518 research outputs found

    Testing reflection features in 4U 1705-44 with XMM-Newton, BeppoSAX and RXTE in the hard and soft state

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    We use data of the bright atoll source 4U 1705-44 taken with XMM-Newton, BeppoSAX and RXTE both in the hard and in the soft state to perform a self-consistent study of the reflection component in this source. Although the data from these X-ray observatories are not simultaneous, the spectral decomposition is shown to be consistent among the different observations, when the source flux is similar. We therefore select observations performed at similar flux levels in the hard and soft state in order to study the spectral shape in these two states in a broad band (0.1-200 keV) energy range, with good energy resolution, and using self-consistent reflection models. These reflection models provide a good fit for the X-ray spectrum both in the hard and in the soft state in the whole spectral range. We discuss the differences in the main spectral parameters we find in the hard and the soft state, respectively, providing evidence that the inner radius of the optically thick disk slightly recedes in the hard state.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, 20 pages, 12 figure

    Combinatorial Intracellular Delivery Screening of Anticancer Drugs

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    Conventional drug solubilization strategies limit the understanding of the full potential of poorly water-soluble drugs during drug screening. Here, we propose a screening approach in which poorly water-soluble drugs are entrapped in poly(2-(methacryloyloxyethyl phosphorylcholine)-poly(2-(diisopropylaminoethyl methacryate) (PMPC–PDPA) polymersomes (POs) to enhance drug solubility and facilitate intracellular delivery. By using a human pediatric glioma cell model, we demonstrated that PMPC–PDPA POs mediated intracellular delivery of cytotoxic and epigenetic drugs by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Additionally, when delivered in combination, drug-loaded PMPC–PDPA POs triggered both an enhanced drug efficacy and synergy compared to that of a conventional combinatorial screening. Hence, our comprehensive synergy analysis illustrates that our screening methodology, in which PMPC–PDPA POs are used for intracellular codelivery of drugs, allows us to identify potent synergistic profiles of anticancer drugs

    Asymptotic expansions of the solutions of the Cauchy problem for nonlinear parabolic equations

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    Let uu be a solution of the Cauchy problem for the nonlinear parabolic equation tu=Δu+F(x,t,u,u)inRN×(0,),u(x,0)=φ(x)inRN, \partial_t u=\Delta u+F(x,t,u,\nabla u) \quad in \quad{\bf R}^N\times(0,\infty), \quad u(x,0)=\varphi(x)\quad in \quad{\bf R}^N, and assume that the solution uu behaves like the Gauss kernel as tt\to\infty. In this paper, under suitable assumptions of the reaction term FF and the initial function φ\varphi, we establish the method of obtaining higher order asymptotic expansions of the solution uu as tt\to\infty. This paper is a generalization of our previous paper, and our arguments are applicable to the large class of nonlinear parabolic equations

    Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais de Matriz Africana: outras epistemologias e filosofias garantidoras da continuidade ontológica afro-brasileira

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    This article analyzes the concept of Traditional Peoples and Communities of African Matrix, dissecting the epistemology and philosophy that guarantee the ontological continuity of the people African descent in Brazil. In this way, it seeks to introduce legal mechanisms for the protection of traditional peoples and communities, questioning the real effectiveness of these mechanisms as guarantors of social justice, taking into account the 'Enmity Policy' rooted in the Brazilian State towards the African descendants of this territory. For this, it will be discussed, from a qualitative approach anchored in a literature review, key concepts brought by Mbembe (2017) in his book "Politics of enmity", as well as problematizing the constitution of the democratic rule of law and the individualistic subject. product of postmodernity, or as some authors define “late modernity” from the plundering of so-called uncivilized peoples. Thinking about how this looting directly affects the possibility of maintaining humanity in view of the conquest and potential destruction of the cosmos as the basis of the white-western postmodern society model. Thus, this study aims to enhance the original epistemologies and philosophies, contributing to other readings and perceptions about the Western civilization process.Este artículo analiza el concepto de Pueblos y Comunidades Tradicionales de Matriz Africana, diseccionando la epistemología y la filosofía que garantizan la continuidad ontológica de los afrodescendientes en Brasil. De esta manera, busca introducir mecanismos legales para la protección de los pueblos y comunidades tradicionales, cuestionando la efectividad real de estos mecanismos como garantes de la justicia social, teniendo en cuenta la 'Política de Enemistad' arraigada en el Estado brasileño hacia los afrodescendientes de este territorio Para ello, se discutirán, desde un enfoque cualitativo anclado en una revisión bibliográfica, conceptos clave traídos por Mbembe (2017) en su libro “Políticas de la enemistad”, así como problematizar la constitución del Estado democrático de derecho y el individualismo. sujeto producto de la posmodernidad, o como algunos autores definen la “modernidad tardía” a partir del despojo de los llamados pueblos incivilizados. Pensar cómo este saqueo incide directamente en la posibilidad de mantener a la humanidad de cara a la conquista y potencial destrucción del cosmos como base del modelo de sociedad posmoderna blanco-occidental. Por lo tanto, este estudio tiene como objetivo mejorar las epistemologías y filosofías originales, contribuyendo a otras lecturas y percepciones sobre el proceso de civilización occidental.O presente artigo analisa o conceito de Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais de Matriz Africana, dissecando a epistemologia e filosofia garantidoras da continuidade ontológica do povo descendente de africanos no Brasil. Desta forma, busca introduzir os mecanismos jurídicos de proteção dos povos e comunidades tradicionais problematizando a real efetividade desses mecanismos como garantidores de justiça social tendo em conta a ‘Política de Inimizade” enraizada no Estado brasileiro para com os descendentes de africanos deste território. Para isso se discutirá, a partir de uma abordagem qualitativa ancorada em uma revisão de literatura, conceitos-chave trazidos por Mbembe (2017) em seu livro “Políticas da inimizade “, assim como problematizar a constituição do Estado democrático de direito e do sujeito individualista produto da pós-modernidade, ou como alguns autores determinam “modernidade tardia” a partir da pilhagem dos povos ditos não civilizados. Pensar como essa pilhagem afeta diretamente a possibilidade de manutenção da humanidade tendo em vista a conquista e potencial destruição do cosmos como basilar do modelo de sociedade pós-moderna branco-ocidental. Assim, este estudo pretende potencializar as epistemologias e filosofias originárias, contribuindo para outras leituras e percepções a cerca do processo civilizatório ocidental

