyagin, P. M. Pardalos and T. M. Rassias (editors), Springer Optimization and Its Applications series, Springer, 201

    Vacuum structure for expanding geometry

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    We consider gravitational wave modes in the FRW metrics in a de Sitter phase and show that the state space splits into many unitarily inequivalent representations of the canonical commutation relations. Non-unitary time evolution is described as a trajectory in the space of the representations. The generator of time evolution is related to the entropy operator. The thermodynamic arrow of time is shown to point in the same direction of the cosmological arrow of time. The vacuum is a two-mode SU(1,1) squeezed state of thermo field dynamics. The link between expanding geometry, squeezing and thermal properties is exhibited.Comment: Latex file, epsfig, 1 figure, 21 page

    Quantum fields in disequilibrium: neutral scalar bosons with long-range, inhomogeneous perturbations

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    Using Schwinger's quantum action principle, dispersion relations are obtained for neutral scalar mesons interacting with bi-local sources. These relations are used as the basis of a method for representing the effect of interactions in the Gaussian approximation to field theory, and it is argued that a marked inhomogeneity, in space-time dependence of the sources, forces a discrete spectrum on the field. The development of such a system is characterized by features commonly associated with chaos and self-organization (localization by domain or cell formation). The Green functions play the role of an iterative map in phase space. Stable systems reside at the fixed points of the map. The present work can be applied to self-interacting theories by choosing suitable properties for the sources. Rapid transport leads to a second order phase transition and anomalous dispersion. Finally, it is shown that there is a compact representation of the non-equilibrium dynamics in terms of generalized chemical potentials, or equivalently as a pseudo-gauge theory, with an imaginary charge. This analogy shows, more clearly, how dissipation and entropy production are related to the source picture and transform a flip-flop like behaviour between two reservoirs into the Landau problem in a constant `magnetic field'. A summary of conventions and formalism is provided as a basis for future work.Comment: 23 pages revte

    Renormalization of Poincare Transformations in Hamiltonian Semiclassical Field Theory

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    Semiclassical Hamiltonian field theory is investigated from the axiomatic point of view. A notion of a semiclassical state is introduced. An "elementary" semiclassical state is specified by a set of classical field configuration and quantum state in this external field. "Composed" semiclassical states viewed as formal superpositions of "elementary" states are nontrivial only if the Maslov isotropic condition is satisfied; the inner product of "composed" semiclassical states is degenerate. The mathematical proof of Poincare invariance of semiclassical field theory is obtained for "elementary" and "composed" semiclassical states. The notion of semiclassical field is introduced; its Poincare invariance is also mathematically proved.Comment: LaTeX, 40 pages; short version of hep-th/010307

    The noncommutative degenerate electron gas

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    The quantum dynamics of nonrelativistic single particle systems involving noncommutative coordinates, usually referred to as noncommutative quantum mechanics, has lately been the object of several investigations. In this note we pursue these studies for the case of multi-particle systems. We use as a prototype the degenerate electron gas whose dynamics is well known in the commutative limit. Our central aim here is to understand qualitatively, rather than quantitatively, the main modifications induced by the presence of noncommutative coordinates. We shall first see that the noncommutativity modifies the exchange correlation energy while preserving the electric neutrality of the model. By employing time-independent perturbation theory together with the Seiberg-Witten map we show, afterwards, that the ionization potential is modified by the noncommutativity. It also turns out that the noncommutative parameter acts as a reference temperature. Hence, the noncommutativity lifts the degeneracy of the zero temperature electron gas.Comment: 11 pages, to appear in J. Phys. A: Math. Ge

    Production of the neutral toppion at the e gamma colliders

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    In the framework of topcolor-assisted technicolor(TC2) model, we study a neutral toppion production process eγeΠt0e^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}\Pi^{0}_{t} in this paper. Our results show that the production cross section of eγeΠt0e^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}\Pi^{0}_{t} can reach the level of several tens fb, and over 10310^{3} neutral toppion events can be produced in the planned e+ee^+e^- linear colliders each year. Therefore, such a toppion production process provides us a unique chance to detect toppion events and test the TC2 model. On the other hand, the cross section of eγeΠt0e^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}\Pi^{0}_{t} is about one order of magnitude larger than those of some similar processes in SM and MSSM(i.e., eγeHe^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}H in SM and eγeH0(A0,h0)e^{-}\gamma\to e^{-}H^{0}(A^0,h^0) in MSSM). So, we can easily distinguish the neutral toppion from other neutral Higgs bosons in SM and MSSM.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, The paper has been accepted by Phys.Rev.

    Much Ado About Leptoquarks: A Comprehensive Analysis

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    We examine the phenomenological implications of a 200 GeV leptoquark in light of the recent excess of events at HERA. Given the relative predictions of events rates in e^+p versus e^-p, we demonstrate that classes of leptoquarks may be excluded, including those contained in E_6 GUT models. It is shown that future studies with polarized beams at HERA could reveal the chirality of the leptoquark fermionic coupling and that given sufficient luminosity in each e^\pm_{L,R} channel the leptoquark quantum numbers could be determined. The implications of 200-220 GeV leptoquarks at the Tevatron are examined. While present Tevatron data most likely excludes vector leptoquarks and leptogluons in this mass region, it does allow for scalar leptoquarks. We find that while leptoquarks have little influence on Drell-Yan production, further studies at the Main Injector are possible in the single production channel. We investigate precision electroweak measurements as well as the process e^+e^-\to q\bar q at LEP II and find they provide no further restrictions on these leptoquark models. We then ascertain that cross section and polarization asymmetry measurements at the NLC provide the only direct mechanism to determine the leptoquark's electroweak quantum numbers. The single production of leptoquarks in \gamma e collisions by both the backscattered laser and Weisacker-Williams techniques at the NLC is also discussed. Finally, we demonstrate that we can obtain successful coupling constant unification in models with leptoquarks, both with or without supersymmetry. The supersymmetric case requires the GUT group to be larger than SU(5) such as flipped SU(5)\times U(1)_X.Comment: Corrected single production cross section at Tevatron, updated atomic parity violation constraints, 55 page