1,049 research outputs found

    Differences in the Pattern of Antibiotic Prescription Profile and Recurrence Rate for Possible Urinary Tract Infections in Women With and Without Diabetes

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    OBJECTIVE—Women with diabetes have a high incidence and complication rate of urinary tract infections (UTIs). Our aims were to compare current treatment strategies with respect to recurrence rates in women with diabetes with those without diabetes

    Spreading of sexually transmitted diseases in heterosexual populations

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    The spread of sexually transmitted diseases (e.g. Chlamydia, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, HIV) across populations is a major concern for scientists and health agencies. In this context, both data collection on sexual contact networks and the modeling of disease spreading, are intensively contributing to the search for effective immunization policies. Here, the spreading of sexually transmitted diseases on bipartite scale-free graphs, representing heterosexual contact networks, is considered. We analytically derive the expression for the epidemic threshold and its dependence with the system size in finite populations. We show that the epidemic outbreak in bipartite populations, with number of sexual partners distributed as in empirical observations from national sex surveys, takes place for larger spreading rates than for the case in which the bipartite nature of the network is not taken into account. Numerical simulations confirm the validity of the theoretical results. Our findings indicate that the restriction to crossed infections between the two classes of individuals (males and females) has to be taken into account in the design of efficient immunization strategies for sexually transmitted diseases.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures and 2 table

    The Environmental Remediation of Clark Island − A Former AlliedSignal Inc. Site

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    Clark Island is a 63 ha island located in Lake St-Francis, part of the St-Lawrence River, Québec, Canada. Since the early 40s the island has been used for the production of mineral acids by its fanner owner, Allied Chemicals Limited. Acidic wastes were placed over large portions of the island. The presence of these waste materials together with contaminated soils was identified as a potential threat to the nearby river water quality as well as to the underlying bedrock groundwater quality. A major remedial investigation and feasibility study was initiated in 1987. The approved scope of the remediation project included the construction of one 60,000 m3 single lined cell for the placement of contaminated soils, and one 130,000 m3 double lined cell for the placement of acidic wastes. The remediation project was implemented during the 1991-1993 period. In order to assess the efficiency of the remediation, a detailed environmental monitoring program was implemented during the works and in the following years. The general conclusion of this major project is that confining acidic wastes in lined cells provide a safe and economical way to avoid detrimental consequences to the environment

    Persistencia a largo plazo de agentes biológicos en el tratamiento de pacientes con Artritis Reumatoidea: una revisión sistemática de la literatura

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    La persistencia en el tratamiento es un marcador subrogante de éxito de tratamiento a largo plazo. Objetivo: evaluar la persistencia de los agentes biológicos utilizados para el tratamiento de pacientes con artritis reumatoidea (AR) a un tiempo de 5 años y determinar las principales causas asociadas a persistencia o discontinuación.  Material y métodos: se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura (RSL), según las recomendaciones PRISMA, en las bases de datos Pubmed, Cochrane y Lilacs, y estudios presentados en los congresos ACR, EULAR, PANLAR (2018/2019) hasta enero 2020. Dos revisoras independientes, evaluaron todas las publicaciones identificadas, por título y abstract y por full text, de acuerdo a la metodología PICO. Los criterios de elegibilidad fueron estudios de pacientes ≥ 18 años con diagnóstico de AR, en tratamiento con agentes biológicos, que midieran persistencia/discontinuación en un período de tiempo igual o superior a 5 años y que estuvieran en idioma inglés o español. En el caso de falta de acuerdo entre las dos revisoras, un tercer revisor fue consultado. La información extraída fue analizada mediante estadística descriptiva, se calculó el porcentaje promedio de persistencia de cada agente biológico a los 5 años.