173 research outputs found

    Simple Non Linear Klein-Gordon Equations in 2 space dimensions, with long range scattering

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    We establish that solutions, to the most simple NLKG equations in 2 space dimensions with mass resonance, exhibits long range scattering phenomena. Modified wave operators and solutions are constructed for these equations. We also show that the modified wave operators can be chosen such that they linearize the non-linear representation of the Poincar\'e group defined by the NLKG.Comment: 19 pages, LaTeX, To appear in Lett. Math. Phy

    Survival and ice nucleation activity of bacteria as aerosols in a cloud simulation chamber

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    The residence time of bacterial cells in the atmosphere is predictable by numerical models. However, estimations of their aerial dispersion as living entities are limited by a lack of information concerning survival rates and behavior in relation to atmospheric water. Here we investigate the viability and ice nucleation (IN) activity of typical atmospheric ice nucleation active bacteria (Pseudomonas syringae and P. fluorescens) when airborne in a cloud simulation chamber (AIDA, Karlsruhe, Germany). Cell suspensions were sprayed into the chamber and aerosol samples were collected by impingement at designated times over a total duration of up to 18 h, and at some occasions after dissipation of a cloud formed by depressurization. Aerosol concentration was monitored simultaneously by online instruments. The cultivability of airborne cells decreased exponentially over time with a half-life time of 250 ±30 min (about 3.5 to 4.5 h). In contrast, IN activity remained unchanged for several hours after aerosolization, demonstrating that IN activity was maintained after cell death. Interestingly, the relative abundance of IN active cells still airborne in the chamber was strongly decreased after cloud formation and dissipation. This illustrates the preferential precipitation of IN active cells by wet processes. Our results indicate that from 10⁶ cells aerosolized from a surface, one would survive the average duration of its atmospheric journey estimated at 3.4 days. Statistically, this corresponds to the emission of 1 cell that achieves dissemination every ~33 min m¯² of cultivated crops fields, a strong source of airborne bacteria. Based on the observed survival rates, depending on wind speed, the trajectory endpoint could be situated several hundreds to thousands of kilometers from the emission source. These results should improve the representation of the aerial dissemination of bacteria in numeric models

    Degradation of wheat straw by Fibrobacter succinogenes S85: a liquid and solid state Nuclear Magnetic resonance study

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    Wheat straw degradation by Fibrobacter succinogenes was monitored by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and chemolytic methods to investigate the activity of an entire fibrolytic system on an intact complex substrate. In situ solid-state NMR with 13C cross-polarization magic angle spinning was used to monitor the modification of the composition and structure of lignocellulosic fibers (of 13C-enriched wheat straw) during the growth of bacteria on this substrate. There was no preferential degradation either of amorphous regions of cellulose versus crystalline regions or of cellulose versus hemicelluloses in wheat straw. This suggests either a simultaneous degradation of the amorphous and crystalline parts of cellulose and of cellulose and hemicelluloses by the enzymes or degradation at the surface at a molecular scale that cannot be detected by NMR. Liquid-state two-dimensional NMR experiments and chemolytic methods were used to analyze in detail the various sugars released into the culture medium. An integration of NMR signals enabled the quantification of oligosaccharides produced from wheat straw at various times of culture and showed the sequential activities of some of the fibrolytic enzymes of F. succinogenes S85 on wheat straw. In particular, acetylxylan esterase appeared to be more active than arabinofuranosidase, which was more active than -glucuronidase. Finally, cellodextrins did not accumulate to a great extent in the culture mediu

    Microbiology and atmospheric processes: chemical interactions of primary biological aerosols

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    This paper discusses the influence of primary biological aerosols (PBA) on atmospheric chemistry and vice versa through microbiological and chemical properties and processes. Several studies have shown that PBA represent a significant fraction of air particulate matter and hence affect the microstructure and water uptake of aerosol particles. Moreover, airborne micro-organisms, namely fungal spores and bacteria, can transform chemical constituents of the atmosphere by metabolic activity. Recent studies have emphasized the viability of bacteria and metabolic degradation of organic substances in cloud water. On the other hand, the viability and metabolic activity of airborne micro-organisms depend strongly on physical and chemical atmospheric parameters such as temperature, pressure, radiation, pH value and nutrient concentrations. In spite of recent advances, however, our knowledge of the microbiological and chemical interactions of PBA in the atmosphere is rather limited. Further targeted investigations combining laboratory experiments, field measurements, and modelling studies will be required to characterize the chemical feedbacks, microbiological activities at the air/snow/water interface supplied to the atmosphere

    Resonance-free Region in scattering by a strictly convex obstacle

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    We prove the existence of a resonance free region in scattering by a strictly convex obstacle with the Robin boundary condition. More precisely, we show that the scattering resonances lie below a cubic curve which is the same as in the case of the Neumann boundary condition. This generalizes earlier results on cubic poles free regions obtained for the Dirichlet boundary condition.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figure

    Interaction of vortices in viscous planar flows

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    We consider the inviscid limit for the two-dimensional incompressible Navier-Stokes equation in the particular case where the initial flow is a finite collection of point vortices. We suppose that the initial positions and the circulations of the vortices do not depend on the viscosity parameter \nu, and we choose a time T > 0 such that the Helmholtz-Kirchhoff point vortex system is well-posed on the interval [0,T]. Under these assumptions, we prove that the solution of the Navier-Stokes equation converges, as \nu -> 0, to a superposition of Lamb-Oseen vortices whose centers evolve according to a viscous regularization of the point vortex system. Convergence holds uniformly in time, in a strong topology which allows to give an accurate description of the asymptotic profile of each individual vortex. In particular, we compute to leading order the deformations of the vortices due to mutual interactions. This allows to estimate the self-interactions, which play an important role in the convergence proof.Comment: 39 pages, 1 figur

    Bounds on the growth of high Sobolev norms of solutions to 2D Hartree Equations

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    In this paper, we consider Hartree-type equations on the two-dimensional torus and on the plane. We prove polynomial bounds on the growth of high Sobolev norms of solutions to these equations. The proofs of our results are based on the adaptation to two dimensions of the techniques we previously used to study analogous problems on S1S^1, and on R\mathbb{R}.Comment: 38 page

    Les différentes facettes de la biodégradabilité des plastiques.

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    Oligosaccharide synthesis in Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 and its modulation by the substrate

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    In this article we compared the metabolism of phosphorylated and unphosphorylated oligosaccharides (cellodextrins and maltodextrins) in Fibrobacter succinogenes S85 resting cells incubated with the following substrates: glucose; cellobiose; a mixture of glucose and cellobiose; and cellulose. Intracellular and extracellular media were analysed by 1H-NMR and by TLC. The first important finding is that no cellodextrins were found to accumulate in the extracellular media of cells, regardless of the substrate; this contrasts to what is generally reported in the literature. The second finding of this work is that maltodextrins of degree of polymerization > 2 are synthesized regardless of the substrate, and can be used by the bacteria. Maltotriose plays a key role in this metabolism of maltodextrin. Maltodextrin-1-phosphate was detected in all the incubations, and a new metabolite, corresponding to a phosphorylated glucose derivative, was produced in the extracellular medium when cells were incubated with cellulose. The accumulation of these phosphorylated sugars increased with the degree of polymerization of the substrat