    Hypoallergenic fragment of Par j 2 increases functional expression of Toll-like receptors in atopic children

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    Parietaria judaica (Par j) is one of the main causes of allergy in the Mediterranean countries. The activation of Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) inhibits nasal inflammation of atopic children

    Factores terapéuticos en dinámica grupal.

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    Con el presente estudio pretendemos contribuir al análisis de los factores que han intervenido en el proceso terapéutico de pacientes tratados en dinámica grupal desde su propia visión y experiencia. Para ello, nos hemos basado en las respuestas obtenidas a través de un cuestionario realizado en entrevista individual. Los pacientes pertenecían a dos grupos abiertos de terapia ambulatoria del Hospital General «Gregorio Marañón» de Madrid. La «Comprensión de sí mismo» y «Verbalización», han resultado los factores más elegidos por el conjunto de los pacientes como los de mayor utilidad en su proceso terapéutico, mientras que la «Emulación» ha sido el menos considerado. Queremos resaltar la importancia que tiene el estudio de los factores curativos en rango de utilidad desde la perspectiva del paciente a fin de que los profesionales favorezcan su aparición y la propicien en una mejor atención y comprensión del enferm

    Hemochromatosis Mimicked Gaucher Disease: Role of Hyperferritinemia in Evaluation of a Clinical Case

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    Gaucher disease is a disorder of lysosomes caused by a functional defect of the glucocere-brosidase enzyme. The disease is mainly due to mutations in the GBA1 gene, which determines the gradual storage of glucosylceramide substrate in the patient’s macrophages. In this paper, we describe the case of a 38-year-old man who clinically presented with hyperferritinemia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, anemia and mild splenomegaly; a diagnosis of hemochromatosis was made 10 years earlier. Re-evaluation of the clinical case led to a suspicion of Gaucher disease, which was confirmed by enzymatic analysis, which was found to be below the normal range, and genetic evaluation, which identified compound heterozygosity N370S/RecNciI. We know that patients suffering from Gaucher disease can also have high ferritin levels. Even if the mechanism underlying the changes in iron metabolism is not yet elucidated, the chronic mild inflammatory state present in these patients probably causes the storage of ferritin in macrophages, resulting in hyperferritinemia. Therefore, in the presence of few typical signs and symptoms of the disease should raise an alarm bell in the clinicians, inducing clinical suspicion of Gaucher disease. Misdiagnosis and diagnostic delay in metabolic diseases could cause irreversible organ damage and delay the start of specific therapy for these patients

    Factores terapéuticos en dinámica grupal.

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    Con el presente estudio pretendemos contribuir al análisis de los factores que han intervenido en el proceso terapéutico de pacientes tratados en dinámica grupal desde su propia visión y experiencia. Para ello, nos hemos basado en las respuestas obtenidas a través de un cuestionario realizado en entrevista individual. Los pacientes pertenecían a dos grupos abiertos de terapia ambulatoria del Hospital General «Gregorio Marañón» de Madrid. La «Comprensión de sí mismo» y «Verbalización», han resultado los factores más elegidos por el conjunto de los pacientes como los de mayor utilidad en su proceso terapéutico, mientras que la «Emulación» ha sido el menos considerado. Queremos resaltar la importancia que tiene el estudio de los factores curativos en rango de utilidad desde la perspectiva del paciente a fin de que los profesionales favorezcan su aparición y la propicien en una mejor atención y comprensión del enferm