2,044 research outputs found

    The Unwanted: European Refugees in the Twentieth Century Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1985

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    Throughout history, mankind has migrated, whether from valley to valley or to a distant continent. At times, these population shifts may have affected only a relatively small portion of human society while on other occasions, particularly during the past century, migration has had an impact upon literally millions of people worldwide

    IDeF-X ASIC for Cd(Zn)Te spectro-imaging systems

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    Joint progresses in Cd(Zn)Te detectors, microelectronics and interconnection technologies open the way for a new generation of instruments for physics and astrophysics applications in the energy range from 1 to 1000 keV. Even working between -20 and 20 degrees Celsius, these instruments will offer high spatial resolution (pixel size ranging from 300 x 300 square micrometers to few square millimeters), high spectral response and high detection efficiency. To reach these goals, reliable, highly integrated, low noise and low power consumption electronics is mandatory. Our group is currently developing a new ASIC detector front-end named IDeF-X, for modular spectro-imaging system based on the use of Cd(Zn)Te detectors. We present here the first version of IDeF-X which consists in a set of ten low noise charge sensitive preamplifiers (CSA). It has been processed with the standard AMS 0.35 micrometer CMOS technology. The CSA are designed to be DC coupled to detectors having a low dark current at room temperature. The various preamps implemented are optimized for detector capacitances ranging from 0.5 up to 30 pF.Comment: 8 pages, 11 figures, IEEE NSS-MIC conference in Rome 2004, submitted to IEEE TNS, correction in unit of figure

    Economic and Organizational Aspects of Cooperative Feedlots

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    The cooperative organization of specialized large-scale feedlots, described in this bulletin, is not the only means open to South Dakota farmers and investors who want to enter the feeding business. A study of the cooperative feedlot was made because so little is known of its potential comparted with other forms of business organization. In no case should it be inferred that the Economics Department, South Dakota State College, is recommending that farmers and investors follow this route in all instances. Other ways of organizing a cattle feeding business include individual proprietorships with ample credit, private corporations, vertical integration, and partnerships

    Rushmore Spring Wheat

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    James Hulless Oats

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    A new hulless oat, James, C.I. 5015, has been described. This variety was derived from the cross of ( Bond x Double Cross Bond) x Nakota. It is stiff-strawed, mid-early and has produced a high yield of good quality grain in eastern South Dakota. James has the White Russian type of stem rust resistance, Puccinia graminis avenae, Eriks, and Henn., and the Bond type leaf rust resistance, Puccinia coronata (Pers.) Cda. It is resistant to both species of smut, U stilago kolleri Wille. and Ustilago avenae (Pers.) Rostr

    An Analysis of Small Grain Performance in South Dakota, 1942-1951

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    The small grain performance tests were located at the State Experiment Station, Brookings, the Central Substation, Highmore, the Range Field Station, Cottonwood and the North Central Substation, Eureka. In most cases the yields at the outlying stations were taken from nursery plots, with the exception of the winter wheat, rye and flax data which came from still strip plots of approximately 1/50th acre in size. The yields at Brookings were taken from drill trip plots 1/40th acre in size. Since yielding quality cannot be measured with absolute accuracy, small differences in yield are not important. Unless the difference exceeds the “least significant difference” given in the yield tables, little emphasis should be placed on the superiority in yield of one variety over another

    Psychosocial functioning in toddlers with moderate hearing loss : the importance of caregivers

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    For decades children with moderate hearing loss (MHL) were “forgotten children”. Most research focused on deaf children and the needs of children with MHL were underestimated. Children with MHL have inconsistent access to linguistic input and social-emotional experiences and that place them at risk for developmental difficulties. In the present thesis the psychosocial functioning of toddlers with moderate hearing loss was examined within the context of the caregiving environment. No risk factors were found in the parent-child affective domain: Toddlers with MHL were affected by the emotions of others, they were affectively available to their parents and their parents to them, and their parents did not feel more parental stress than parents of toddlers without hearing loss. Challenges were found in the domain of meaningful social interactions: Toddlers with MHL had more difficulties in understanding the intentions of others and exchanged fewer social-communicative signals. The episodes of joint engagement during parent-child interactions were briefer and parents used less rich language during these interactions than parents of toddlers without hearing loss. To overcome these challenges parents could ready storybooks with their children. An interactive reading program for parents of toddlers with hearing loss showed to be effective in increasing joint engagement. Pathways through Adolescenc

    Family-Centered Early Intervention (FCEI) Involving Fathers and Mothers of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing: Parental Involvement and Self-Efficacy

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    (1) Background: Studies related to family-centered early intervention (FCEI) for children who are deaf or hard of hearing (DHH) have largely focused on mothers, at the exclusion of fathers. Yet, understanding fathers’ experiences with FCEI is also important and may inform service delivery. The present study explores self-efficacy and involvement with FCEI in both fathers and mothers. (2) Methods: Dutch fathers and mothers completed questionnaires about their parental self-efficacy, involvement in FCEI, perceived support from their primary EI provider, and the impact of raising a child who is DHH on parenting. (3) Results: Both fathers and mothers reported relatively high levels of self-efficacy. Mothers reported higher levels than fathers on some domains of self-efficacy and tended to be more involved in their child’s FCEI than fathers. In fathers, but not mothers, higher levels of self-efficacy were related to higher levels of involvement and higher levels of perceived support. (4) Conclusions: Similarities and differences were found between fathers and mothers in their perspectives on self-efficacy and involvement. This points to potential differences related to their FCEI needs. EI providers need to address both the needs of fathers and mothers to promote optimal development among child who are DHH

    Irrigation Research in the James River Basin: A Five-Year Progress Report

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    The prospect of irrigation in the James River Basin has created much interest in the past few years. To provide a scientific foundation and proceed with a minimum of costly trial and error, research on crop varieties, soil fertility and management, pastures, and water management was increased in the area in 19 4 8. Experiments were conducted on non-irrigated and irrigated land to determine the results and benefits under each condition. The expanded research work was conducted primarily on the Huron Development Farm and the Red field Development Farm
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